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Wxen.NET DbHug / Getting started

# Welcome to DbHug docs...

#### Get the DbHug: #####Using NuGet to get it:
Run this PM> Install-Package Wxen.DbHug -pre in the Package Manager Console.
Or find it by Manage NuGet packages. #####Or download: Download and add the reference to the project.

####Creating instance: #### Add using

using Wxen.Data.DbHug;
Create instance.
With connection string and DbProviderFactory
var connectionString = "...";//Connection string to database
DbHug dbHug = new DbHug(connectionString, SqlClientFactory.Instance); 
With connection name in configuration file
DbHug dbHug = new DbHug("connection");
//"connection" is the name of the one of connections strings in configuration file (web.config / app.config)
Or with DbConnection to database
var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString); //SqlConnection
DbHug dbHug = new DbHug(connection );
DbHug uses ConnectionHug to work with connections. More about ConnectionHug is here.

##Instructions: * Querying * Mapping * Templating * Commands * Connections
* CRUD * Partials * Async * Caching * Database settings * Set model * Related notes
