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Ukraine_War_Repository / An Empire of Lies can be defeated by the truth

An Empire of Lies can be defeated by truth

In the early 21st century, history is recorded in a manner which doesn’t describe events in an accurate or realistic manner, but to simply cater to the narrative of western elites. The events of the War in Donbass and the Russo-Ukrainian conflict of 2022 are not the first episode in which blatant fiction is presented by popular media as fact, nor will it be the last. The authors of this document have no illusion that these aforementioned fictions will soon become commonly accepted history, at least in the western-controlled world.

The purpose of this document is to record various events of the Russo-Ukrainian War in chronological order, so that factual information and a coherent timeline may be presented. Starting from February 28th (the date on which this project was started), significant events will be documented as they occur, and tangible evidence will be presented wherever it is applicable. A few of the more notable which took place prior to February 28th are also recorded.

In particular, the myths that this document aims to dispel are:

• The myth of unwarranted Russian aggression on Ukraine

• The myth of high losses and military incompetence on the Russian side

• Myths and inaccuracies regarding war crimes, as well as actual war crimes (including military actions that fall into a legal and moral "gray area")

It should be highlighted, that these myths will not be dispelled via argumentation, but rather by raw reports and data. This data will not be cherry-picked - rather, all verifiable reports and footage will be documented. That said, it must be noted that the sheer volume of information around this conflict is enormous, and not all information can be discovered and logged on this page. The author's intent is to remain as unbiased as possible, and to record all events regardless of which side the information favors. Please contact the author if you wish to present information, images, or footage that can be added to this repository.

Lead-Up to War

Notable Military Events

This section aims to create a timeline of strategically significant events of the war. Events such as large cauldrons being created, notable cities being contested or captured will be documented here.

February 24th – Within hours of the start of the conflict, Russia’s Ministry of Defense announces that Ukrainian air defenses have been suppressed. Additionally, cruise missiles target multiple Ukrainian airfields, radar systems, and other military installations. It is then publically announced that Russian forces intend to target only key military infrastructure, and that cities will not be subjected to artillery strikes or attacks from the air.

February 26th - Russian forces have taken control of the city of Melitopol.

February 27th – In an interview with the Associated Press, Kiev’s mayor Vitaly Klichko announces that evacuation of the city is impossible as it is already surrounded by Russian forces.

February 27th - Russian forces enter parts of the city of Kharkov.

February 28th – After advancing 19 kilometers over the day, soldiers of the DPR have taken control of the town of New Aidar, surrounding thousands of Ukrainian soldiers in a cauldron.

February 28th – The Russian Ministry of Defense announces that Russia has established air dominance over all of Ukraine.

February 28th - Mariupol is surrounded by DNR forces.

March 1st - Russian MOD press briefing reports that LNR forces have advanced 61 km since the start of the operation, and that DNR forces have completely cut off Ukraine fom the Azov Sea.

March 1st - Russian forces are heavily contesting control over the city of Kherson.

March 2nd - Russian forces establish full control over the city of Kherson.

March 5th - Russian forces capture a Ukrainian army base with over 100 vehicles, including dozens of armored vehicles and heavy equipment. Aerial footage can be found here.

March 13th - The important strategic town of Volnovakha is liberated by LDNR forces.

March 15th - The Russian Ministry of Defense announces that it has seized complete control over the entire area of Kherson Oblast.

March 24th - It is announced that the town of Izum in Kharkov Oblast has been completely secured by Russian forces.

April 1st - The Ukrainian military reclaims a number of villages in Kiev and Chernigov oblasts as the Russian military withdraws from the area.

April 1st - The spokesperson of the Ukrianian presidental office announces that Russia has destroyed nearly all of Ukraine's weapons manufacturing industry.

April 21st - The town of Kremenaya, Donetsk region, is captured and secured by Russian forces.

April 21st - Russian forces announce that the city of Mariupol is now controlled by Russian forces. The remnants of Ukrainian forces are trapped within the Azovstal factory, where they are isolated from the rest of the city and are being starved out.

April 25th - The town of Rubezhnoye, Luhansk region (population 55,000) is completely secured by Russian forces.

May 7th - Heavy fighting takes place near Snake Island, as Ukraine attempts to deploy marines and paratroopers onto the island. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the operation ends in a failure for Ukraine, leading to the loss of 1 Su-27 multirole fighter, 1 Su-24 ground attack aircraft, 3 Mi-8 helicopters with paratroopers, 2 TB-2 Bayraktar UAVs, and 1 amphibious landing boat.

May 10th - Forces of the Russian Coalition secure control of the town of Popasnaya (population 20,000 - strategic heights).

May 17th - May 20th - A large-scale surrender in Azovstal takes place, seeing nearly 1000 fighters surrender between May 17th and May 18th. [1] [2] Gruesome photos show the condition of some of the wounded soldiers prior to and during the surrender. [3] The frozen bodies of over 200 soldiers are also extracted from the facility. [4] In total, 2439 Ukrainian fighters surrender. [5]

June 21st - A large cauldron is formed around the towns of Gorskoe and Zolotoe, leading to the encirclement and subsequent neutralization of an estimated 2,000 AFU soldiers.](

June 25th -The Russian Ministry of Defense announces that the entire left bank of the Severskiy Donets river in the vicinity of Severodonetsk, including the city of Severodonetsk and the towns of Voronovo, Borovskoe, and Sirotino , are fully under the control of Russian and LPR forces. [1] [2]

July 2nd - The city of Lisichansk comes under the control of the Russian Armed Forces and the LPR people's militia. [1] The next day, on July 3rd, it is announced that all of the LPR is liberated from Ukrainian forces. [2]

Evidence of military losses

Various images, videos, and other forensic evidence of military losses sustained by either side is recorded here. It is important to note that not all of the information presented in this section may be accurate, as disinformation is rampant on both sides of the conflict, and it is not always possible to independently verify some of the footage. It is the author's opinion that most, though perhaps not all of the information below can be presumed accurate.

February 24th - In the first hours of the operation, the Russian Ministry of Defense announces the destruction of 74 ground-based military infrastructure facilities, including 11 military airfields. It is also announced that LDNR militias advance 7 kilometers against the Ukrainian military in the Donbass region.

February 24th - A number of Russian cruise missiles are seen flying over various regions of Ukraine, including Kramatorsk, Kherson Oblast and Ivano-Franksovsk

February 24th - Ukrainian naval base in Ochakovo (built by US military) is destroyed by what appears to be a massive strike.

February 24th - Russian Spetsnaz is deployed to Gostomel airfield near Kiev via helicopter.

February 24th - Footage published on March 12 shows the view from a Ka-52 attack helicopter, which was providing fire support during the operation to take Gostomel Airport near Kiev.

February 24th(?) - A drive-by shooting on a Ukrainian artillery column and unarmored trucks by a Russian BTR-82A is caught on camera on a highway.

February 25th - Ukrainian Tochka-U missile strikes the Millerovo Russian Airbase. Preliminary reports suggest several wounded personnel, no fatalities. Allegedly, all aircraft were airborne at the time, and thus were not destroyed.

February 26th - The aftermath of 6 Ukrainian MiG-29s destroyed on the ground, presumably by a cruise missile. This footage appeared on the internet on February 26th, but it may have been filmed earlier.

February 26th (?) - A video shows the aftermath of combat in Gostomel Airport near Kiev. Several Russian vehicles and the legendary An-225 aircraft are destroyed.

February (?) - Footage shows a burning Ukrainian An-26 moments before crashing.

(?) - Footage filmed by Ukrainian soldiers shows destroyed defensive positions after some kind of Russian attack, shelling, or bombing.

March (?) - A Russian Mi-8 helicopter is shot down in Kiev Oblast. The video was found on April 10th.

March 1st - A Russian helicopter is filmed being shot down over the Kiev water reservoir.

March 1st - Images of a destroyed Ukrainian BTR-4 appear online.

March 1st - The Russian Ministry of Defense releases footage showing its helicopters destroying Ukrainian armor. [2]

March 1st - Photos show a destroyed Ukrainian post in Bavary, east Kiev oblast.

March 1st - Civilians film as a Russian helicopter destroys a Ukrainian armor column on a highway.

March 1st - A massive explosion is caused by an airstrike on a military facility near Chuguev. Unconfirmed reports state that this is a Kalibr missile striking an airfield.

March 1st - Multiple videos show missile attacks destroying a tank school near Kharkov. [1], [2], [3]

March 1st - An artillery shell guided by a drone hits a vehicle belonging to the DNR militia. The shell was reportedly fired by the Azov battalion.

March 1st - A Russian missile strike destroys a fuel depot in Kiev Oblast.

March 1st - Video shows the aftermath of a strike on the 95th mobile air division in Zhitomyr.

March 1st - Footage of a Bayraktar destroying a Russian vehicle emerges.

March 1st - Another video emerges of a Bayraktar destroying a Russian BUK.

March 1st - A destroyed Ukrainian T-64 is filmed from a drone and from the ground.

March 1st - A photo shows the ruins of a Ukrainian military HQ after being destroyed by an Iskander missile.

March 2nd - A Ukrainian ammo depot is destroyed near Kharkov.

March 2nd - Two destroyed Ukrainian tanks are filmed near Mariupol.

March 2nd - Heavy combat in Mariupol indicates that control of the city is being contested.

March 2nd - The Ukrainian army destroys a bridge in Voznesensk, Nikolaev Oblast.

March 2nd - A video shows an abandoned Ukrainian tank and BTR near the town of Shastiye, Luhansk oblast.

March 2nd - A video shows destroyed Ukrainian armor in the city of Melitopol.

March 2nd - Images show a Ukrainian T-64 tank captured by LNR forces.

March 2nd - Several images show several more destroyed Ukrainian tanks and armored vehicles in Volnovakha. [2] [3] [video]

March 2nd - Ukrainian forces destroy a bridge in the town of Bashirevka, eastern Kiev oblast.

