Userroles Admin, Developer, User

Issue #33 resolved
Wolfram Lyda created an issue

the user roles, which are used by twip to manage parameter settings within the gui, ... is not working anymore. The functions

isUser, isDeveloper and isAdmin always return false

Comments (7)

  1. Wolfram Lyda reporter

    userGetInfo() returns

    {'Type': 'user', 'Name': 'Ronin', 'File': 'D:/Programmieren/itom_folder/Build/itom/itomSettings/itom_666.ini', 'ID': '666'}

    So the initial load screen specifies Ronin as Developer

  2. Wolfram Lyda reporter

    The magic reason is, the roles are handled different in different places. Within the ini-file, "Developer" is "developer" hence the case sensitive compare failes within UserOrganizer.h. The "administrator" is usually string-coded as "admin", hence the compare fails in UserOrganizer.h. In most compares the roles are compared against "admin", "developer" and "user" and not against QString-Names "Developer", "Administrator" and "User".

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