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Simflowny / UserGuide_Subregions


In a problem, if more than one region is desired, the optional tag Subregions must be added. Subregion information is similar to the one filled in Region with a few differences. A subregion should have at least an Interior Model or a Surface Model, so one of them must be added and configured through the Subregion contextual menu. To highlight, a subregion can have both model types simultaneously.

The subregion must be defined in a Location inside the simulation domain (defined in the Region element). One of the following element must be added to Location: Spatial Domain or X3d.

  • Spatial domain: defined by local max and min values on the coordinate system. The set up is similar that the Region domain definition.
  • X3d: defined using a vectorial file. Simflowny supports X3D as a standard for vectorial files. Other formats, such as Collada, or VTK, can be converted to X3D with the help of different conversion tools. There are free CAD editors, such as Blender [1], that let you design regions and export them as X3D.

X3D files must be imported using the document manager previously to its usage as a region. The import process will create a new document with an internal reference to the X3D object. This new document is the one that should be referenced from the subregion location.

Notice this page only explains the differences of a Subregion respect to Region. Check the problem region definition if not already done for a whole view.