March 2nd - A video shows 17 POWs taken by DNR forces.

March 2nd - A video published by DNR forces shows a captured Ukrainian BRMD-2 with a top-mounted Konkurs ATGM near Mariupol.

March 2nd - A photo appears to show a destroyed Russian Su-25.

March 2nd - A large explosion is filmed in Kiev.

March 2nd - A large explosion, presumably an airstrike occurs around Shevchenko factory, Kharkov.

March 2nd - A Russian Typhoon (armored car) is photographed on fire.

March 3rd - A report made by war correspondent WarGonzo discusses the situation near Mariupol - the city is surrounded, its residents are without heating gas, electricity, and in some cases even without food. According to the report, the residents of Mariupol are being held hostage by the Azov fighters, and do not allow any humanitarian corridors or evacuations to take place.

March 3rd - Donetsk militia captures and shows off several flags of fascist organizations.

March 3rd - Four abandoned Ukrainian BTR-4s are filmed in the Donbass.

March 3rd - LNR and DNR forces secure several towns, including Balaklea and Borodyanka.

March 3rd - A video shows the aftermath of the bombing of the cadet residency in the National Institute of the Ukrainian Air Force.

March 3rd - Aftermath of an artillery barrage against what is reported to be a nationalist battalion, Kharkov.

March 3rd - Image shows a Russian tank stuck on a destroyed bridge.

March 3rd - Footage emerges showing the remains of an unidentified Russian aircraft near Irpen, Kiev oblast.

March 3rd - A video shows the remains of what is claimed to be a Ukrainian army HQ in Zatoka, Odessa Oblast.

March 3rd - A Russian cruise missile strikes a target in the city of Kharkov.

March 3rd - Chaika airport in Kiev is in flames. Nearby civilian homes are reported to be on fire as well.

March 3rd - Video shows the aftermath of the bombing of an aircraft construction facility, Kharkov.

March 3rd - A cruise missile is shot down over Kiev.

March 3rd - A Russian airstrike destroys an ammo depot in Zatoka, Odessa Oblast.

March 4th - In the early morning, Ukrainian authorities accuse Russia of firing on the Zaporozhskaya nuclear power station in Energodar, and warn of an explosion that could be "10 times larger than Chernobyl". Camera footage shows gunfire in the vicinity of the nuclear powerplant, as well as its administrative building on fire. Within several hours, Russia secures control of the nuclear powerplant and releases a press-briefing in which they state that the power-plant was under Russian control when it was attacked by Ukrainian forces.

March 4th - The Russian Ministry of Defense publishes a video showing the Inohodetsk MALE UAV destroying a command post, which the Ministry of Defense claims belongs to nationalist forces in Ukraine.

March 4th - The Ukrainian army reportedly strikes the headquarters of the Azov Battalion with a Tochka-U ballistic missile as a response for the latter fatally injuring one of their generals.

March 4th - A massive explosion takes out a factory in Belopolye, Sumskaya Oblast.

March 4th - Ukrainian forces film themselves taking cover in residential buildings and taking heavy losses.

March 4th - A video shows the remains of a Russian Su-25 in Kiev oblast.

March 4th - A video reportedly shows A Russian tank destroyed by a Ukrainian ATGM.

March 5th - An image shows a destroyed Ukrainian T-64 near Kharkov

March 5th - A destroyed Ukrainian BTR-4 is caught on video.

March 5th - A large explosion is filmed near the city of Chernigov.

March 5th - Images show a destroyed barracks near Kharkov, presumably after being struck by a bomb.

March 5th - Camera footage appears to show a Gvozdika self-propelled artillery vehicle being hit by a shell.

March 5th - The Russian Ministry of Defense claims that the Russian VKS destroyed a depot of NLAWs and Javelin ATGMs supplied by the west.

March 5th - A low-flying Russian jet is shot down over Chernigov. The pilot is filmed parachuting after ejecting.

March 5th - A video shows the destruction of a prison near Kharkov.

March 5th - Footage shows a Ukrainian T-64 destroyed by an ATGM near Volnovakha.

March 5th - The Russian MOD publishes a video showing several destroyed Ukrainian vehicles.

March 5th - A bridge at Staraya Saltakova is destroyed, presumably by retreating Ukrainian forces.

March 5th - A large explosion is claimed to be an airstrike on Ukrainian positions.

March 6th - The National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine is on fire after being bombed.

March 6th - Fighters in Mariupol, presumably Azov Battalion, film themselves firing an RPG from a residential building.

March 6th - Vinnitz aerodrome is struck y 8 Kalibr cruise missiles and is rendered completely inoperable. Soon after, Ukrainian president Zelensky announces that the aerodrome is a non-military target located in a peaceful city, when it in fact hosts the 456th mixed aviation brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Satellite photos taken before the conflict show military aircraft stationed on the airfield.

March 7th - A video shows the smoke trail of a Tochka-U missile which was reportedly fired at Rostov Oblast, Russia. According to reports, this missile was shot down.

March 7th - Images claim to show destroyed Russian and LDNR armor near Mariupol.

March 7th - An oil processing plant in Donbass is set on fire, allegedly after being struck by a Ukrainian Tochka-U missile.

March 8th - A video shows an oil processing plant in Zhytomir burning after being bombed from the air.

March 8th - A destroyed Ukrainian S-300 air defense launcher is filmed in Kherson Oblast.

March 8th - Footage shows the aftermath of a battle that reportedly took place somewhere in the Donbass region, in which at least 9 Ukrainian soldiers were killed.

March 8th - A Russian Mi-35 helicopter with the tag name RF-13017 is destroyed by Ukrainian anti-air fire.

March 9th - Drone footage shows the moment an ATGM missile strikes a Ukrainian BMP.

March 9th - Overhead footage shows a Russian BTR-82 fire upon a Ukrainian BTR-4.

March 9th - Russian media publishes more footage of various destroyed Ukrainian armor.

March 10th - Another video emerges on this day, showing a Bayraktar UAV striking a Russian BUK air defense system.

March 10th - A video shows how Ukrainian nationalists have fortified a school in the city of Kherson, and have stockpiled over 10,000 rounds of ammunition, 7 RPGs, and dozens of rockets inside.

March 10th - A photo emerges showing the remains of the Ukrainian ship Getman Sagaidachno.

March 11th - A large explosion is filmed as a Kalibr missile strikes a target in the city of Dnepopetrovsk.

March 12th - Drone footage shows as Krasnopol high-precision artillery destroys a Ukrainian ammo depot.

March 12th - Russian media publishes footage from the previous day, showing VDV forces storming and taking control of an airport, presumably near Kiev.

March 12th - Video footage shows the remains of a Ka-52 attack helicopter.

March 12th - A massive shell (possibly rocket artillery) strikes a target in Kiev.

March 12th - The Russian Ministry of Defense publishes footage taken from a drone, in which Ukrainian rocket artillery is seen firing a barrage and is then taken out by a guided munition. It is later revealed that the drone used was a Forpost-R - a modernized version of the IAI Heron, equipped with strike capabilities.

March 12th - More drone footage published from the Russian Ministry of Defense shows a guided Krasnopol artillery round destroying a hidden ammo depot.

March 13th - Footage taken on the ground shows the aftermath of several Russian missiles, including Kalibr cruise missiles, [striking a training center in Yarovorsky - where NATO specialists trained Ukrainian fighters and nationalist battalions.] ( [2]

March 13th - A short video claims to show the remains of an aircraft falling to the ground. The video is claimed to be from Izum, and the aircraft preumably belongs to Russia.

March 13th - A video shows a destroyed Ukrainian armor column on the highway from Slavansk to Krasniy Liman.

March 13th - Drone footage shows smerch missiles wiping out squadrons of Ukrainian soldiers.

March 13th - During a briefing by the Russian Ministry of Defense, it is revealed that Russian missiles struck a logistics center in Chernigov, where foreign fighters were being organized and transferred to fight against Russian soldiers. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, upwards to 180 foreign fighters were eliminated, and significant stockpiles of foreign weaponry were destroyed. It is later claimed by the US that Russia fired more than two dozen cruise missiles on this day.

March 13th - A picture claims to show a heavily damaged Ukrainian military facility, possibly following a Kalibr strike.

March 13th - Nighttime footage claims to show the effects of BM-21 Grad bombardment on an unspecified military target near Kharkov.

March 13th - A video shows a destroyed Russian armor column in an unspecified location.

March 13th - Russian media publishes a video showing various pieces of destroyed Ukrainian vehicles and armor.

March 13th - A Russian Su-25 fighter is struck by an unspecified anti-air missile while flying close to the ground and is heavily damaged as a result, but manages to successfully fly back to its airfield.

March 14th - Drone footage claims to show a Russian UAV striking a Ukrainian Gvozdika self-propelled artillery platform.

March 14th - Footage shows various abandoned Ukrainian ships in Berdyansk as Russian soldiers seize control of the city.

March 14th - A Stunga-U ATGM scores a hit on a Russian armored vehicle.

March 14th - A photo shows a Ukrainian S-300 launcher which is visibly undamaged, and believed to have been abandoned during the retreat of the Ukrainian military.

March 14th - Missile bombardment causes large explosions in the city of Kharkov. Considerable damage is sustained by the city's infrastructure during the fighting. [1] [2] [3]

March 15th - A famous Canadian sniper, who fought the Taliban in Iraq and voluntarily fought against the LDNR forces in the Donbass region, is reported to have been killed within 20 minutes of Russian special operations forces beginning their assault.

March 15th - The Russian Ministry of Defense shows footage of its drone destroying two Ukrainian BMPs.

March 15th - A number of Ukrainian vehicles and armored vehicles are shown either damaged or completely destroyed in Kherson Oblast. This comes as the Russian Ministry of Defense reports that it has seized complete control over all of Kherson Oblast.

March 15th - A destroyed Ukrainian Strela-10 is photographed near the town of Lisichansk, Luhansk Oblast.

