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Simflowny / Simml_macros

SimML: macro tags

Tag PDE Infix
auxiliaryEquations X  
fieldFromAuxiliaryEquations X  
boundary X  
checkFinalization X  
functionCall X $fc
flux X $flx
sharedVariable X $sv
sources X $src
diagonalize X  
undiagonalize X  
maxCharSpeed X $mcs
positiveCharSpeed X $pcs
negativeCharSpeed X $ncs
maxCharSpeedCoordinate X $mcsc
positiveCharSpeedCoordinate X $pcsc
negativeCharSpeedCoordinate X $ncsc
currentCell X $cc
incrementCoordinate X $ic_X
decrementCoordinate X $dc_X
incrementCoordinate2 X $ic2_X
decrementCoordinate2 X $dc2_X
incrementCoordinate1incrementCoordinate2 X $icic_X_X
incrementCoordinate1decrementCoordinate2 X $icdc_X_X
decrementCoordinate1incrementCoordinate2 X $dcic_X_X
decrementCoordinate1decrementCoordinate2 X $dcdc_X_X
sign X $sign
particleVolume X $pv
readFromFileQuintic X $rffq
readFromFileLinear1D X $rffl1d
readFromFileLinear2D X $rffl2d
readFromFileLinear3D X $rffl3d
readFromFileLinearWithDerivatives1D X $rfflwd1d
readFromFileLinearWithDerivatives2D X $rfflwd2d
readFromFileLinearWithDerivatives3D X $rfflwd3d
findCoordFromFile1D X $fcff1d
findCoordFromFile2D X $fcff2d
findCoordFromFile3D X $fcff3d


Tag used to deploy the model auxiliary equations taking the content of the tag as a variable wildcard.


Discretization schema


The content of the tag is the variable in which the auxiliary equations will be based.



In this case, the auxiliary equations will use a specific shared variable.


Tag used to deploy the model conversion from auxiliary equations to fields taking the content of the tag as a variable wildcard.


Discretization schema


The content of the tag is the variable in which the conversion be based.




Tag used to deploy the boundary conditions depending on the parameters and problem definition.


Discretization schema


The typeAtt attribute indicates when the boundaries should be calculated with fluxes or fields. The two possible values are flux and field. This tag is optional, the default value is field.

The variable tag defines the variable in which the boundaries will be based.

The previousVariable is used to calculate some type of boundary conditions which requires the usage of the previous state of the variable.

The stencil tag specifies the width of the boundary in terms of cells.




Tag used to check the finalization condition during the simulation at a specific location. This will generate a conditional clause with the finalization condition.

Note: Simulations checks the finalization by default at the end of a time step. Using this instruction allows the user to create a discretization schema which checks during the execution of time steps.


Discretization schemas.


The content of the tag is the variable in which the conditions variables will be based.



In this example, the simulation will stop if the previous step of any field is greater than half of the two previous step of the same field.


This instruction is used to call the flux functions from the PDEs.


Discretization schema (Inside math tags).




Fluxes are one of the components in which Simflowny decompose PDEs. When discretizing a problem, at a certain point, one want to get the flux information from the equations. For instance, to calculate centered differences one get the flux of the previous cell and subtract it to the flux of the next cell. In order to allow this calculations, the fluxes should be called within mathematical expressions.

Furthermore, fluxes can be expressions with different degrees of complexity. So, it is simpler to treat the fluxes as function calls. For instance:


One may call to the Flux \(F_x\), which uses the fields P, mx, my and ρ, but instead of using the fields directly, using a derivated fields P', mx', my' and ρ'. When writing a discretization schema, the writer does not know the quantity of fields needed by the flux, so instead of passing all of them as the arguments of the call, a base variable is used. Following the example,


Where u is a wildcard for any field.

As a consequence, the usage within a mathematical expression is like $flx(F$i$f, variable), where variable can be any variable and F$i$f is the way Simflowny identifies the flux function name.



Flux_$i$f($cc) represents a group of variables called Flux with subindices representing all the combinations of spatial coordinates and fields. The $cc meaning currentCell indicates that the variable is asigned in the current cell. For instance, it could represents \(Flux_x\rho (i,j)\).

