ROI Upload Assistant

Issue #31 invalid
Andy created an issue


Like Issue #16, I am also interested in uploading my RTSTRUCT dicom to be viewed and edited by XNAT OHIF Viewer.

I have tried to use the ROI Upload Assistant tool but it gave an “HTTP 401 unauthorised - Message: null” error message during upload.

Is there any other way to upload?

I am using v3.2 viewer and XNAT 1.8.2 (docker compose).




Comments (9)

  1. James Darcy

    Hi Andy

    Can you post the session log from ~/.ether/ether.log It may help if I can see exactly where it’s failing.

    The ROI Upoad Assistant uses the REST API provided by the viewer plugin which you can find on the Swagger page. Any https client like curl can be used to upload via the REST API.



  2. Andy reporter

    Hi James

    Thanks for the response. How can I find the log? Anyway I have attached a screen shot of the terminal. Please see if it is useful.

  3. James Darcy

    The client log is ~/.ether/ether.log but the log also goes to the terminal.

    The screenshot shows a 500 error not the 401 you reported. The 500 error should be fully described in the ohifviewer.log on the XNAT server.

  4. Andy reporter

    I am sorry for the wrong error reported, probably that occurs when I was trying to upload when the server is down (previously also tried to install the ROI plugin which cause the server to stall).

    So after removing the ROI plugin, I tried to upload again and got the 500 error. Attached is the ohifviewer.log screenshot. Basically it reported “ [http-nio-8080-exec-5] ERROR org.nrg.xnatx.roi.xapi.OhifRoiControllerAdvice - RuntimeException - Subject Label null or empty; java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Subject Label null or empty”

    What is the “Subject Label” refering to? Is it the PatientName in the dicom? Is OHIF Viewer expecting any “settings” to be included in the RTSTRUCT?

    Sorry for asking such questions, I am still learning about RTSTRUCT and XNAT and OHIF Viewer.

    Thank you for your help


  5. James Darcy

    I don’t know what you mean by “previously also tried to install the ROI plugin which cause the server to stall“. What exactly did you do to “install the ROI plugin”? What do you mean by “stall”? Version 3.2 of the viewer plugin includes the ROI REST API already. When you say “after removing the ROI plugin, I tried to upload again” it doesn’t make sense to me as the error message in ohifviewer.log, and in fact that you could get any type of error other than a 404 Not Found, indicates that you are using the ROI REST API so the plugin is installed and responding.

    The subject label is the subject’s label in XNAT. the human readable “name” of the subject in XNAT’s UI. The plugin has just retrieved that from XNAT’s database and found it to be null or empty. Is that subject’s label empty in XNAT? I’m not sure that is supposed to be possible.

    This error isn’t related to the patient name in the RTSTRUCT. Mostly the plugin and the upload assistant expect only that the RTSTRUCT complies with the requirements of the Information Object Definition in the DICOM standard:

  6. James Darcy

    Hi Andy

    I’ve checked with the XNAT team, labels should not be empty in XNAT. You can edit the subject and fix this by giving it a proper label. That should stop the error occuring.


  7. Andy reporter

    Hi James

    Yes now I can use the ROI uploading tool after labeling the subject in XNAT.

    Thank you very much



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