March 15th - In Kiev, Artem factory (responsible for producing air-to-air missiles and avionics for the equipment of the Ukrainian military is filmed on fire.

March 15th - The Russian Ministry of Defense releases footage showing its drones destroying Ukrainian ammo trucks.

March 15th - In Nikopol, a massive fire erupts after a Russian airstrike. It is reported that the 301st air defense battalion is based in Nikopol.

March 16th - A Ka-52 helicopter is destroyed by Ukrainian anti-air fire.

March 16th - Ukrainian forces destroy several Russian helicopters, which were parked on the ground on a military airfield in Kherson. It is reported that at least 3 helicopters were destroyed, along with a number of trucks. According to unconfirmed reports, the airfield was attacked using rocket artillery and several service personnel were killed. Video footage of the attack was later published, showing a large number of rockets guided by TB-2 Bayraktar UAVs. Footage from March 18 shows at least 4 damaged helicopters being towed from the airfield, suggesting that at least 4 helicopters sustained medium or heavy damage, along with other aircraft which were completely destroyed.

March 16th - In Mariupol, a theater which was reportedly used as the Azov Battalion's makeshift headquarters is destroyed.

March 16th - According to the website liveuamap, Ukrainian positions in Mariupol are bombed from the sea.

March 16th - In Mariupol, a tank is destroyed by four consecutive hits from anti-tank weapons, including Javelins and NLAWs. The crew manages to escape, but is gunned down outside of the damaged tank. Some sources claim that the tank is a Russian T-72B3, whereas others claim it is an LNR T-64B.

March 16th - The Russian Ministry of Defense publishes footage showing an Inokhodets UAV destroying several Ukrainian military vehicles in the city of Mariupol.

March 17th - A short video shows a guided bomb destroying several Ukrainian artillery platforms.

March 17th - A video of a destroyed Ukrainian S-300 is published online.

March 17th - Drone footage claiming to show concealed Ukrainian targets being destroyed.

March 17th - More drone footage shows Ukrainian artillery platforms destroyed by Russian artillery fire. The video reportedly shows the result of Malka artillery fire - a very heavy 203mm self-propelled gun.

March 17th - 4 launchers of the S-300PS air defense system are destroyed by Russian forces.

March 17th - A video is published showing two Ukrainian Su-25s destroyed in the air in the span of 30 seconds. Around this time, photos showing the remains of destroyed Ukrainian Su-25s are published online as well although it is not confirmed that the photo and video cover the same incident.

March 18th - The Russian Ministry of Defense publishes footage taken from a Ka-52 on the battlefield. Several Ka-52s and Mi-24s destroy various Ukrainian vehicles and MANPAD operators near an airport in the video. It is reported that the helicopter from which the video is filmed was fired upon by MANPADs 18 times, and was damaged enough to be forced to make an emergency landing in a field. The pilot was later evacuated by a second helicopter strike group. Commentary from the pilot later reveals that the helicopter was forced to land close to friendly forces due to a lack of fuel, and that the helicopter was not critically damaged and was recovered along with the crew.

March 18th - Chechen soldiers publish a video of the fighting in Mariupol.

March 18th - A Ukrainian barracks in Nikolaev Oblast is destroyed. [2] According to the reports of journalists on the ground, over 40 Ukrainian soldiers are dead or missing as a result of this strike. It is also reported that around this time, Nikolaev is partially surrounded from 3 sides by Russian forces.

March 18th - A video shows artillery strikes on the Azov Steel factory in Mariupol. The factory is reportedly used as a fortification point by the Azov Battalion and other elements of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The video is filmed from within about 1 kilometer of the factory.

March 18th - In Lvov, a cruise missile strikes a military target, possibly an airfield. [2] Unconfirmed reports suggest 4 separate blasts.

March 18th - The Russian Ministry of Defense publishes footage showing a UAV destroying a communications post on the ground.

March 18th - In the city of Kramatorsk (controlled by Ukrainian forces) - a cruise missile strikes an unspecified target, causing a large explosion.

March 18th - Video footage claims to show the aftermath of a Ukrainian ammo depot destroyed near the town of Voznesensk, Nikolaev Oblast.

March 18th - Another video shows a Russian UAV destroying a Ukrainian ammo depot.

March 18th - In the city of Melitopol, a large fire erupts, presumably after an attack.

March 18th - A Ukrainian hangar is destroyed by a supersonic missile.

March 19th - The Russian Ministry of Defense announces that during the night from 18th to 19th March, the Ukrainian military fired multiple Tochka-Us at the Russian-controlled city of Melitopol, and that the ballistic missiles were shot down by Russian air defenses.

March 19th - Russia announces that it has used Bastion missiles as well as hypersonic Kinzhal missiles to destroy Ukrainian military infrastructure and underground munition depots. This marks history's first use of hypersonic glide weapons in a real combat environment. A video showing the flight of an unidentified but extremely fast missile, likely the Kinzhal, was filmed in Ukraine on the same day. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense briefing, the hypersonic missiles a large depot of missiles and aviation bombs in Delyatin, Inavo-Frankovsk Oblast. According to reports, the target was a heavily-fortified Soviet-era facility, was protected by approximately 10 meters of concrete. Three other communications posts were destroyed by Bastion missiles.

March 19th - The Russian Ministry of Defense releases more footage showing various Ukrainian vehicles and other targets destroyed by strike drones and loitering munitions.

March 19th - A military factory in Chernigov is destroyed by a Russian strike.

March 19th - An Orlan 10 (small reconnaisance UAV) is shot down by the Azov Battalion in Mariupol.

March 19th - A lengthy video shows a T-72 tank of the DNR militia fighting in Marianka, Donetsk Oblast. According to one of the tank's operators, the tank sustained several hits from various anti-tank weapons, but remained combat-capable. Towards the end of the video, various destroyed Ukrainian armor is shown.

March 19th - A short video shows the remains of several Russian armored vehicles along with Ukrainian soldiers.

March 19th - Footage shows a Russian Ka-52 attack helicopter destroying a Ukrainian ammo depot using laser-guided Vihr missiles.

March 19th - A large explosion is caused by an Iskander-missile strike.

March 20th - During the Russian MOD's daily morning briefing, it is reported that Russia has launched ship-based cruise missiles from the Caspian Sea, and that another Kinzhal missile was used to destroy a fuel depot near Konstantinovka, Nikolaev Oblast. It is also reported that air-launched missiles struck a training camp of foreign mercenaries, killing around 100 foreign fighters.

March 20th - A short video shows a guided munition destroying a Ukrainian armored vehicle.

March 20th - A destroyed Russian armor column is filmed in an unspecified region of Ukraine.

March 20th - A lightly-damaged American counter-battery radar, manufactured by Northrop Grumman is captured by pro-Russian forces.

March 20th - A video shows Ukrainian forces detonating explosives to destroy a road in order to slow down the Russian advance.

March 20th - Older footage surfaces showing another destroyed Russian vehicle column - made up of about 10 vehicles. The date of filming is not specified, but is presumably from the first days of the war.

March 20th - A short compilation shows a Forpost-R UAV striking various Ukrainian targets.

March 20th - A massive firestorm is presumed to be the aftermath of TOS-1 thermobaric artillery fire on Ukrainian positions.

March 21st - A railroad bridge near Kiev leading to Irpen is destroyed by Ukrainian forces.

March 21st - Ukrainian Tochka-Us are filmed flying towards targets in the city of Donetsk. At least some of the missiles were shot down by Russian air defences.

March 21st - A missile strikes a mall in Kiev, causing a massive explosion and obliterating the building. [2] [3] It is later revealed that the mall was being used as an artillery staging platform, as is evidenced by the fact that ammunition was filmed detonating amid the mall ruins and by the fact that Ukrainian rocket artillery was filmed hiding in the building after unleashing a volley.

March 22nd - Soldiers film the remains of a Ukrainian post, around which are several destroyed Ukrainian tanks and armored vehicles.

March 22nd - Residents of Sevastopol film a Buyan-M class corvette firing a volley of Kalibr missiles, presumably towards Mariupol.

March 22nd - A video filmed from a Russian convoy emerges online, showing the remnants of five separate Ukrainian armored vehicles along various parts of the road.

March 22nd - A destroyed Ukrainian armored car is filmed by LDNR forces.

March 22nd - A video shows an utterly destroyed Ukrainian T-64 tank along a highway, as well as what appear to be unrecognizeable scraps of some other vehicle.

March 22nd - Chechen soldiers film their drones being used and operated to identify and destroy Ukrainian targets.

March 22nd - Three large missiles strike a military airfield in quick succession near Kramatorsk, Luhansk Oblast. Unconfirmed reports suggest that Ukrainian personnel and equipment was stationed in this area.

March 22nd - A Russian drone is used to identify and destroy Ukrainian artillery. Judging by the footage, it is likely that the drone was used to direct counterbattery fire.

March 23rd - Footage emerges of another Ukrainian Su-25 destroyed on the ground.

March 23rd - A Russian drone films the destruction of two Ukrainian D-20 (152mm) heavy artillery pieces. It is not known whether the artillery was destroyed by the drone, or if the drone merely directed counterbattery fire.

March 23rd - The destruction of a Ukrainian S-300 is filmed by a Russian aircraft, possibly a drone.

March 23rd - A destroyed Ukrainian BRMD is filmed along the side of the road in Kiev oblast.

March 23rd - In west Luhansk Region, Ukrainian artillery targets civilian areas and damages or destroys several homes.

March 24th - A Ukrainian ammo depot is destroyed in the early morning near the town of Bahmut, Donetsk Oblast.

March 24th - A Ukrainian Tochka-U strikes the naval port of Berdyansk and scores a hit on the Russian amphibious landing ship Orsk, which was built in the 1960s. The ship was then sunk to avoid an ammunition cook-off as other amphibious landing ships evacuated the area. Another video from Berdyansk naval port shows munitions cooking off from another location, possibly indicating the destruction of a nearby ammo storage.

