"Attaching the PowerShell Debug Engine debugger to process '{[']} on machine failed." When trying to execute an Empty PowerShell

Issue #89 resolved
Former user created an issue

How do I fix this issue described here https://github.com/adamdriscoll/poshtools/issues/616

Comments (9)

  1. Mike Anthony

    Can we get an answer/update on this please? Win10x64 PC with a brand new installation of VS Community 2019 and Net 4.7.2 is generating this error trying to run a “hello world” script. What are the missing dependencies listed in the last update to issue #616? Why is this continuing well into 2019 if the dependencies have been correctly marked per the last update in 2018? https://github.com/adamdriscoll/poshtools/issues/616

  2. Adam Driscoll

    You need to install the .NET Desktop Development workload for debugging to work. I’ll make sure the VSIX is checking this dependency in the next version.

  3. Bradley Munsen

    I am also having this same problem, so it appears the issue is not fully resolved, or has re-occurred with updated software. I am running Windows 10 build 1903, Visual Studio Community 2019, and PowerShell Tools for Visual Studio 4.9.4 (trial llicense), all clean/fresh installs. This build/version of Windows is inherently running .NET Framework 4.8, and I’ve installed the Desktop Development workload with VS 2019. I did try running a repair on VS 2019 just for giggles, and it did not help.

    Whenever I try to launch debugging for a PowerShell project with a Windows Forms file, I immediately get the “Attaching the PowerShell Debug Engine debugger to process…” error message. Please advise on whether I’m missing a dependency of some sort, or if this is a bug that needs fixing.

  4. Mikeal Walker


    I know this issue is a little old at this time. I am also having this exact issue. I have installed the Desktop Development workload with VS2019 (community and enterprise) and I have the debugger issue as described above. I’m using PowerShell Tools Pro 5.5.0 (licensed).

    Has there been any movement on figuring out what is causing this issue? I have tested clean installs on multiple machines and the issue is still persistent.

    Thanks for your time!

  5. Mikeal Walker

    I downgraded from 5.5.0 to 5.3.5 and it seems to be working properly at this time. This was the only change made. I hope this helps with troubleshooting the issue.


  6. Blanchard,Clif (DFPS)

    I am trying out PowerShell Tools Pro, and since this issue is still an issue I must say I am disappointed. I am using PowerShellTools.5.5.7 and Enterprise VS 2019.

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