Raster Layer Styling panel minimum size too large

Issue #982 closed
Benjamin Jakimow created an issue


The Raster Layer Styling panel occupies almost 1/2 of the EnMAP-Box height, although there might be noting to show, e.g. after the start of the EnMAP-Box (see screenshot). Furthermore it cannot be resized to a smaller height.

  • do not show the (empty) panel by default. A good default might be showing it first after the 1st raster layer was selected in the layer tree, or adding an option to the context menu / menu of the Data Views panel (similar to the QGIS layer tree panel)
  • make the raster layer styling panel resizable and ensure a much smaller minimum size. A good example is given by the QGIS layer styling panel or the EnMAP-Box data source and data view panels, which can be reduced to ~100 px height.

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