March 24th - Photos of captured Ukrainian tanks and armored transports taken in Chernigov Oblast are published.

March 24th - Two Ukrainian Gvozdikas (self-propelled artillery) are caught on drone footage and destroyed by Uragan missile strikes.

March 24th - A Russian Su-24 drops several large bombs on Ukrainian positions near Avdeevka, Donetsk Oblast.

March 24th - At 7:40 PM, a Russian corvette launches 8 cruise missiles off the coast of Sevastopol.

March 24th(?) - A Russian airstrike strikes Ukrainian positions in In Izum, Kharkov Oblast.

March 24th - More footage emerges from the Donbass showing destroyed Ukrainian armored vehicles [2] as well as poorly built and abandoned fortifications left behind by the Ukrainian army.

March 24th - Footage shows a Russian Krasnopol round destroying a Ukrainian S-300 launcher.

March 25th - The Russian military launches a missile attack against a barracks near the city of Dniepr. It is reported that two separate missiles were used.

March 25th - A Su-34 airstrikes a large depot of Ukrainian military trucks.

March 25th - In the early morning hours, a large firestorm is filmed in the vicinity of Kiev.

March 25th - A squad of Ukrainian soldiers, possibly a reconnaissance-saboteur group, is captured near Mariupol (far away from the front lines)

March 25th - The remains of more Ukrainian armored vehicles are filmed somewhere in the Donbass region.

March 25th - Footage shows a Ka-52 attack helicopter destroying at least one armored vehicle and some sort of fortified post. An interview with the pilot of the helicopter reveals that there were, in fact, several lightly armored vehicles that were attacked by a squadron of attack helicopters and that the fortified post was a platoon stronghold.

March 25th - A mushroom cloud is filmed in Artemovskiy, Donetsk Oblast (controlled by Ukrainian forces). Reports state that the explosion is from an airstrike by the Russian VKS targeting a tank base near the city.

March 25th - An Iskander-M ballistic missile destroys the headquarters of a foreign mercenary group. Both the fact that fighters were seen around the facility and the moment of impact are filmed from the sky and shown in the video.

March 25th - Various equipment, from American-made ATGMs and British-made NLAWs, to BTRs, tanks, artillery systems, and short-range air defences systems is captured by Russian forces and handed over to the Luhansk People's Republic. The amount of equipment is sufficient for a small military museum, which has been constructed in the LNR.

March 25th - In a factory belonging to the Ukrainian city of Chernigov, high-res drone footage shows Ukrainian artillery being destroyed. [2]

March 25th - Retreating Ukrainian soldiers leave mines and IEDs on a road in Kherson. The munitions are disarmed by the Russian military.

March 26th - In Zhitomyr, the training center of the 199th mobile amphibious troops is destroyed, presumably by four Kalibr cruise missiles which were launched from a Buyan-M class corvette the previous day. According to Russian sources, this training center was also used to prepare and coordinate foreign mercenaries.

March 26th - Several photos surface showing destroyed Russian military trucks and a destroyed MSTA-S self-propelled artillery platform.

March 26th - A video of Ukrainian KIA fighters in a Mariupol residential apartment surfaces.

March 26th - Footage shows a Russian Ka-52 attack helicopter destroying a Ukrainian command post from over 7000 meters away. It is reported that the Vihr anti-tank missile was used.

March 26th - During a daily morning briefing by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, footage shows the destruction of a Ukrainian fuel depot in Nikolaev oblast is shown, as well as the destruction of various command posts.

March 26th - A missile strikes a target in the city of Lutsk, western Ukraine.

March 26th - A tank crew belonging to either the LNR, DNR, or Russia films the remains of their tank as well as a nearby tank. The crew is said to be unharmed.

March 26th - Drone footage shows the destruction of a Ukrainian BUK-M1 air defense platform. The air defense platform was reportedly destroyed by an Iskander missile. The event reportedly occurred South-West of Kiev.

March 26th - Several Ukrainian UAVs are destroyed near the city of Sevastopol, Russia (Russian-controlled Crimea). At least one drone was destroyed above the Black Sea using two missiles.

March 26th - A Ukrainian BTR-3M2 is destroyed during fightin in Mariupol.

March 26th - 61 Ukrainian soldiers, who are reportedly mainly senior lieutenants and officers, surrender to Russian forces and are taken as POWs.

March 26th - In the ciy of Lvov, several cruise missiles strike an oil rig [2] [3] It is also reported that an oil storage facility was destroyed as well.

March 26th - Several hours after the previous cruise missile strike in Lvov, another large explosion is filmed.

MArch 27th - A Ukrainian military base in Kharkov Oblast is destroyed by an Iskander-M missile strike.

March 27th - A Russian drone guides a large missile to a Ukrainian 2S7 Pion self-propelled artillery gun.

March 27th - A Russian Su-25 ground attack fighter destroys Ukrainian ammo depots.

March 27th - Chechen fighters film a video showing that they control the majoirty of the city of Mariupol. KIA Ukrainian defenders are seen towards the end of the video.

March 27th - A Ukrainian Humvee (produced in the United States) meets a tank round.

March 27th - Drone footage shows the remnants of a Ukrainian territorial defense outpost after being bombarded by BM-21 Grad missiles.

March 27th - Russian long-range missiles strike an oil processing plant in the ciy of Dubno.

March 27th - A video showing a burning field at night claims to show the result of a Russian VKS airstrike on Ukrainian positions in the Zolotoye Severodonetsk region of the LNR.

March 27th - Another missile strikes a target in the Ukrainian city of Lutsk. According to preliminary reports, the target is an oil field. [image] The aftermath of the strike as seen via sattelite footage can be found here.

March 28th - Russian drone footage shows a dug-in Ukrainian BMP destroyed by either an air strike or an artillery strike.

March 28th - A Russian vehicle-based radio R-166-0.5 Artek (built on BTR-80 chassis) is destroyed in the Donbas region.

March 28th - A video as well as numerous photographs [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] showing destroyed Ukrainian army equipment in the Donass region is posted online. Separate photos show destroyed Ukrainian vehicles in the area of Mariupol. [1] [2]

March 28th - A destroyed Ukrainian Zil-131 truck (developed in the 1960s) is photographed near Kiev.

March 28th - A video shows a destroyed Ukrainian BMP in Sumskaya Oblast.

March 28th - In the city of Mariupol, a Russian tank is filmed firing on the fortification posts of Azov fighters afrom almost point plank range. Separately, a video showing Azov Battalion fortifications in the ruins of a civilian apartment are shown

March 28th - The Russian Ministry of Defense publishes drone footage showing the destruction of several different Ukrainian targets. The footage is blurry, making it difficult to independently verify the destroyed targets - although the press briefing of the Russian MOD states that 36 Ukrainian targets were destroyed, including 2 command posts, 2 anti-air platforms, 1 rocket artillery platform, 3 ammunition depots, 3 fuel depots, and 23 groupings of Ukrainian military hardware. The MOD press briefing also notes that 5 Ukrainian BM-27 Smerch missiles were intercepted around Chernobaevka, Kherson Oblast.

March 28th - Near the town of Marianka, the bodybags of KIA Ukrainian servicemen are prepared for burial.

March 28th - A Ukrainian Su-27 fighter jet is destroyed near Khramatorsk.

March 28th - Images of destroyed and captured Ukrainian hardware at Gostomel airport are published: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

March 28th - The aftermath of artillery bombardment from a TOS-1 thermobaric missile launcher on Ukrainian positions shows barely recognizeable remnants of foxholes and pillboxes.

March 28th - An oil rig in Klevan, Rovenskaya Oblast (western Ukraine) is destroyed by a Kalibr cruise missile strike. The resulting fire is later filmed at the scene. A sattelite photo of the aftermath can be found here.

March 28th - In the city of Mariupol, a video shows an Azov battalion fighter firing an NLAW from an apartment at a Russian T-72B model 1989 tank. The projectile strikes the tank's roof, but the tank survives the hit and keeps driving nonetheless.

March 29th - A video shows a Russian Mi-28N destroying Ukrainian armored vehicles.

March 29th - A number of Ukrainian armored vehicles are destroyed by a guided projectile.

March 29th - A Kalibr cruise missile strikes the administrative capital building of the Nikolaev Oblast. The strike occurred at night-time. A video showing the aftermath of the explosion can be found here.

March 29th - A video shows what is essentially a mass grave of Azov fighters. The author of the video speaks of this event as a tragedy, discussing how Ukrainians (including members of nationalist battalions) are essentially Russians, who have been brainwashed by over a century of a western information campaign telling them that they are separate from Russia.

March 29th - A Russian drone is used to guide BM-21 Grad missiles to destroy a Ukrainian outpost, including several armored vehicles (BTRs and BMPs)

March 29th - A number of Ukrainian armored vehicles, including APCs and tanks, are shown on video.

March 29th - Photos emerge showing a number of destroyed and captured Ukrainian equipment, including a T-64B tank, a vehicle-mounted Zu-23-2, a BMD-2, as well as the remains of a Ukrainian armored car.

March 29th - Photos from Mariupol show a number of destroyed and captured Ukrainian military trucks. [1] [2] [3]

March 29th - A Russian ammunition depot is destroyed near the city of Belgorod, Krasniy Oktabr region. Presumably, the depot was struck by a Tochka-U missile.

March 29th - A photograph shows a destroyed Russian T-80UE1 tank possibly from an earlier date.

March 29th - An explosion photographed in the Ukrainian city of Hmelnitski is possibly the result of a missile strike.

March 29th - A destroyed column of Ukrainian BM-21 Grads is filmed from the ground.

March 30th - A photo shows a destroyed Ukrainian Bayraktar, possibly from an earlier date.

March 30th - The Russian Ministry of Defense publishes close-up drone footage, as well as footage taken from the ground showing a destroyed Ukrainian S-300 division.