The left hand side of the equation represents a flux call ($flx(...)). The first parameter is the flux function name. The second one is the a variable to use inside the flux to represent the fields. For instance, it could represents \(\rho _eps(i,j)\).


Shared variables are variables that are common for all the regions within the simulation. So a change on the value from one region can be seen by another region. The common use is to set final substep fields as shared (rk1, rk2 variables in RK3 schemas, for instance).

Notice that a regular non shared variable is only visible to the region it belongs. Only fields and auxiliary fields are shared variables by default.


Discretization schema (Inside math tags).




The $sv directive wrapping a variable indicates that the variable is considered as shared variable.



The variable k1$f($cc) is considered a shared variable since it is inside the $sv directive.


This tag is used to make a call to an imported function in a discretization schema.


Discretization schema (Inside math tags).




The $fc directive encloses the function name to call and all its parameters.



This instruction will call a function with name weno and passes six more variables, defined previously.


Tag used within a mathematical expression to get the PDE source using the content of the tag as a base variable.


Discretization schema (Inside math tags).




The $src directive needs a variable to be used as a reference for the source's field replacements.



The variable Sources_$f will store the sources for every field with the values for the field variable at the current time step. For example, if the sources of the current PDE are \(S^{(Bx)} = \left(-a\right)\mbox{ }{Bx}\), then the instruction would be \(Sources_Bx = \left(-a\right)\mbox{ }{Bx^n}\).


Tag used for diagonalization purposes. Uses the diagonalization defined in the model using the eigen vectors.


Discretization schema.


During the definition of the Characteristic Decomposition, in the model definiton, the user is required to introduce the coefficients of the (un)diagonalization expressions; this is, eigenvectors written as a linear combination of the evolution fields (or viceversa). Now here, the DSL can take advantage of this fact and use a different variable for the coefficients than for fields and eigenvectors. In particular: the variable parameter is the variable to be used for the fields of the diagonalization, as well as for the resulting eigenvector; the timeSlice parameter is the variable to be used for the fields in the coefficients of the linear combination.




Tag used for diagonalization purposes. Undiagonalizes using the eigen vector undiagonalization information.


Discretization schema.


The variable parameter is the variable to be used for the eigenvectors of the undiagonalization, as well as for the resulting fields. The timeSlice parameter is the variable or timeSlice to be used for the fields in the coefficients of the linear combination.



maxCharSpeed & positiveCharSpeed & negativeCharSpeed

Tag used to introduce the maximum, positive or negatve characteristic speed inside a mathematical expression.


Discretization schema (Inside math tags).


$mcs, $pcs, $ncs


The $mcs, $pcs and $ncs directives need a variable to be used as a reference for the speed's field replacements.



If the characteristic speeds would be \(c \ast u\), \(-c \ast u\) and \(0\), it would generate \(Speed(i) = max(c \ast u^n(i), -c \ast u^n(i), 0)\).

maxCharSpeedCoordinate & positiveCharSpeedCoordinate & negativeCharSpeedCoordinate

Tag used to introduce the maximum, positive or negative characteristic speed inside a mathematical expression differentiated by the spatial coordinates.


Discretization schema (Inside math tags).


$mcsc, $pcsc, $ncsc


The $mcsc, $pcsc, $ncsc directives need a variable to be used as a reference for the speed's field replacements.



Imagine there are two spatial coordinates (x and y) with \(x + u\) as the speed in x, and \(y + u\) and \(y - u\) as speeds in y, being u a field. Then, the instructions generated would be \(Speedx(i) = x + u^n(i)\) and \(Speedy(i) = max(y + u^n(i), y - u^n(i))\).


Tag used within mathematical expressions to identify the current cell index for the variables stored in the mesh.


Discretization schema (Inside math tags).




No parameters are needed.



The previous picture shows an example of the currentCell usage. This mathematical expression represents a Forward Difference function, where the value would be the difference between the value for the variable in the next cell and the current one.

incrementCoordinate & decrementCoordinate

Tags used within a mathematical expression to access neighbour cells.


Discretization schema (Inside math tags).


$ic $dc


This tag requires the number of cells to increment or decrement from the current one. The parameter have to be added as sufix to the infix notation.



