itom application caught an unknown exception for double click in workspace on dict with slash char "/" in key

Issue #188 resolved
Johann Krauter created an issue

If a key name of a dict contains “/” the double click on that variable triggers:

Itom-Application caught an unknown exception from: qt_scrollarea_viewport (QWidget) from event type 4 (MouseButtonDblClick)

Comments (3)

  1. M. Gronle

    fixes issue 188: loadIDC will not change any keys of the loaded dict any more. The same holds if an idc is load into the workspace using the "packed" version. However, if the content of the IDC file should be unpacked into the workspace, keys are checked to be valid Python identifiers. If this is not the case, they will be renamed and a list of all changes will be shown as warning message box.

    → <<cset 5f0d300d7e67>>

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