March 30th - It is reported that LNR and DNR combatants have eliminated the sniper Elena Belozerskaya. A video showing her body can be found here. Previously, she stated that she would continue killing Russians in the Donbas, and that Ukrainians must have dominance over all other ethnicities on Ukrainian land.

March 30th - The Russian Ministry of Defense publishes footage showing a Pantsir (air defence system) destroying a Ukrainian UJ-22 Airborne UAV.

March 30th - More photos of destroyed Ukrainian vehicles in Mariupol are taken. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

March 30th - Various destroyed Ukrainian tanks are photographed amid the ruins of the Kharkov National Tank Academy. [1] [2] [3] [4]

March 30th - A video shows destroyed civilian cars used by the territorial defense forces of Ukraine.

March 30th - Borys Filatov, mayor of the Ukrainian city of Dnepopetrovsk, confirms on Twitter that a Russian missile has struck a target in the city. Presumably, it is a cruise missile striking a barracks.

March 30th - A drone films as Ukrainian soldiers are hit by a guided RUssian bomb followed by a Ukrainian armored vehicle being hit by another bomb.

March 30th - A Russian drone films the destruction of a Ukrainian BUK-M1 (air defense platform).

March 30th - A Russian missile hits a gas pipeline in Kharkov. The aftermath is filmed on the following day.

March 31st - Russian guided weapons destroy several rocket artillery vehicles belonging to the Azov Battalion. The rocket artillery platforms are likely BM-21 Grads.

March 31st - 10 Ukrainian soldiers are filmed in Russian captivity, walking in a chain gang.

March 31st - Dead body warning NSFL: A Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter attempting to evacuate the soldiers encircled in Mariupol is shot down, resulting in the deaths of 17 Ukrainian soldiers. According to reports, the helicopter was shot down by a captured Stinger MANPAD belonging to the DNR forces. Another video of the aftermath can be seen here.

March 31st - A dead Ukrainian soldier is filmed in Mariupol.

March 31st - Russian forces bomb Azov Battalion positions with guided weapons as the latter are pushed back into the Azovstal factory.

March 31st - An image shows the aftermath of a Ukrainian T-64BV tank being hit by an ATGM.

March 31st - A Russian T-72B3 tank is photographed abandoned and half-submerged in a river near the city of Sumy.

March 31st - A Ukrainian command post is destroyed by a Russian guided 152-mm artillery round (Krasnopol).

March 31st - An Iskander-M tactical ballistic missile strikes a Ukrainian command center in the city of Kharkov. The Russian Ministry of Defense claims that this missile eliminated over 100 enemy combatants.

April (?) - Death NSFL Combat footage from Mariupol shows the moment that a Ukrainian fighter dies during an attack.

April 1st - In the early morning, two Ukrainian Mi-24 helicopters destroy an oil reservoir near the Russian city of Belgorod It is reported that these helicopters flew low to the ground, and were therefore not spotted by long-range radar - while the fact that Mi-24 helicopters are operated by the Russian VKS as well would mean that these helicopters could have been confused for friendly ones by short-range air defenses. Belgorod is 40 kilometers from the Ukrainian border.

April 1st - A Russian Typhoon MRAP is filmed destroyed near the city of Mariupol.

April 1st - A destroyed Ukrainian BMP-1 is photographed near Marianka.

April 1st - A Russian airstrike hits Ukrainian military positions fortified in Ilyich metalworks factory, Mariupol. [2]

April 1st - A Russian guided munition strikes Ukrainian positions at the Azovstal factory in Mariupol.

April 1st - Ukrainian forces blow up a bridge near the city of Kharkov, Oskolskiy water reservoir.

April 1st - The mayor of Odessa reports that 3 Russian Iskander tactical ballistic missiles struck targets in the city.

April 1st - A TOS-1A thermobaric rocket launcher is seen captured by Ukrainian forces.

April 2nd - A video shows the aftermath of a Russian bomb strike on Ukrainian positions, presumably in the Donbass region. The soldiers are shaken, complain of being abandoned by their commanders, while their surroundings are destroyed.

April 2nd - The artillery of the DNR strikes Ukrainian positions on the outskirts of the city of Marianka, Donetsk Region. [1] [2] [3]

April 2nd - Russia strikes oil storage tanks in the oil processing plant of Kermenchug. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, sea-based cruise missiles were used. The oil processing plant was said to be operating at around 16% capacity while producing 7000 tons of fuel for the Ukrainian military per day.

April 2nd - An undetonated naval mine is spotted in the destroyed vehicle of the Ukrainian national guard. Naval mines typically have explosive charges exceeding 100kg.

April 2nd - Ukrainian soldiers film their destroyed armor column. The video shows soldiers praying before getting out of their vehicle, as the camera pans to show burning vehicles.

April 2nd - In Chernigov Oblast, a video shows a column of damaged and destroyed vehicles. The vehicles are claimed to be transport vehicles of a Ukrainian pontoon-constructing team.

April 2nd - Photos showing destroyed Ukrainian vehicles in Kherson Oblast are published. [1] [2] [3] Separately, a photo showing a destroyed Ukrainian BP-1 in Mariupol is also published as well as a photo of a destroyed Ukrainian BMP-1U near Marianka.

April 2nd - A video showing massive devastation as well as the remains of many Ukrainian vehicles in the village of Verhnetoretskoe, Donetsk Oblast is published. Additionally, several photos show dead Ukrainian soldiers from the resulting bombardment (NSFL warning): [1] [2]

April 2nd - An oil depot in Shepetkov, Khmelnitskyi Oblast is struck by Russian missiles and destroyed. [2] [2]

April 2nd - A photo claims to show a Russian 2S7 Pion (203mm self propelled artillery) destroying a Ukrainian ammo depot.

April 2nd - An image appears on the internet showing a destroyed Ukrainian TB-2 Bayraktar.

April 2nd - The Russian Ministry of Defense releases footage showing Ka-52 attack helicopters destroying Ukrainian vehicles using Vihr anti-tank missiles.

April 3rd - Infrared footage shows a large number of Russian airborne bombs dropped on Ukrainian positions. About two dozen bombs are dropped in total.

April 3rd - Oil processing and fuel infrastructure is struck by missiles in the city of Odessa. Preliminary reports suggest 6-8 separate blasts. Video and photos from the incident clearly show at least 4 separate smoke plumes. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

April 3rd - The Russian Ministry of Defense publishes more footage showing Ka-52 attack helicopters striking Ukrainian positions.

April 3rd - A video appears showing a destroyed Russian Su-27/30/34/35. [2] The exact type of aircraft is difficult to identify, and reports differ.

April 3rd - A Russian UAV guides artillery to strike a Ukrainian fortified position.

April 4th - The Russian Ministry of Defense publishes footage showing an Inokhodets UAV destroying a Ukrainian fortified position.

April 4th - Dead body warning NSFL - KIA Ukrainian soldiers are filmed by pro-Russian soldiers or fighters, preumably somewhere in the Donbass.

April 4th - Dead body NSFL - As Chechen soldiers continue the cleanup of Mariupol, the bodies of several dead Ukrainian fighters - reportedly Azov Battalion fighters - are filmed from beneath the rubble.

April 4th - Drone footage filmed from an Orlan-10 UAV shows as BM-21 a rocket artillery barrage targets and destroys a Ukrainian vehicle column.

April 4th - A Ukrainian S-300 command vehicle is filmed after being destroyed by pro-Russian forces, reportedly after trying to move from Mariupol to Zaporozhiye.

April 4th - Footage is published showing Russian Ka-52 helicopters destroying various Ukrainian targets using Vihr anti-tank missiles.

April 4th - A destroyed US-manufactured Humvee is filmed somewhere in Ukraine.

April 4th - A Russian UAV films as a 2S19 self-propelled artillery platform destroys a Ukrainian ammunition depot near the suburbs of Chernigov.

April 4th - A destroyed Ukrainian BMP-2 is photographed in Popasny region, LNR.

April 7th - A Ukrainian vehicle column travelling along the Kiev-Zhytomir highway is devastated and destroyed.

April 4th - More images showing captured and destroyed Ukrainian equipment in the city of Mariupol (armored cars and trucks) appear on the internet. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] In another location, images of a captured Kozak armored car appear online as well: [1] [2]. In yet another separate instnace, a disabled Ukrainian KrAZ is also photographed.

April 5th - A Russian UAV films as a bomb strikes a camouflaged Ukrainian position.

April 5th - 200 soldiers of the 264th Ukrainian marine battalion surrender to Russian forces. [2] [3] [4]. By other accounts, as many as 267 marine soldiers surrender.

April 5th - Dead body warning NSFL A video shows the remains of dozens of Ukrainian soldiers burned to death after a missile strike on a fortified post.

April 5th - In the early morning hours, several dozen Ukrainian soldiers surrender to the Russian military in the Donbass.

April 5th - A drone films a Russian T-72B3 tank firing on Ukrainian positions from close range in Mariupol.

April 5th - A video surfaces showing a Ukrainian Stugna-P ATGM destroying a Russian Ka-52 attack helicopter. It is not confirmed whether the video is recent or from an older date.

April 5th - A Russian corvette fires 8 Kalibr cruise missiles. The Russian Ministry of Defense states that this attack targeted Ukrainian barracks and training centers, including those in which foreign mercenaries were housed. Footage of air strikes is also shown in the background during the MOD briefing.

April 5th - Drone footage, likely from an earlier date, shows a Ukrainian tank firing upon a Russian armor column and destroying a Russian BTR.

April 5th - A Russian Orlan-10 UAV is destroyed. [1] [2] [3]

April 5th - A US-made armored Humvee is destroyed somewhere in Ukraine. [1] [2]

April 6th - A large amount of destroyed Ukrainian military vehicles near Severodonetsk is filmed.

