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museplayer / Home

Welcome to the MusePlayer developers' wiki

This wiki is for MusePlayer developers to document the utility's implementation and development. Go ahead and edit it as you see fit!

For documentation on the Muse SDK in general and how to develop Muse applications, visit

It uses the Markdown syntax.


"muse-player" is a Python command line utility included with the SDK. It can read Muse data from one source and output it to one or more destinations.

Currently muse-player supports the following inputs and outputs:

###Supported inputs: - OSC network stream - OSC-replay file format - Muse file format v1 - Muse file format v2

###Supported outputs: - MATLAB (click here for a description of the output) - CSV - OSC network stream - OSC-replay file format - Muse file format v2 - Print to screen

###How to run


Read in the file "my_eeg_recording.muse" and send those messages as OSC to port 7887.

   muse-player -f my_eeg_recording.muse -s osc.tcp://localhost:7887

Receive OSC messages on port 5555, save them to file, and rebroadcast them to port 5000.

  muse-player -l 5555 -M matlab.mat -s 5000
