Debug build crashes, if last python break point is deleted

Issue #159 resolved
boettcher NA created an issue

If I delete the last (at this point the only existing one) python break point, Itom crashes somewhere around line 229/230 of breakPointModel.cpp (-->qabstractitemmodel.cpp).

This happens only in Debug, but it does not matter, if I started qitomd.exe (itomd.bat) directly or by VS’s debugger.

I am using VS2017 and itom all in one developer setup with Qt 5.12.6.

(Git on master @ Commit a4c08457478e2ccc7844b248fdd95f8f228bc48e [a4c0845])

Can anyone reproduce this?

Call Stack:

Qt5Cored.dll!00007ffd5029b33b() Unbekannt
Qt5Cored.dll!00007ffd50299b02() Unbekannt
Qt5Cored.dll!00007ffd5028a81b() Unbekannt
Qt5Cored.dll!00007ffd505f2cea() Unbekannt
qitomd.exe!ito::BreakPointModel::deleteBreakPoint(const QModelIndex & index) Zeile 230  C++
qitomd.exe!ito::BreakPointModel::deleteBreakPoints(const QList<QModelIndex> & indizes) Zeile 271    C++
qitomd.exe!ito::ScriptEditorWidget::toggleBreakpoint(int line) Zeile 1428   C++
qitomd.exe!ito::ScriptEditorWidget::qt_static_metacall(QObject * _o, QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void * * _a) Zeile 328  C++
[Externer Code] 
qitomd.exe!ito::BreakpointPanel::toggleBreakpointRequested(int _t1) Zeile 223   C++
qitomd.exe!ito::BreakpointPanel::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent * e) Zeile 221   C++
[Externer Code] 
qitomd.exe!QItomApplication::notify(QObject * receiver, QEvent * event) Zeile 53    C++
[Externer Code] 
qitomd.exe!QItomApplication::notify(QObject * receiver, QEvent * event) Zeile 53    C++
[Externer Code] 
qitomd.exe!ito::MainApplication::exec() Zeile 1092  C++
qitomd.exe!main(int argc, char * * argv) Zeile 378  C++
qitomd.exe!WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * __formal, HINSTANCE__ * __formal, char * __formal, int __formal) Zeile 97  C++
[Externer Code] 

Comments (5)

  1. Johann Krauter

    It does not crash in debug by deleting the last breakpoint for itom build with VS2015, Qt 5.10

  2. M. Gronle

    Does this occur if itom is in idle state (no Python debugging session is currently running) or if the Python debugger is currently active (or both)?

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