April 6th - The Ukrainian large patrol ship, Donbass, is destroyed. This patrol ship had a displacement of 5500 tonnes.

April 6th - A Russian UAV films the destruction of a Ukrainian military vehicle.

April 6th - A video shows large amounts of destroyed Ukrainian artillery in the Donbass region.

April 6th - Drone footage shows Ukrainian fighters in Mariupol fleeing towards the port area of the city. The fighters are alleged to be Azov Battalion fighters.

April 6th - The Russian military fires several supersonic Onyx missiles towards targets in Ukraine. The missiles are launched from the Bastion coastal defense complex. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, these missiles struck at least 5 Ukrainian fuel depots near the Donbass.

April 6th - A large number of destroyed Ukrainian trucks are filmed near Sumy.

April 6th - A Ukrainian Bayraktar UAV is destroyed by a Russian TOR (short range air defense)

April 6th - More destroyed and captured Ukrainian vehicles from Mariupol aare photographed. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

April 6th - Dead body NSFL Chechen soldiers film what they claim are the bodies of foreign mercenaries in Mariupol.

April 7th - Russian drone footage shows a Ukrainian vehicle towing a 152mm artillery piece destroyed by a Russian artillery strike.

April 7th - A tank is destroyed with ammunition cook-off.

April 7th - A Russian Orlan-10 UAV is destroyed.

April 7th - The aftermath of a tank duel between a Russian T-80BVM and a T-64BVM shows that an ammunition cook-off has occured in the Ukrainian tank.

April 7th - Images of destroyed Ukrainian equipment that have surfaced throughout the day include several BM-21 Grad rocket artillery platforms [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] and a 2S7 Pion heavy self-propelled artillery. 7]

April 8th - A Ukrainian fighter is captured by Russian soldiers (possibly by LNR or DNR soldiers)

April 8th - The Russian Ministry of Defense publishes footage showing Onyx supersonic cruise missiles, fired from the Bastion missile system, flying towards targets in Ukraine.

April 8th - A Ukrainian T-64 rank is destroyed by an Inokhodets UAV near Kharkov. [2]

April 8th - A Ukrainian T-72B1 tank is captured by pro-Russian forces.

April 8th - A destroyed Ukrainian BTR is photographed in Kiev Oblast. It is likely that the vehicle was destroyed at an earlier date. [2]

April 8th - A destroyed Russian IFV is filmed along the Kiev_Zhytomir highway. It is likely that the vehicle was destroyed at an earlier date.

April 8th - An inokhodets UAV destroys a Ukrainian tank in the Azovstal factory of Mariupol.

April 8th - A destroyed Russian Pantsir S-1 is filmed in Ukraine.

April 8th - About a platoon's worth of Ukrainian soldiers are filmed surrendering in Mariupol.

April 8th - A destroyed Ukrainian vehicle column is filmed near the town of Ugledar, western Donetsk Oblast.

April 9th - A Russian Inokhodets UAV destroys a Ukrainian BTR near a factory. The factory in question is reported to be the Ilyich factory of Mariupol.

April 9th - A destroyed Ukrainian T-64 is photographed in Kharkov.

April 9th - A BM-21 Grad rocket propelled artillery system of the Ukrainian army is destroyed near the city of Trotsyanets, Sumy Oblast.

April 9th - In the Azovstal factory of Mariupol, a mass surrender of Ukrainian soldiers takes place.

April 9th - Four images surface on the internet, claiming to show the remains of a Russian Inokhodets UAV. [1] [2] [3] [4]

April 9th(?) - The blast-wave effect of a massive explosion is filmed in Kharkov.

April 10th - A Ukrainian OSA short-range AA system is destroyed.

April 10th - The Russian Ministry of Defense publishes footage of Ka-52 attack helicopters destroying Ukrainian vehicles and AA systems.

April 10th - Drone footage shows Russian artillery destroyinga Ukrainian vehicle. The footage as reportdly filmed near Dolgonkoe, which is on the border of the Donetsk Oblast and Kharkov Oblast.

April 10th - Dead Body NSFL Various images show destroyed Ukrainian equipment and a dead Ukrainian soldier, somewhere in the Donbass. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

April 10th - Various photos show more destroyed Ukrainian vehicles and fighting equipment in the Donbass. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [1]

April 10th - A Russian navy corvette launches 4 Kalibr missiles towards targets in Ukraine.

April 10th - A Russian tank crew recounts the surrender of a Ukrainian tank crew in Kharkov Oblast, as they show off the captured Ukrainian tank.

April 10th - Something which appears to be a Russian vehicle is destroyed by a Ukrainian Stugna ATGM. The event is filmed in a Ukrainian propaganda video, although the actual event appears to be real.

April 10th - Death NSFL A tank opens fire and kills around 10 Ukrainian soldiers at point-blank range. It is likely that the Ukrainian soldiers confused this tank for one of their own tanks, or a captured tank. Aftermath footage. Later reports confirm that this was a Ukrainian tank committing friendly-fire.

April 11th - A Ukrainian 2S3 Akatsiya SPA is abandoned and seized by DNR forces.

April 11th - The Russian VKS airstrikes an unidentified target, as a Ukrainian operator tries to shoot down the aircraft with an Igla man-portable air defense.

April 11th - A video claims to show a destroyed Ukrainian tank, somewhere in the Donbass region.

April 11th - 160 Ukrainian marines lay down their arms and surrender to Russian forces. [2]

April 11th - Destroyed Ukrainian T-64 tanks are photographed near Chernigov. [1] [2]

April 11th - The Russian VKS destroys what it claims is the training camp of the organization 'Right Sector' in Novogorodovka, Donetsk People's Republic.

April 11th - Drone footage released by the Donetsk Peoples' Republic militia on April 13th shows the 36th Ukrainian marine brigade attempting to break through the encirclement at the Ilyich steel factory, and being destroyed by artillery.

April 11th - The Russian MOD announces the use of a third hypersonic Kinzhal missile, which was used to destroy an underground command post in the Donbass.

April 12th - 1000 Ukrainian soldiers in Mariupol surrender to Russian and DNR forces.

April 12th - A Russian Balck Sea corvette is filmed firing 3 more Kalibr cruise missiles towards targets in Ukraine.

April 12th - Footage emerges showing a firestorm around what used to be a Ukrainian field camp.

April 12th - Soldiers of the Donbass militias film themselves on top of a captured Ukrainian tank.

April 12th - Images surface appearing to show the remains of a destroyed Tu-143 Soviet-era UAV. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

April 12th - A video shows large amounts of destroyed Ukrainian military vehicles, which are destroyed or abandoned in Mariupol.

April 13th - A destroyed Ukrainian tank is photographed in Zaporozhskaya Oblast.

April 13th - Photos show the destruction of Ukrainian Kozak armored cars following a battle. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

April 13th - A photograph shows a Ukrainian T-64 tank which was flipped over in Mariupol.

April 13th - Footage shows Russian Mi-24 and Ka-52 attack helicopters destroying Ukrainian air defences.

April 13th - A Ukrainian BRMD-3 is damaged and abandoned on the side of the road. [2]

April 13th - Drone footage shows what is reported to be footage of a Krasnopol guided artillery round striking a Ukrainian-controlled building in Azovstal factory, Mariupol.

April 13th - Footage shows what is claimed to be a strike guided by a drone on a building held by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

April 13th - Several BTRs are abandoned by Ukrainian forces. [1] [2] [3] [4]

April 13th - It is reported that the Russian cruiser Moskva, flagship of the Black Sea fleet, has suffered serious damage following the detonation of its munitions. Ukrainian media reports this as being the result of an anti-ship missile attack, and claims that the ship has been sunk and destroyed. The next day, both the Russian Ministry of Defense and the US Pentagon make separate claims stating that the cruiser is afloat, and is making its way to its home port on its own power. [1] [2] However, within a few hours it is reported that the ship sunk due to stormy conditions after losing its stability. On April 16th, the crew of the cruiser is filmed in Sevastopol, where it is announced that contractors will continue their service aboard other ships. Images that claim to show the damaged ship: [1] [2] [3]

April 13th - A large concentration of Ukrainian forces is bombed by Russian artillery and air power upon trying to leave the encirclement at Ilyich factory, Mariupol.

April 15th - A report made by US state-funded media Radio Freedom shows the wreckage of a Ukrainian Su-25 ground attack aircraft, which was destroyed on February 26th.

April 15th - More images claiming to show destroyed Ukrainian armored vehicles in Mariupol. The videos are claimed to have belonged to Azov fighters. [1] [2] [[3](] [4]

April 15th - It is reported that a Ukrainian force trapped in one of the three pockets of encirclement at Mariupol tried to break through and join with the other encircled force at Azovstal several kilometers away, but that most of this force was destroyed during the attempt. This comes as Ilyich factory (one of the three encircled areas) is completely secured by pro-Russian forces. [1]

April 15th - Death light NSFL - Close-up drone footage shows Azov fighters being killed at Azovstal during Russian artillery shelling.

April 15th - Dead body NSFL A video shows dead Ukrainian soldiers atop a truck, who allegedly tried to leave the encirclement at Mariupol. The soldiers allegedly tried to leave towards Zaporozhiye.

April 15th - Around 2 AM local time, a number of Russian cruise missiles strike targets in Ukrainan cities across Ukraine. One of the notable targets being struck is the Vizar anti-ship missile factory.

April 15th - A Russian Forpost-R UAV destroys Ukrainian armored vehicles.

April 15th - Following a missile attack, a video shows ammunition cooking off in Kiev, after an ammunition depot was struck.

April 15th - Drone footage shows a Russian UAV destroying a Ukrainian armored vehicle.

April 15th - A Russian corvette is filmed firing 4 Kalibr cruise missiles at targets in Ukraine.

April 15th - A British mercenary named Aiden Aslan is captured by Russian forces in Mariupol and questioned. The next day, another British mercenary Sean Penner is also captured.

