
Clone wiki

gnd / Debug_UI


We're going to be testing the backend database by putting data into OpenLayers.

Steps v1

This needs a very simple web-app, as shown below.

I guess these are the steps:

  1. Get OL working as local, static html
  2. Create custom OL app that meets UI spec below
  3. Move the app into the developer's CouchDb instance, as a CouchApp
  4. Move the app into my hosted CouchDb instance
  5. Trim/minify the OL distribution to be as small as possible

Steps v2

An alternate strategy, that doesn't involve CouchApp is:

  1. Get OL working a local, static html. The OL Vector example should be fine for this
  2. Commit the OL to a BitBucket Mercurial repository Note, BitBucket is able to serve these sources, so the 'live' copy of the software can be run from there.
  3. Extend the app to include the requirements recorded below

OpenLayers classes

It is expected that the OL app will read JSON and present it as vector data as demonstrated in:

The sample track data does actually also contain times. So the demonstrator will be extended to support Time data, as shown in this openlayers sandbox:


NOTE: there's now an updated URL for the list, it's described at!track_listing

NOTE: we now use a *_show* function to view the document in geoJson format, as desribed at:!geojson

Mockup of UI & process

Other details as shown below

