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Order Color Status Extension for Magento2

Hi! This is my free extension for Magento 2 that you can configure background color for each order status in the sales order grid.


You can configure a background color for each order status in Magento, and in the sales order grid the orders with the configured background color will be filled by the configured background color.

This is an feature to facilitate the store administrator to see easily which orders are in a specific status and differentiate each orders from other ones.

How to Install

To install you have to click in "Downloads" tab in the repository left menu and get the zip of module package. After this copy the extracted folder to your store and run the Magento 2 upgrade command. After the upgrade command please flush all cache and generate the static files again.

How configure status background color

To configure the color of background for a status access your admin store panel, in the left menu click in "Stores" option and after in the option "Order Status".

Captura de Tela 2016-09-26 às 15.05.05.png

You will see a grid with all order status registered in your store. To configure a background color of a status click in the status and in the next screen you will see a field "Status Color". When you click in this link a "color pallete" will be displayed, select the background color and save.

Captura de Tela 2016-09-26 às 14.37.43.png

Now when you access your sales order grid the orders with the configure status will have the background color that you configured.

Captura de Tela 2016-09-26 às 14.36.53.png

Captura de Tela 2016-09-26 às 14.37.06.png

This extension is totally FREE, and you can download and modify the source code if you need it.

Any doubt, suggestion or critic are welcome. You can contact-me in my email address and visiting my website
