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huni-harvester / Harvest status

Harvest status

Help for the HuNI Data Service Harvest status page.

Date selection

By default the latest harvest status is selected. You may select a specific date to see the harvest status with respect to that date. Click the "latest" link to return to viewing the latest harvest.

You can link to a specific harvest status report by including the date in the URL like so:

Status table


The HuNI data provider.


Some providers have multiple feeds, if so this will differential between them, otherwise same as provider.


Status of the most recent harvest for this feed with respect to the selected date. Note that harvests runs that are successful but do not result in new data being harvested are not recorded.

  • succeeded (green) - the harvest was successful on the selected date and new data was harvested.
  • succeeded (white) - the harvest was successful and new data was harvested on the Last harvest date. Harvests have not failed subsequent to the Last harvest date, however no new data has been harvested up to and including the selected date.
  • succeeded (amber) - the harvest was successful on the selected date, however it included at least one invalid document. Invalid documents cannot be processed into HuNI.
  • failed (red) - when the Last harvest is the same as the selected dated, the harvest on the selected date failed.
  • failed (red) - when the Last harvest date is earlier than the selected date, the harvest failed on the Last Harvest date but has been successful since. There has not been new data to harvest.
  • in-progress - the harvest is in progress, counts are not yet available.


Number of original documents harvested.


Number of clean documents after pre-processing.


Number of documents that could not be pre-processed.


Number of documents with a transform for submission to Solr.

No solr

Number of documents with no suitable transform.

Last harvest

Date of the most recent ‘interesting’ event for this feed with respect to the selected date.
