dataObject return AttributeError: 'itom.dataObject' object has no attribute 'values'

Issue #170 resolved
Johann Krauter created an issue

dataObject returns: AttributeError: 'itom.dataObject' object has no attribute 'values'

Following steps leads to this error:

  • Save an object as a *.idc
dobj = dataObject.rand([200,200])
dobj = {"dobj" : dobj}

saveIDC("dobj.idc", dobj)
  • Import this object in the “Global Variables” without unpacking it
  • The dict “dobj” has an item “dobj”
  • Execute than the following snippets to reproduze the AttributeError:
dobj = dobj["dobj"]
AttributeError: 'itom.dataObject' object has no attribute 'values'

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