add a "Subset raster layer bands" algorithm

Issue #890 resolved
Andreas Janz created an issue

As explained in #883:

Comments (6)

  1. Agustin Lobo

    It is very inconvenient not being able to select the output format in Subset bands and not being able to subset bands (and discard bad bands) in Save as.. Why not just add a subset bands option to Save as… and that would also imply one less menu item?

    Please note that EnMapBox requires excluding bad bands prior to any processing tool, so discarding bad bands must be easy…

  2. Agustin Lobo

    In that case, both Save as and Subset bands would be superfluous, which I do not think. What I think is that both should be just one Save as and Subset bands, to simplify. And still provide a simple way to perform a very common and used task: Subset bands, but letting the user select the format. Note that you are not supporting bad bands in most processing applications, while bad bands are always initially present. Hence the need for a simple and efficient way to remove them.

    Translate is great (provided the problems are fixed), but too complex in many cases.

    Actually, in general, all applications should let the user select the output format.

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