April 16th - A column of smoke is seen after an oil processing facility is destroyed near Lisichansk, Donetsk Oblast (Ukrainian-held territory)

April 16th - A Stugna ATGM strikes a Russian T-72B3 tank, and damages but fails to destroy it.

April 16th - Russian missiles destroy a Ukrainian tank-manufacturing factory in Kharkov, as well as a number of supply depots.

April 16th - Images claim to show the result of a Russian T-72B3 tank being struck by 3 NLAW/Javelin missiles in Mariupol. The tank is damaged, but operable, and it is claimed that none of the crew was harmed. [1] [2] [3]

April 16th - Drone footage shows Russian rocket artillery shelling Ukrainian positions.

April 16th - The passports of two US mercenaries killed in Mariupol are revealed. [1] [2] [3]

April 16th - A T-64BVM and T-64BV tank are captured in two separate instances, by Russian and Donbass forces. [1] [2]

April 16th - An image, presumably from February or March, shows a heavily damaged Ka-52 attack helicopter which was forced to make a landing, being scuttled by Russian forces in Kiev oblast.

April 16th - An image surfaces showing a destroyed Russian Typhoon MRAP in Kiev oblast.

April 16th - Footage shows what are claimed to be airstrikes on Ukrainian positions.

April 16th - A Ukrainian ammunition depot in Nikolaev Oblast is destroyed.

April 16th - Dead body NSFL The bodies of KIA Ukrainian soldiers are posted on the internet, with reports stating that they were eliminated by Russian Spetsnaz operatives. [1] [2] [3] [4]

April 16th - A destroyed tank, claimed to be a Ukrainian T-72B, is photographed by a war correspondent in Ukraine.

April 16th - A photo shows a destroyed Ukrainian T-64BV tank.

April 17th - A low-flying drone films over a dozen KIA Ukrainian soldiers.

April 17th - Airstrikes on Ukrainian positions in Azovstal, Mariupol are published.

April 17th - An image shows a destroyed Ukrainian BMP-1 [1] [2] [3]

April 17th - The Russian Ministry of Defense releases footage showing Mi-28N attack helicopters attacking targets, which are claimed to be Ukrainian air defenses.

April 18th - A video shows Ukrainian forces being made to surrender, presumably by Donbass militia forces.

April 18th - A Ukrainian armored vehicle (likely a BMP) is obliterated by a high-powered bomb or missile strike. The turret is found inside of a building on the 5th floor.

April 18th - A Ukrainian tank is destroyed by a Russian BMP-mounted ATGM.

April 18th - Ukrainian forces blow up a bridge near Dronovka, Donetsk Oblast (Ukraine-controlled territory)

April 18th Gore NSFL Disturbing footage shows Ukrainian soldiers with limbs torn off, allegedly after receiving friendly fire.

April 19th - Several images show a destroyed Ukrainian Kozak armored car along with captured anti-tank weaponry. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

April 19th - A UAV films as several claimed Ukrainian targets are destroyed. [1] [2]

April 19th Dead body NSFL A video shows the aftermath of the battle between Ukrainian soldiers and Chechen Spetsnaz.

April 19th Dead body NSFL Ukrainian territorial defense forces film themselves before and after getting blown up by land mines.

April 20th - Chechen special forces film themselves on top of a captured Ukrainian T-64 tank.

April 20th - Destroyed Ukrainian armored vehicles are filmed in Mariupol. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

April 20th - A Russian coastal battery fires 4 X-35 missiles at ground targets in Ukraine.

April 20th - A video claims to show a Krasnopol 155-mm guided artillery round striking a Ukrainian troop concentration.

April 21st - Images show a destroyed Ukrainian vehicle column, allegedly in Kherson Oblast. [1] [2] [3] [4]

April 21st - Footage shows Russian Spetsnaz ambushing and eliminating Ukrainian forces at night time.

April 21st - A UAV equipped with night-vision cameras shows the destruction of a Ukrainian tank by an artillery shell. A second video showing a similar, but different event can be found here.

April 21st Dead body NSFL Russian forces film abandoned Ukrainian equipment, defensive positions, and dead Ukrainian soldiers near Verhnetoretskoye.

April 22nd - A Russian ship in the Black Sea fires 4 Kalibr cruise missiles at Ukrainian targets.

April 22nd - Footage shows Ukrainian soldiers eliminated by Chechen spetsnaz in a daytime ambush.

April 22nd - Dead body NSFL Chechen soldiers film dead Ukrainian servicemen.

April 22nd - Dead body NSFL A video shows a large number of abandoned Ukrainian posts, equipment, and dead bodies of Ukrainian servicemen. The landscape shows signs of heavy artillery bombardment.

April 22nd - Night-vision footage shows Ukrainian soldiers being eliminated by Russian spetsnaz.

April 22nd - Dead body NSFL A number of photographs show the bodies of dead Ukrainian servicemen. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

April 22nd - Footage taken from an Orlan-10 shows the moment a munition strikes an unknown target.

April 21st - [A Ukrainian An-26 falls to the ground in Zaporozhiye Oblast], killing one servicemen and injuring two. [2] The plane is reported to have crashed after striking a power line after flying low, trying to avoid Russian long-range air defences.

April 22nd - A video shows a burning Ukrainian car ambushed by Russian forces.

April 22nd - A video claims to show the moment a missile strikes a truck depot in Kharkov, near a facility to which arms supplies were delivered.

April 22nd - US military guidebooks, some of which are written in Ukrainian, are captured from Azov fighters in Mariupol.

April 22nd - Night-time footage shows as Russian Spetsnaz ambush a Ukrainian outpost and destroy a Ukrainian BMP.

April 22nd - Footage of a Russian airstrike, allegedly on Ukrainian positions, is published online.

April 22nd - The image of a destroyed Russian Tigr armored vehicle is posted online (location unknown).

April 23rd - Light NSFL Combat footage shows Azov fighters retreating, as an artillery shell explodes and kills several fighters by shrapnel.

April 23rd - More footage of captured and partially destroyed Ukrainian outposts is published.

April 23rd - The Russian Ministry of Defense publishes footage showing Ka-52 helicopters targeting and firing missiles at Ukrainian armor.

April 23rd - A video shows the aftermath of a missile attack on a factory in Dnepopetrovsk.

April 23rd - Drone footage shows the moment that Ukrainian infantry are hit by an airstrike (or possibly artillery).

April 23rd - The image of a captured Ukrainian Varta armored car is posted online.

April 23rd - A Russian Krasnopol artillery round destroys a Ukrainian munitions warehouse.

April 23rd - Wreckage of a Ukrainian T-64 is photographed near Severodonetsk, as well as of a destroyed Ukrainian Humvee near Izum.

April 23rd - An oil processing plant and fuel storage facility in Bryansk, Russia are damaged by Ukrainian fire. Several hours later and possibly as a direct response, Russian forces destroy several railroad links in western Ukraine, cutting off the rest of Ukraine from arms supplies headed through the western regions.

April 24th - Photographs emerge showing several captured Ukrainian armored vehicles. [1] [2]

April 24th - Photographs show the remains of destroyed T-64 tanks. [1] [2] [3]

April 24th - A video shows the destruction of a Ukrainian BTR, allegedly by a UAV strike (Inokhodets).

April 24th - Dead body NSFL Photographs show a number of KIA Ukrainian soldiers, along with their identification. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

April 25th - More facilities are targeted in the Russian city of Bryansk. It is believed that the damage was caused by Ukrainian UAVs. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

April 25th - Dead body NSFL A video, presumably filmed in the Donbass, shows the remains of a Ukrainian fortification post after being taken over by Russian forces.

April 25th - A video shows the aftermath of a clash between Ukrainian forces and the Russian National Guard. Several Ukrainian armored vehicles, including BTRs, BMPs, and tanks, are destroyed. The video shows the Russian side use the T-90M tank.

April 25th - A Russian Su-34 is shot down near Kharkov. [2]

April 25th - A destroyed Soviet-manufactured GaZ-66 truck, Ukrainian Kozak armored car, and US-manufactured Humvee are photographed on the highway near Slovyansk, Donetsk region. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

April 26th - A Ukrainian bridge in Odessa oblast, near the town of Zatoke is destroyed by Russian missiles. [1] [2] [3]

April 26th - Photos emerge showing a captured Ukrainian BMP-1 [1] [2] [3]

April 26th - Dead body NSFL Multiple photos and videos show dead Ukrainian soldiers, reportedly near the town of Suligovka, Kharkov Oblast. The dead soldiers are shown along with their IDs. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]

April 26th - Dead body NSFL More videos emerge showing dead Ukrainian soldiers in other parts of Ukraine. [1] [2] [3]

April 26th - Drone footage shows a TOS-1A thermobaric rocket launcher firing on Ukrainian positions.

April 26th - Photos of wounded Ukrainian soldiers emerge from Azovstal. [1] [2] [3]

April 26th - A drone films a Russian airstrike in Ukraine.

April 26th - Russian forces seize a repair base in Kharkov oblast, along with munitions and spare parts from Ukrainian forces.

April 27th - A destroyed Ukrainian TB-2 Bayraktar is filmed in Kursk Oblast, Russia.

April 27th - Drone footage shows artillery of the Russian coalition shelling and hitting Ukrainian positions and vehicles.

April 27th - A video surfaces showing Russian forces seizing a Ukrainian position with large amounts of munitions and weapons systems, including both Soviet and Western-manufactured weapons. [1] [2]

April 27th - Dead body NSFL A video shows a Russian vehicle column driving past the remains of a Ukrainian vehicle column.

April 27th - Around 30 Ukrainian territorial defense forces surrender to Russian forces in Donbass region without a fight. The draftees of the territorial defense forces complain about not being given any supplies, equipment, or tactical information before being dropped off in the middle of the night to defend against a Russian assault. One of the Ukrainian draftees mentions that only one shovel was available for thirty people.

April 27th - Drone footage shows Russian coalition artillery destroying Ukrainian trenches.

