missing "Copy Style" button in speclibs context menu

Issue #825 resolved
Andreas Janz created an issue

Comments (9)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow

    The context menus are now consistent with that for map views:

    Spectral Library View → rename/close/show.
    In future this might get more actions related to the view only, e.g. copy / paste visualization settings, add to map canvas etc.

    Subnode with vectorlayer symbol → rename/copy style/paste style/layer properties
    In future there will be more subnodes, e.g. for spectral processing models or multiple speclibs visualized in the same Spectral Library View

  2. Benjamin Jakimow

    Realizing that some things can be done fast I expanded the Speclib View Nodes’s context menu by some toolbar actions.
    @Fabian Thiel note that the “Add Profile(s)” button now is only enabled if temporary profiles exists that can be added permanently.

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