Yum - Unable to install any package on iSeries V7R2

Issue #110 resolved
Giovanni Michielin created an issue


I’ve just successfully installed yum package on my  iSeries V7R2, but all packages fail to install with “Cannot retrieve repository metadata” error message. There was another RESOLVED issue with a similar problem, but even by adding to DNS the result is the same. AS400 is pinging public.dhe.ibm.com without problems.

Here is the detail:

yum --version
Installato: rpm- da 2020-03-12 21:32
Build : None su 2019-12-16 22:48
Committed: Kevin Adler <kadler@us.ibm.com> su 2019-12-13

Installato: yum-3.4.3-18.noarch da 2020-03-12 21:32
Build : None su 2019-12-13 23:07
Committed: - Abdirahim Musse <abdirahim.musse@ibm.com> su 2019-12-09

I am absolutely unable to run any yum install command because every time I get  the following error  message:

yum install python3-pip python3-ibm_db python3-itoolkit
https://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/ibmi/products/pase/rpms/repo/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] curl#6 - "getaddrinfo() thread failed to start
Connessione ad un altro mirror in corso.
Errore: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: ibm. Please verify its path and try again

I did try to replace https: with http: and ftp:  but it always fails.


From my iSeries I can ping       “public.dhe.ibm.com/

ping ‘public.dhe.ibm.com
La risposta PING 1 da ha impiegato 147 millisecondi 256
  byte. TTL 240.
La risposta PING 2 da ha impiegato 147 millisecondi 256
  byte. TTL 240.
La risposta PING 3 da ha impiegato 147 millisecondi 256
  byte. TTL 240.
La risposta PING 4 da ha impiegato 147 millisecondi 256
  byte. TTL 240.
La risposta PING 5 da ha impiegato 147 millisecondi 256
  byte. TTL 240.
Andata e ritorno (in millisecondi) min/avg/max = 147/147/147.
Statistica della verifica di collegamento: 5 su 5 riuscite (100 %).

I had a look on internet , but  there is nothing that can help me to understand this issue.

Any help is really appreciated.

Giovanni Michielin

Comments (3)

  1. Giovanni Michielin reporter

    I was running YUM command from QSH . I ran same command from CALL QP2TERM and it worked fine. Thank you

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