Handling of L2 sources

Issue #10 resolved
Benjamin Jakimow created an issue

The force-higher-level can be used to improve the spatial resolution of L2 product, e.g. Landsat 8 with 10m spatial resolution, based on temporally adjacent S2 observations. In that case it is common, that force creates files with suffic `*IM

E.g. a force tile folder might contain:

20140225_LEVEL2_LND08_BOA.tif - the L2 processing output at 30m spatial resolution, as well as

20140225_LEVEL2_LND08_IMP.tif, the improved L2 output at 10m spatial resolution

In such a case, which of both files will be taken by the FORCE4QGIS plugin, e.g. to create the time series stack?

The GUI should offer a checkbox to handle such cases, e.g. “x use improved data sources”.

Comments (6)

  1. Andreas Janz

    Wasn’t aware of the *_IMP files.

    Will include a checkbox “Prefere improved Landsat L2 data (*_IMP) over standard (*_BOA) if available“ (checked by default)

    @Benjamin Jakimow please share a dataset that includes IMP files.

  2. Benjamin Jakimow reporter

    You find some *IMPs e.g. on Jakku:


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