Itom Plugins Build Issue QT6 - PCOSensicam

Issue #27 resolved
Bernd Bertschinger created an issue

Currently the Itom Plugin PCOSensicam does not build within Qt6 Environment on WIndows.
Probably related to the switch from VScpp11 VScpp17.

Comments (4)

  1. M. Gronle

    This plugin will only compile with modern compilers, like Visual Studio 2019 if some header files of the rather old PCO Sensicam SDK are modified. Please see the attachment for the modified files.

    Now, it is not allowed any more to assign a static string literal to a non-const char-pointer. Therefore, many char-arrays and char*-variables have to be const now.

  2. M. Gronle

    Qt6 and VS2019 compiler fixes in PCOSensicam. The plugin will only compile with VS2019 if some minor modifications are done in some header files of the PCOSensicam SDK. This fixes issue #27. See the issue for indications about the things that have to be done.

    → <<cset 83ec2bf8d1d6>>

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