"loaded plugins..." dialog -> insert filtering

Issue #5 closed
M. Gronle created an issue

Since this dialog is pretty big now, a better filtering (e.g. wildcard-based filtering of the names) or sorting might be good.

Comments (4)

  1. M. Gronle reporter

    Closes issue #5: DataIO and actuator plugins now have a user mutex, that can be accessed both by the C++ interface as well as by the Python methods :meth:dataIO.userMutexTryLock, :meth:dataIO.userMutexUnlock, :meth:actuator.userMutexTryLock, :meth:actuator.userMutexUnlock. Plugins must be compiled against the AddInInterface >= 4.2.0 to support this mutex.

    → <<cset bc2a3df0e11a>>

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