improve PRISMA product import

Issue #904 resolved
Andreas Janz created an issue

Currently, we just stack VNIR and SWIR bands together. It is proposed to implement the following improvements:

  • allow to select whether to import VNIR, SWIR or both; also allow to import the related pixel error bands

  • allow to import the geolocation fields

  • allow to import PAN bands

  • resolve issues with h5py
  • copy all product metadata

Comments (6)

  1. Andreas Janz reporter

    Now all PRISMA L2D subdatasets can be imported:

    The default is to import the Spectral Cube and the PAN Band. All other datasets are skipped by default.

  2. Andreas Janz reporter

    Note that you can now easily apply Hyperspectral-Pansharpening using the GDAL or GRASS algorithms:

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