Clone wikiIKBClassBrowser / Goal
This page describes the overall goal for ClassBrowser.
Actually, no. Chapters 1-2 of Squeak by Example describe the goal. Leaving the morphic UI aside, ClassBrowser should become an immediate development environment for Objective-C in the same way that Squeak is an immediate development environment for Squeak. Specifically:
- Developers can inspect and change objects in the system
- Developers can run any code they type in
- Developers can create test classes and tests, and run them in the system
- Developers can create production classes and run them in the system
- Wherever code was defined within ClassBrowser, developers can see and edit their source and see the results of the changes
- Code created with ClassBrowser can be filed out to standard
files for use in Xcode or elsewhere.
That also tells us what ClassBrowser is not:
- it is not a tool or framework for embedding in another app. In other words, it is not F-Script.
- it is not very good yet
- it is not complete yet.
Finally, once a simple core is complete that lets developers write Objective-C in ClassBrowser and have it dynamically compiled and run, all of ClassBrowser but that core will be written in ClassBrowser.
Help with any of the above is welcome; pick an open issue or unfulfilled goal, write tests, make them pass, and send a pull request :-).