The capture above shows the code for the centered differences function. The flux variable from the previous cell is subtracted to the value of the next cell (and divided by twice times delta x).

incrementCoordinate2 & decrementCoordinate2

Tags used within a parabolicTermsContext tag inside a mathematical expression to access neighbour cells for the second spatial coordinate.


Discretization schema (Inside math tags). The math element including one of these tags must be within a parabolicTermsContext tag.


$ic2 $dc2


This tag requires the number of cells to increment or decrement from the current one. The parameter have to be added as sufix to the infix notation.



incrementCoordinate1incrementCoordinate2 & incrementCoordinate1decrementCoordinate2 & decrementCoordinate1incrementCoordinate2 & decrementCoordinate1decrementCoordinate2

Tags used to access neighbour cells for the first and the second spatial coordinate at the same time.


Discretization schema (Inside math tags).


$icic $icdc $dcic $dcdc


This tag requires the number of cells (for the first and second coordinate) to increment or decrement from the current cell.

The parameters have to be added as sufixes to the infix notation.

If the first and second coordinate are the same for the current parabilc term combination, the first one is applied and the second one ignored.



The image shows how theses tags are used to access indices for a crossed derivative.


Tag to calculate sign of a variable.


Simml code (Inside math tags).




The $sign directive needs a variable to get sign from.



The sign of p_a - p_b will be calculated.


Calculates the particle volume using the given variable wildcard.


Discretization schema (Inside math tags).




The $pv directive needs a variable to be used as a reference for the volume field replacements.



The particle volume is calculated for the neighbour particle ($np).


Tag used to interpolate (with quintic order) values from an external HDF5 table. Table format should be as follows: * Could have any dimensionality in coordinates (i.e 1D, 2D or 3D coordinates) * The coordinate values must be in a separate dataset called coordX, being X the number of the coordinate. Numbering must be correlative beginning from 0. * There must be a dataset called nvars with the total number of fields with data (excluding coordinates). * Every field must be in a separate dataset called varX, being X the number of the field. Numbering must be correlative beginning from 0. The size of the fields must match dimensionality. For instance in a 2D with first dimension having 400 values and second dimension having 250 values, every field must have 400x250 values in a 2D dataset.


Any section (Inside math tags).




The number of parameters are variable, depending on the number of coordinates and variables to get, readFromFileQuintic(FileName, NCoords, NVars, CoordInputValue1, ..., OutputVar1, ..., VarIndex1, ...):

  • FileName: name of the file to read from (without the .h5 extension).
  • NCoords: number of coordinates in file.
  • NVars: number of fields to read.
  • CoordInputValues (Multiple): values for each coordinate to get position for interpolation of values (number of arguments must be NCoords).
  • OutputVars (Multiple): variables to write output into (number of arguments must be NVars).
  • VarIndices (Multiple): indices of the field datasets whose interpolations will be written into OutputVars (number of arguments must be NVars).

They can be used independent from the dimensionality of the problem. For instance, readFromFile1D can be used in a 3D problem. In that way, a user could map a radial initial condition from a 3D problem, calculating the corresponding radius of a cell and passing it to the function.

readFromFileLinear1D & readFromFileLinear2D & readFromFileLinear3D

Tag used to interpolate (with linear order) values from an external HDF5 table. Table format should be as follows: * Could have any dimensionality in coordinates (i.e 1D, 2D or 3D coordinates) * The coordinate values must be in a separate dataset called coordX, being X the number of the coordinate. Numbering must be correlative beginning from 0. * There must be a dataset called nvars with the total number of fields with data (excluding coordinates). * Every field must be in a separate dataset called varX, being X the number of the field. Numbering must be correlative beginning from 0. The size of the fields must match dimensionality. For instance in a 2D with first dimension having 400 values and second dimension having 250 values, every field must have 400x250 values in a 2D dataset.


Any section (Inside math tags).


