Function "Export not curate data" exports a CSV without rows

Issue #35 resolved
Mauricio Muller created an issue

Prerequisites: There is at least one facility that has not been curated

Go to some Source list Press "Export not curated data"

Expected: The CSV contains the facility that has not been curated

Actual: The CSV contains the columns headers but it doesn't contain the facilities

Comments (6)

  1. Mauricio Muller reporter
    • changed status to open

    This issue can be reproduced on After pressing the 'Export not curated data' a CSV is downloaded. This file is empty, it contains only the name of the columns.

  2. Martin Verzilli

    By looking at the source code evolution it seems this is by design, although 'Export not curated data' is a confusing label for that button. It seems the intent was to export the subset of not mapped facilities from the source list. I'm pushing a changeset which renames the button to 'Export not mapped data' which should make the intent more explicit.

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