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Neural Machine Translation Implementations

A list of NMT implementations based on

Software Who Backend Comments
attention is all you need Sosuke Kobayashi Chainer implementation of transformer model
AmuNMT decoder Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt Custom compatible with Nematus models
Blocks NMT MILA Theano docs
CytonMT Xiaolin Wang C++/cuda
dl4mt-tutorial Kyunghyun Cho, Orhan Theano
DCNMT Theano based on Blocks
groundhog Kyunghyun Cho, Orhan Firat Theano discontinued
HNMT Robert Östling Theano BNAS
Kyoto NMT fabiencro Chainer
lamtram Graham Neubig Dynet/CNN
mantis Trevor Cohn Dynet/CNN
marian-nmt marian fast C++ NMT
ModernMT David Caroselli
Nematus Rico Sennrich, Kyunghyun Cho, Orhan Firat Theano
Neural Monkey Jindřich Helcl Jindřich Libovický TensorFlow doc, tutorial
nmt.hybrid Thang Luong Matlab also word-based
nmtpy LIUM Theano
NMT Zhaopeng Tu Theano based on groundhog
NMT-Coverage Zhaopeng Tu Theano based on groundhog
NMTkit Yusuke Oda DyNet
OpenNMT Yoon Kim Torch SYSTRAN's Pure NMT
Paddle Baidu Paddle demo
Keras seq2seq Fariz Rahman Keras
TensorFlow seq2seq Google TensorFlow MT demo
seq2seq-attn Yoon Kim Torch
nmt-android Yoon Kim Torch NMT for Android
SGNMT Cambridge Blocks, Theano, TensorFlow
sockeye awslabs mxnet
tardis Ke Tran Torch
tensor2tensor Google TensorFlow
textsum Google TensorFlow text sum demo
im2txt Google TensorFlow image-to-text
xnmt Graham Neubig DyNet

Workflows for training NMT
