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One Click Raster Stacking

Adds a toolbar button that lets you quickly stack all raster bands with matching CRS into a single raster to allow RGB visualisations using bands from different rasters files.

Stacking raster bands is of course possible with in-build QGIS/GDAL functionality, but this One Click Solution does the job mutch faster.


  1. Open all raster that you want to stack in QGIS.
  2. Select one raster, which defines the target CRS.
  3. Click the icon.png toolbar button to stack all raster with matching CRS.

The result stack is a lightweigt in-memory VRT raster and will be opened inside QGIS.

Optionally, activate band subset selection to exactly specify which bands to stack.



Given a Landsat 8 product folder, with sensor bands stored in individual raster files.

Open all the surface reflectance bands in QGIS, ...


... stack them together and prepare a Landsat NIR-SWIR1-RED styling:

