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enmap-box / events / workshop2021_code_of_conduct

EnMAP-Box Workshop 2021

Code of conduct

The EnMAP-Box Workshop 2021 is an event with international participation open to anyone interested in imaging spectroscopy and EnMAP related technologies, activities and/or initiatives, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, political views, physical appearance, disability, financial situation. All communication should at all times be polite, appropriate for a professional gathering. Please, keep in mind that most attendees are not native English speakers.

The EnMAP-Box Workshop Organizing Committee will not tolerate any form of harassment towards attendees, organizers, presenters or technical staff during the workshop events.

Harassment includes:

  1. offensive language, inappropriate jokes or gestures with regard to one’s race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, political views, physical appearance, disability, financial situation,

  2. deliberate inappropriate physical contact, badgerring photography or voice recording, unwanted sexual attention,

  3. repeated disruptive activities during different EnMAP Workshop events.

All participants must comply to the EnMAP-Box Workshop 2021 Code of Conduct. If a participant disregards it, the workshop organisers may take any action they consider appropriate for the issue in question, including expulsion from the workshop and any other EnMAP-Box Workshop 2021 related activity with no refund.

If you are or hear/see a harassment incident, please contact:

ALL REPORTS ARE CONFIDENTIAL and will be handled with discretion.

When reporting, try to gather as much information as possible, but do not interview people about the incident – Staff will assist you in writing the report/collecting information.

Important information:

  • Identifying information (name) of the participant doing the harassing
  • The behavior that was in violation
  • The approximate time of the behavior (if different than the time the report was made)
  • The circumstances surrounding the incident
  • Other people involved in the incident
