
Clone wiki

TaskTrack / 2013_07_12

What wants well:

  • [A]Progress in general (Alex)
  • [E] (Eugene) agree with Alex about general progress
  • [I] Happy with availabliity of the team
  • [I] Good foundation for sotware
  • [I] I have built trust in team
  • [I] I like the set of project tools (skype/trello/bitbucket)
  • [A]

What could be improved:

  • [I] Unfortunate spread of infomration across tools - live with it!
  • [A] We need some help from Jan (pixel perfect things) - to free up team effort
  • [E] Template site (mockups) and our working. We creaty copy template. Track diff between them
  • [I] Jan!
  • [I] Make use of ian's effort


  • [I] Understand/specify back-end (
  • [I] Whilst working on a Trello ticket, if there are new requirements, put them into a new ticket (example was Eugene & TimeBar)
  • [I] Ian MUST MAKE SURE THAT CSS GETS REPLACED (technical debt)
  • [A] Use JSDock and clear comments in code! (for Ian)

Large outstanding pieces of work:

(We had a think about the sequence of the remaining tasks. Ian indicated that currently the API was on paper. Once we start using the API it will be in code, and more difficult to change. So, Ian pushed for the front-end to stay in-memory for as long as possible)

  1. Finish port UI
  2. Make UI dynamic (inlcuding time bars) LARGE TASK IN PARALLEL
  3. CLient-side search/filtering
  4. Implement x-editable
  5. Decide on what data to store on client (all tasks?)
  6. Decide on backend to front-end sync (received other people's changes)
  7. Connect to backend (read)
  8. Connect to backend (write)
  9. Connect to backend (other people's changes)
  10. Backend cacheing strategy
  11. Authentication
