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ieeg / mef2edf

Manual for the command-line tool mef2edf


Command-line tool to convert mef files into the edf format.

mef2edf takes in multiple mef files through the command line, or listed in a configuration file, and converts them into edf files.


mef2edf reads in mef files, checks for discontinuities between blocks of data, and writes an edf file for each continuous recording. Files with different sampling rates are not currently supported.

The option "--output-file" is required; all edf files will be written to the current directory with the specified name. The input mef's can be specified either inline or listed in an external file, one file path per line, with the option --config-file.

The program exits with status 0 if successful, with 1 if sampling rates differ among the files, and with 2 if an error occurs.

Example usage:

mef2edf ch_0.mef ch_1.mef ch_2.mef --output-file outputEdf.edf

mef2edf --config-file listOfFiles.txt --output-file outputEdf.edf
