QGIS (v 3.22) crached after installing EnMAP box (v 3.9) in Ubuntu 20.04

Issue #920 resolved
Former user created an issue

I allow myself to share my problem, indeed QGIS (version 3.22) crashes after installing the EnMAP-box 3.9 plugin under Ubuntu 20.04. Below are the steps I did:

  1. install QGIS by following the steps quoted in the official QGIS site: https://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/alldownloads.html#debian-ubuntu

  2. Then I installed the necessary packages for the EnMAP box plugin via the "Terminal" as mentioned in the EnMAP site: https://enmap-box.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usr_section /usr_installation.html

command line : python3 -m pip install -r https://bitbucket.org/hu-geomatics/enmap-box/raw/develop/requirements.txt

  1. Installation of the EnMAP plugin via QGIS and I update the secondary packages to numpy=1.17.4, h5py=3.6.0 (but crashed),pip=20.0.2, numba=0.55,scipy=1.7.3,... (see attachment). Indeed as soon as I install the "h5py" package the QGIS software crashes. Apparently there is a bug between the different versions of these packages: "h5py" , "hdf5" and "numpy" (see the error in attachment).

Have confronted this type of bug, thank you in advance for sharing with me your suggestions / solutions !!

Comments (7)

  1. Benjamin Jakimow

    @Former User
    I wounder why packages.png screenshot does not show the h5py package as being installed although you have run the pip install from command line before?

    python3 -m pip install -r https://bitbucket.org/hu-geomatics/enmap-box/raw/develop/requirements.txt

    Can you check from you shell where h5py was installed to?
    pip show h5py

    (As the screenshot shows, numpy should not have been updated by the PIP Package Installer)

  2. tazrart

    Thank you Benjamin Jakimow very much for your answer and for your interest in my question.
    Indeed, in the "packages" screenshot in my question above, I uninstalled the "h5py" package with this command line "pip uninstall h5py", because without uninstalling this package, I cannot run EnMAP- box (QGIS crashes) and therefore I cannot show you the version of the packages installed in this plugin.

    So I run the command line again in the terminal:
    python3 -m pip install -r https://bitbucket.org/hu-geomatics/enmap-box/raw/develop/requirements.txt

    And another time QGIS crashes (see attachments below: crashed_qgis.png, bug_qgis_terminal.png ).

    After I run "pip show h5py" and "pip show numpy" in the Terminal and here is the information attached - see below (show_h5py_numpy.png).

    I believe that the problem is due to a confusion between two versions of HDF5 installed somewhere in the computer and the numpy package is installed in the older version of hdf5....
    Unfortunately I can't find a solution to this bug? Thanks again for your help!

  3. Benjamin Jakimow

    @Andreas Janz do you know which HDF5 version and which Linux was used when the PRISMA data import was tested for Linux?

  4. tazrart

    Thanks for your feedback. Indeed I tested several versions of h5py and numpy and in the end the EnMAP-box plugin works with version 2.10.0 for h5py and version 1.20.2 for numpy.

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