
Issue #129 resolved
Johann Krauter created an issue

If the m_type plugin interface is set to ito::typeDataIO without ito::typeRawIO/ ito::typeActuator/ ito::typeAdda or ito::typeGrabber

then the plugin can be initialized by the command line but ist not show in the plugin list.

Comments (2)

  1. M. Gronle


    Actuator plugins must have the type: ito::typeActuator

    Algorithm plugins must have the type: ito::typeAlgo

    DataIO plugins, that are grabbers with live camera features etc. must have the type flag: ito::typeDataIO | ito::typeGrabber

    DataIO plugins, that belong to any kind of AD/DA devices must have the type flag: ito::typeDataIO | ito::typeAdda

    All other dataIO plugins, that do not belong to the groups above, must have the type flag: ito::typeDataIO | ito::typeRawIO

  2. M. Gronle

    fixes issue #129: dataIO plugins, that don't have a defined subtype (Grabber, RawIO, ADDA), will not be loaded any more and an error is added to the loaded plugins dialog.

    → <<cset 25517169d407>>

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