improve warnings when running script

Issue #987 resolved
Andreas Janz created an issue

In the the user is asked to run the script:

Doing so gives warnings like:

Broken *.qrc location in D:/source/QGISPlugIns/enmap-box/enmapbox/gui/ui/enmapbox_gui.ui
Broken *.qrc location in D:/source/QGISPlugIns/enmap-box/enmapbox/gui/ui/spectralprofilesourcepanel.ui
Broken *.qrc location in D:/source/QGISPlugIns/enmap-box/enmapbox/qgispluginsupport/qps/speclib/ui/speclibimportwidget.ui
Broken *.qrc location in D:/source/QGISPlugIns/enmap-box/enmapbox/qgispluginsupport/qps/speclib/ui/spectralprofileeditorwidget.ui

“Broken” sounds a bit dangerous. Please improve the warning and tell the user what needs to be done to fix this.

If a broken *.qrc location can be ignored, just delete the warning. (Or explicitely tell the user to just ignore it - but that wouldn’t make much sense I guess?)

Comments (4)

  1. Andreas Janz reporter

    Never said that it is a blocking issue. I just want to improve warnings and error messages that we show to the user.

    We can call it an enhancement, if you like.

    We can also say that it is of minor priority, as long as it is in v3.10 😉

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