results of algorithms started from EnMAP-Box ProcessingToolbox shouldn't be opened in QGIS, but in EnMAP-Box only

Issue #812 on hold
Andreas Janz created an issue

Originally reported by @Agustin Lobo in #450.

Can be reproduced like so:

Comments (7)

  1. Andreas Janz reporter

    FYI @Benjamin Jakimow , as discussed today, I will implement the button (under Tools > Developers) to remove non-EnMAP-Box layer: #973

  2. Benjamin Jakimow

    Requires changes to QGIS Python API, which will will definitely not be done until the next EnMAP-Box releast

    from plugins/processing/

     if alg.countVisibleParameters() > 0:
                        dlg = alg.createCustomParametersWidget(parent)
                        if not dlg:
                            dlg = AlgorithmDialog(alg, in_place, iface.mainWindow())
                        canvas = iface.mapCanvas()
                        prevMapTool = canvas.mapTool()
    context = dataobjects.createContext(feedback)        

    • The iface.mainWindow() need to be replaces with the EnMAP-Box main UI ( EnMAPBox().ui )
    • The dataobject.createContext(feedback) needs to be replaced with the EnMAPBox().processingContext)

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