
Clone wiki

reporting-wheel / ConnectWheelGeochat

How to connect Reporting Wheel with Geochat

Wheels con be easily connected with GeoChat through [ Dataset Services]. When GeoChat receives a message, it will forward it to the Reporting Wheel. The Reporting Wheel is going to decode the message, and reply to GeoChat with the decoded information. GeoChat will replace the wheel code in the message with the decoded information, so the message will appear decoded in GeoChat to the users of the group. If something is wrong with the code, Reporting Wheel is going to reply to GeoChat with the error message, and GeoChat is going to reply the original sender with this error message.

To use this, follow this steps:

  1. Create your wheel
  2. Go to the settings of your group in GeoChat
  3. Choose the "Dataset" tab
  4. Check "Use structured data service"
  5. In the Url field, insert the url to the decode endpoint ("/decode/wheel", more of this in [API]). For example ""
  6. Choose either if you want to forward all incoming messages to this group or only those that start with a prefix.

You can see a log of the messages that the wheel received in the "records" action of your wheel.