$rffl1d, $rffl2d or $rffl3d


The number of parameters are variable, depending on the number of coordinates and variables to get, readFromFileLinear(X)D(FileName, NCoords, NVars, CoordInputValue1, ..., OutputVar1, ..., VarIndex1, ...):

  • FileName: name of the file to read from (without the .h5 extension).
  • NCoords: number of coordinates in file.
  • NVars: number of fields to read.
  • CoordInputValues (Multiple): values for each coordinate to get position for interpolation of values (number of arguments must be NCoords).
  • OutputVars (Multiple): variables to write output into (number of arguments must be NVars).
  • VarIndices (Multiple): indices of the field datasets whose interpolations will be written into OutputVars (number of arguments must be NVars).

They can be used independent from the dimensionality of the problem. For instance, readFromFile1D can be used in a 3D problem. In that way, a user could map a radial initial condition from a 3D problem, calculating the corresponding radius of a cell and passing it to the function.

readFromFileLinearWithDerivatives1D & readFromFileLinearWithDerivatives2D & readFromFileLinearWithDerivatives3D

Tag used to interpolate (with linear order) values from an external HDF5 table. It also calculates derivatives of coordinates for all required fields. Table format should be as follows: * Could have any dimensionality in coordinates (i.e 1D, 2D or 3D coordinates) * The coordinate values must be in a separate dataset called coordX, being X the number of the coordinate. Numbering must be correlative beginning from 0. * There must be a dataset called nvars with the total number of fields with data (excluding coordinates). * Every field must be in a separate dataset called varX, being X the number of the field. Numbering must be correlative beginning from 0. The size of the fields must match dimensionality. For instance in a 2D with first dimension having 400 values and second dimension having 250 values, every field must have 400x250 values in a 2D dataset.


Any section (Inside math tags).


$rfflwd1d, $rfflwd2d or $rfflwd3d


The number of parameters are variable, depending on the number of coordinates and variables to get, readFromFileLinearWithDerivatives(X)D(FileName, NCoords, NVars, CoordInputValue1, ..., OutputVar1, ..., VarIndex1, ...):

  • FileName: name of the file to read from (without the .h5 extension).
  • NCoords: number of coordinates in file.
  • NVars: number of fields to read.
  • CoordInputValues (Multiple): values for each coordinate to get position for interpolation of values (number of arguments must be NCoords).
  • OutputVars (Multiple): variables to write output into (number of arguments must be NVars).
  • VarIndices (Multiple): indices of the field datasets whose interpolations will be written into OutputVars (number of arguments must be NVars).
  • Derivatives (Multiple): variables to write derivatives. Order: der_coord0_var0, der_coord1_var0, ..., der_coord0_var1, der_coord1_var1, ...

They can be used independent from the dimensionality of the problem. For instance, readFromFileLinearWithDerivatives1D can be used in a 3D problem. In that way, a user could map a radial initial condition from a 3D problem, calculating the corresponding radius of a cell and passing it to the function.

findCoordFromFile1D & findCoordFromFile2D & findCoordFromFile3D

Given a value and some coordinates, the function calculates the value for the unknown coordinate that fits better from an external HDF5 table. Table format should be as follows: * Could have any dimensionality in coordinates (i.e 1D, 2D or 3D coordinates) * The coordinate values must be in a separate dataset called coordX, being X the number of the coordinate. Numbering must be correlative beginning from 0. * There must be a dataset called nvars with the total number of fields with data (excluding coordinates). * Every field must be in a separate dataset called varX, being X the number of the field. Numbering must be correlative beginning from 0. The size of the fields must match dimensionality. For instance in a 2D with first dimension having 400 values and second dimension having 250 values, every field must have 400x250 values in a 2D dataset.


Any section (Inside math tags). It also can be used in initial conditions or finalization conditions.




The number of parameters are variable, depending on the number of coordinates and variables to get, findCoordFromFile(X)D(FileName, NCoords, NVars, OutputCoordIndex, CoordInputValues, ..., Var, VarIndex):

  • FileName: name of the file to read from (without the .h5 extension).
  • NCoords: number of coordinates in file.
  • NVars: number of fields to read.
  • OutputCoordIndex: index of the coordinate to return.
  • CoordInputValues (Multiple): values for each coordinate to get position including an initial guess of the coordinate to obtain (number of arguments must be NCoords).
  • Var: known value of the field.
  • VarIndex: index of the given field.

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