Clone wikiSceneGate Viewer / Policies and Procedures: / Report a Viewer Bug
Report a Viewer Bug
Before creating an issue, please follow these steps to be sure it does not already exist as a known issue:
- Check the status of the grid where you are experiencing an issue.
- Contact support on your home grid or the grid where you are experiencing an issue.
- Search Release Notes for similar known issues.
- Search the Issue Tracker for similar known issues.
- Search available Knowledge Bases for similar known issues.
If your issue is unique, please follow the procedure below to create an issue.
(You will need to be logged in to BitBucket to report an issue so we have a way to follow up. Accounts are free. Your lower left corner icon will show when you are logged in.):
1) In the SceneGate viewer, go to Help>About SceneGate then click the copy to clipboard button at the bottom left from the info tab.
2) Click here, click the create issue button in the upper right then enter a title.
3) Paste your viewer info from the clipboard into the issue description box then insert a divider using the plus pull down menu.
4) Copy, paste, then fill in the following sections of information. Use N/A where not applicable.
Problem Description: <Expand on the issue title explaining the issue in more detail.>
Initiated By: <Enter your full hypergrid avatar name in the following format: first.last @domain:port>
Steps to Recreate: <This information must be included because it is needed for the team to recreate the issue reported.>
Attached Documents: <List filenames or URLs for supporting information here.>
5) Select assignee (For Team Members Only)
6) Select Kind: bug
7) Select Priority: trivial, minor, major, critical, blocker
8) Attach supporting documents using select files.
9) Click the Create Issue button.