make calico object accessible from Logo

Issue #184 resolved
Keith O'Hara created an issue

make calico object accessible from Logo so we can


from notebook.

Comments (2)

  1. Doug Blank

    Logo: fixes issue #184; currently Logo does not have a way of parsing object.method, but instead puts those names in the environment (Logo.functions). This takes a while to get all of calico's methods and stick them into the environment. Better to change parser and get on the fly. But this works for now, although the loading of calico is put in background, and may not be ready for a few seconds after starting Logo

    → <<cset c6f94d77816a>>

  2. Doug Blank

    Logo: fixes issue #184; currently Logo does not have a way of parsing object.method, but instead puts those names in the environment (Logo.functions). This takes a while to get all of calico's methods and stick them into the environment. Better to change parser and get on the fly. But this works for now, although the loading of calico is put in background, and may not be ready for a few seconds after starting Logo

    → <<cset 2621f10787ae>>

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