Compiling PaRSEC with PLASMA 17.1

Issue #167 resolved
Omri Mor created an issue

DPLASMA tries to find coreblas.pc, which doesn't exist in PLASMA 17.1. This prevents DPLASMA from compiling. I'm not entirely clear on the differences between PLASMA 2.8 and 17.1, but it is clear that the repository has had some sort of reorganization.

Comments (5)

  1. Damien Genet

    PaRSEC only supports PLASMA 2.8.0. We are working on supporting the bitbucket master, it's WIP, it will happen.

  2. Omri Mor reporter

    Ah, that makes sense then. For now it might make sense to add that information to INSTALL; currently, it states:

    5. PLASMA version 2.5 or above (

    Which implies that 17.1 would work. Thanks for the update!

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