provide the APIs to the Media Library in WordPress

Issue #24 resolved
David Riccitelli created an issue

provide the APIs to the Media Library in WordPress


Comments (47)

  1. David Riccitelli reporter

    Entities exported via the new APIs should have at least:

        public @Version Long version;
        public @LastModifiedDate Date date;  
  2. David Riccitelli reporter

    see #24: remove deprecated classes; move repos into services package; make repos package-private (to avoid automatic publication by Spring Data REST

    → <<cset 0624d024fe69>>

  3. David Riccitelli reporter

    see #24: update to Spring Boot 1.3.0.M5 to be able to use Spring Security 4.0.2 and related Spring Security Data security expressions

    → <<cset 407067cb6900>>

  4. David Riccitelli reporter

    see #24: custom implementation of Repositories to avoid conflicts; restored one /assets end-point; add thumbnail by default at 5 secs

    → <<cset 756f75b82031>>

  5. David Riccitelli reporter

    see #24: add a RepositoryResourceMappings implementation that lists first exported repositories with a sorted iterator instead of an unpredictable HashSet

    → <<cset 359fb14a46d8>>

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