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gnd / Transcript_SmartGWT

munawar01: to be honest, I personaly don't like SmartGwt couple of valid reasons:
1) Its very slow as compare to pure Gwt (SmartGwt components take some time to load)
2) Its realy mess when you use it with Gwt components
3) As its not work properly with Gwt components so you can't use it with UiBinder
and i am not sure the listed feature are available in free version
me: Cool, I welcome this discussion...
1) But the showcase appears to run quickly - I imagine my app would be quicker than this
2) I'd only consider it if we went pure SmartGWT
3) I wasn't expecting to use UIBinder. There isn't a separate design team for this, just us ;-) I'm not sure why we'd use it
4) The URL links are all for the Free-Showcase version of SmartGWT
munawar01: 1) showcase is fast, but not from Gwt, if you do google you will find that SmartGwt is slow (lot of ppl complain)
2) That's the right way to develop SmartGwt i.e. pure SmartGwt without UiBinder
3) Actually UiBinder remove lot of your code from Java class (i am use to add html in ui.xml it save some time in designing)
4) sounds good :)
me: Ok.

Do you think SmartGWT support for JSON is a good feature for my app? It felt like it made SmartGWT the "no-brainer" library.

But, do you find it easy to using JSON in normal GWT app?
(I'm familiar with javascript overlay classes - SmartGWT just appears to make things even easier)
munawar01: Yes for JSON smartGwt is good option as compare to Gwt (actually don't have any easier way to work with JSON/XML)
me: Ok - that's what I thought.
Based on our discussion, is SmartGWT the right way to go? Or do you think it's still too slow?
munawar01: its right way to go with SmartGwt, we can achive some speed using JSON or binding backend data with front-end directly
me: That's what I thought. "achieve some speed". I don't know if you mean in development or runtime performance, but I certainly think it should be quicker to develop.
munawar01: both :)
