don't force profile plot to start at 0, to not distort the plot

Issue #851 resolved
Andreas Janz created an issue

profile = SpectralProfile()
profile.setValues(x=[2010, 2020], y=[0,10000], xUnit='DecimalYear')

qgsApp = start_app()
enmapBox = EnMAPBox(None)
dock: SpectralLibraryDock  = enmapBox.dockManager().createDock('SPECLIB')
dock.mSpeclibWidget.setCurrentProfiles([profile], currentProfileColors=QColor('#ff0000'))

Comments (7)

  1. Andreas Janz reporter

    @Benjamin Jakimow I checked again and now I really insist calling it buggy.

    The problem with the gab starting at zero is only true when plotting against nanomters.

    When plotting against micrometers, the gap jumps to the other side:

    And for millimeters and meters, the plot is crewed up totally:

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