implement convex hull algorithm

Issue #926 resolved
Andreas Janz created an issue

The simple, but slow, solution would be to use the Scipy implementation:

A mutch more performant solution would be to implement it using Numba. Problem is: some users had problems installing Numba on there systems.

Maybe we implement both optiuons, and let the user choose which one to use.

Comments (17)

  1. Andreas Janz reporter

    Stéphane Guillaso already provided the Numba code:

    from numba import jit, float32, void, intc, int64, int32
    import numpy as np
    #   This routine calculate the continuum line to be removed from the original spectrum.
    #   It is a recursive routine.
    #   Algo: 
    #   1) calculate the line equation between the extreme points of the spectrum y
    #     we obtain 2 coefficients: a and b
    #   2) calculate the continumm line h between extreme points
    #     h = a * x + b
    #   3) calculate distance from each spectrum position to the line dlm
    #   4) we choose the lowest value corresponding the the biggest distance between
    #      line and a point above the line (this is due to the calculation line-point)
    #   5) Test this distance
    #     - if dlm >= 0 then we exit the routine, meaning that we don't have any point
    #       above the line
    #   6) We split the spectrum into 2 parts at the position of the selected point
    #      (dlp)
    #   7) We call the same routine over the 2 sub lines and we continue.
    #   This routines is based on the algorithm described here:
    #   the main difference is that we calculate only the upper part (as we are not 
    #   interesting to the lower part of the spectrum)
    #   At the end, the variable h (having the same size than x and y) is returning
    #   the continuum line.
    @jit(void(float32[:], float32[:], float32[:], intc, intc), nopython=True, fastmath=True)
    def get_continuum_line(x, y, h, beg, end):
        a = (y[end] - y[beg]) / (x[end] - x[beg])
        b = y[beg] - a * x[beg]
        dlv = 0.
        dlm = 10000.
        dlp = -1
        for k in range(beg, end+1, 1):
            h[k] = a * x[k] + b
            dlv = (a * x[k] - y[k] + b) / np.sqrt(a*a + 1)
            if (dlv<dlm):
                dlm = dlv
                dlp = k
        if (dlm == 0): return
        if (dlp > beg and dlp < end):
            get_continuum_line(x, y, h, beg, dlp)
            get_continuum_line(x, y, h, dlp, end)

    Where x is wavelength value, y is spectrum value and h is the hull function.

    Be aware that the function is only calculating the upper part of the hull and not the total (which can easy be implemented by following the code given in

    I hope its help



  2. Andreas Janz reporter

    Hi @Agustin Lobo , I would allow to calculate the hull and the continuum-removed outputs at the same time. Both of them could be skipped. Also, the user can decide to use band number or nanomters as X values.

    Any further suggestions from your side?

  3. Agustin Lobo

    See Hecker, Christoph, Frank J.A. van Ruitenbeek, Harald M.A. van der Werff, Wim H. Bakker, Robert D. Hewson, and Freek D. van der Meer. 2019. “Spectral Absorption Feature Analysis for Finding Ore: A Tutorial on Using the Method in Geological Remote Sensing.” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine 7 (2): 51–71.

    “In the past, several methods to approximate the continuum
    have been applied: straight line, second-order polynomial,
    cubic spline, and convex hull [21], [41]–[43]Currently, most
    continuum removal methods in image processing seem
    to be using the convex hull method (see, for instance, the
    ENVI software package). Once the continuum is calculated,
    it can be removed by dividing it into the original spectrum,
    assuming that the continuum has a multiplicative effect on
    the spectrum. This process results in a continuum-removed
    spectrum, or hull quotient, because it is the ratio between
    the spectrum and the hull [40]. In this way, the absorption
    features are always between zero and one and can read-
    ily be subjected to further analysis. Alternatively, the hull
    could also be subtracted from the spectra, which would be
    relevant when using apparent absorbance spectra [21].”

    and its Fig. 2:

  4. Andreas Janz reporter

    Interesting, so we could have three outputs: i) the hull, ii) the hull quotient and iii) the hull difference.

    Just to be sure: is this the correct formular for the hull difference?
    out_contrem = input - out_convhull

    Could you check the IDL code that produced the screenshot above?

  5. Agustin Lobo

    so we could have three outputs: i) the hull, ii) the hull quotient and iii) the hull difference

    Yes, but please make selecting the outputs optional (ratio and/or difference) so that the user can save disk space and writing time.

    Could you check the IDL code that produced the screenshot above?

    Not easily, but will try.

  6. Andreas Janz reporter

    Yes, but please make selecting the outputs optional (ratio and/or difference) so that the user can save disk space and writing time.

    Yes, all 3 outputs can be skipped by the user:

  7. Andreas Janz reporter

    Note that HypPy also has the option and there you have the python code:

    👍 I’ll check it out

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