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mucontacts / Home

Welcome to muContacts!

muContacts is the web contact manager for small businesses that helps you build effective business relationships. It has many great features to easily access, track and share your contacts, and improve each business relationship using an unique emotional profile.

We also offer a hosted solution where you can try and use muContacts for free, or pay a premium account for more demanding needs.

Visit us for an always-free account at

Features and code highlights

The Developer's Site has more information about the main features and technologies used in the code.

Super-Quick Install Guide

  1. Create a MySQL database.
  2. Open the file "contactmanager/src/main/resources/" and edit the properties: database.user, database.password and database.jdbcUrl
  3. Run all the SQL scripts in "contactamanager/src/test/resources/mysql/" in order, starting with "schema.mysql.sql".
  4. Start Apache Tomcat 7.
  5. Compile the application (mvn clean package) and deploy the war in Tomcat.
  6. Open your favourite web browser (Firefox, of course) and enjoy!


muContacts is distributed under the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0. The LICENSE file contains more information about the licesing of this product. You can read more about the MPL at Mozilla Public License FAQ

Remember that the muContacts name, logo and tagline have trademark rights (of course, you can edit the sources to use your own name and logo!).

Contact us

Have any problems, ideas or suggestions? We are always glad to hear from you! Contact us at