April 27th - An image showing two BM-21 Grad MLRS, which are claimed to be Ukrainian, surfaces online.

April 27th - Dead body NSFL Images of KIA Ukrainian soldiers are posted online. The soldiers were allegedly killed during a Russian breakthrough from Kharkov Oblast to Donetsk Oblast. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

April 27th - A short video shows a Ukrainian BM-27 Uragan MLRS destroyed by a Russian Iskander tactical ballistic missile.

April 27th - [A video as an artillery barrage of the Donetsk militia strikes the position of Ukrainian forces. [1] [2]

April 27th - Dead body NSFL More KIA Azov battalion fighters are filmed in Mariupol. [1] [2]

April 28th - Dead body NSFL A number of destroyed Ukrainian armored vehicles, including a tank and a BMP-2, are photographed alongside KIA soldiers near Krasny Liman. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

April 28th - A Ukrainian T-64BV tank is captured by LNR militia forces and marked with the Greek letter O. [1] [2] [3] [4]

April 28th - A video shows Ukrainian forces marching to surrender in an open field near Izum.

April 28th - Drone footage shows Ukrainian trenches being destroyed by Russian MLRS.

April 28th - A video shows the destruction of a Ukrainian command post by an artillery shell.

April 28th - Dead body NSFL Multiple photos show KIA Ukrainian soldiers, along with some of their identification documents. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

April 28th - A Russian MLRS fires upon Ukrainian trenches in the Donbass region, filmed by a UAV.

April 29th - Dead body NSFL Multiple photos show dead Ukrainian soldiers and destroyed Ukrainian equipment near the town of Krasny Liman, Donbass. [1] [2] [3] [4]

April 29th - Dead body NSFL A video shows multiple dead and wounded Ukrainian soldiers, following a mortar strike.

April 29th - A video shows a Russian warship in the Black Sea launching more Kalibr cruise missiles towards Ukraine.

April 29th - Drone footage shows Russian artillery hitting a Ukrainian armored vehicle, followed by an ammunition cook-off.

April 29th - Reports emerge of several more Ukrainian railroads being struck by Russian stand-off missiles.

April 29th - A Ukrainian mini-UAV drops a shell onto a Russian infantry fighting vehicle.

April 29th - Several destroyed Ukrainian armored vehicles, cars, and a small UAV are photographed in Limanskiy Region, Donbass Oblast. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

April 29th - A captured and damaged Ukrainian armored vehicle is photographed next to a soldier of the Russian Coalition.

April 29th - Dead body NSFL KIA Ukrainian soldiers and destroyed Ukrainian defensive positions are photographed in Slovyansk region, Donbass. [1] [2] [3]

April 30th - A military airfield near Odessa is destroyed by several Russian cruise missile strikes, making further operation of the airfield impossible. It is reported that several fixed-wing aircraft, including transport aircraft, as well as drones were destroyed. Several MiG-29 fighter jets took off from the airfield prior to its destruction.

April 30th - Dead body NSFL Multiple photos show the aftermath of a Russian takeover of a Ukrainian defensive position near Krasny Liman, along with captured Ukrainian and western military equipment. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

April 30th - Dead body NSFL Multiple photos show many KIA Ukrainian soldiers in Kharkov Oblast. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

April 30th - Three separate videos, filmed from UAVs in different locations, show manned Ukrainian defensive positions being struck by mortar shells and artillery. [1] [2] [2]

April 30th - A photo shows a destroyed Ukrainian T-80 tank, next to which stands a soldier of the Russian coalition.

April 30th - A photo shows a captured Russian T-72B3 tank, next to which stands a Ukrainian soldier.

April 30th - Two photos show a destroyed Ukrainian T-64 near Popasnaya. [1] [2]

May 1st - Photos and videos showing a TB-2 Bayraktar shot down near Russian positions emerge online. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

May 1st - Several Ukrainian soldiers are filmed surrendering in Donetsk Oblast as Russian forces advance.

May 1st - Drone footage shows as shells fired by D-20 howitzers destroy manned Ukrainian defensive lines.

May 1st - Russian coalition soldiers capture a Ukrainian armored car following a firefight, and film the car loaded with weapons.

May 1st - Russian coalition soldiers film a destroyed Ukrainian S-300 battalion.

May 1st - Two Ukrainian soldiers, allegedly belonging to the 93rd AFU brigade, are captured and filmed near Slovyansk.

May 1st - A UAV films a KIA Ukrainian soldier in no man's land.

May 1st - Dozens of Ukrainian soldiers are eliminated by artillery of the Somali Battalion, near Avdeevka.

May 1st - A large strike on Ukrainian positions is filmed from a UAV, along with many AFU soldiers running away from the explosion.

May 1st - Night-time combat between Russian special forces and a Ukrainian fortified post ends in the destruction of Ukrainian forces.

May 1st - A railroad bridge in Kursk Oblast, Russia is destroyed presumably by Ukrainian saboteurs.

May 2nd - Several armored vehicles of the Azov Battalion are destroyed or captured in Mariupol, including at least 1 BTR-4, 1 BTR-80, 1 BTR-3, and an armored pickup truck. [1] [2] [3]

May 2nd - Footage shows what is claimed to be an Inokhodets UAV conducting an airstrike on Ukrainian positions.

May 2nd - Two separate videos, evidently filmed by the same individuals likely on the same day, show a booby-trapped Javelin near three dead AFU soldiers. [1] [2]

May 2nd - Drone footage shows as a Ukrainian T-64BV tank engages forces of the Russian coalition, and is then disabled by a strike, causing the crew to bail and retreat from the smoking tank.

May 2nd - A CCTV camera films a missile attack at a military depot in Dnepopetrovsk Oblast, reportedly where western weaponry is being unloaded.

May 2nd - A TB-2 Bayraktar drops a guided munition onto a Russian Raptor-class patrol boat. The Raptor is a 22-ton patrol boat. It is not conclusively known if the video shows two separate boats, or the same boat being struck twice.

May 2nd - Two separate videos from forces of the AFU 93rd motorized brigade show a soldier complaining about being used as cannon fodder, and then multiple soldiers moving to surrender. [1] [2]

May 2nd - Two separate images show a Ukrainian helicopter after being shot down. The helicopter is claimed to belong to the AFU. [1] [2]

May 2nd - Aerial footage shows a Ukrainian-held strongpoint being struck by a guided munition.

May 3rd - Russian missiles destroy 6 Ukrainian traction power substations in Ukraine, in another wave of attacks on Ukrainian railroad and transportation infrastructure. [1] [2] [3]

May 3rd - Dead body NSFL Several KIA Ukrainian soldiers are photographed after a battle in Bahmutovka region, Donbass. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

May 3rd - A drone films as a Ukrainian trench (likely a decoy) is hit by a high-explosive shell.

May 3rd - A drone films the destruction of a Ukrainian armored vehicle by artillery.

May 3rd - Multiple Ukrainian S-300 air defense missile launchers are destroyed, along with other equipment in Kharkov region.

May 3rd - A Ukrainian BTR-3 is captured in Mariupol, near Azovstal.

May 3rd - Close-up drone footage shows as four Wagner PMC combatants capture eight AFU servicemen in a Ukrainian village.

May 3rd - Two unidentified Russian targets are allegedly struck by missiles from Bayraktar UAVs on Snake island.

May 3rd - a destroyed Ukrainian T-64 tank is photographed (location unknown).

May 3rd - British mercenary Andrew Hill is captured during the fighting in Mariupol.

May 4th - The Amur bridge, which crosses the Dnieper river in Dnepropetrovsk, is struck by Russian missiles.

May 4th - Dead body NSFL A number of dead Ukrainian soldiers are photographed following a battle with the Russian Spetsnaz near Krasny Liman. [1] [2] [3] [4]

May 4th - A Russian warship in the Black Sea is photographed firing several Kalibr cruise missiles towards Ukraine.

May 4th - Combat footage shows the destruction of a Ukrainian defensive position at night.

May 4th - Russian soldiers perform funeral rites and bury the body of a Ukrainian soldier, which has been abandoned by the Ukrainian side.

May 4th - A Russian Forpost-R UAV drops a guided bomb on Azov fighters in Mariupol.

May 4th - UAV footage shows as several squads of AFU soldiers are destroyed by the artillery of the Donetsk Peoples Republic militia.

May 4th - A destroyed Ukrainian armored vehicle is filmed near the village of Zavitne Bazhannaya.

May 5th - Facilities of the Energomashspetsstal steel plant in Kramatorsk are struck by Russian missiles. [1] [2]

May 5th - Aerial footage shows the moment that a Russian bomb strikes a squad of Ukrainian soldiers.

May 5th - The Russian VKS bombs an AFU barracks near Popasnaya, Luhansk Oblast.

May 5th - Aerial footage shows TOS-1A bombardment of Ukrainian positions.

May 5th - A number of destroyed and damaged Ukrainian tanks and armored vehicles are filmed in a Ukrainian village, which is seized by forces of the Russian Coalition.

May 5th - Russian Ka-52 attack helicopters destroy Ukrainian command posts and manned positions using guided missiles.

May 5th - Drone footage shows as a Ukrainian tank is spotted and destroyed during a firefight with the Donetsk Peoples' Republic militia.

May 5th - A collection of destroyed Ukrainian armored vehicles are photographed near the population center of Borovaya, Kharkov region. [1] [2] [3] [4] May 6th - Dead body NSFL A number of images show dead Ukrainian soldiers. The images were reportedly taken near Slovyansk. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

May 6th - Dead body NSFL A Chechen soldier records a video talking about the fighting that happened at an outpost, films the dead bodies of several Ukrainian soldiers (likely draftees), and scolds the Ukrainian government for sending old and frail men to die on the front lines.

May 6th - Around a dozen Ukrainian fighters are captured by Russian forces on the outskirts of Azovstal.

May 6th - A short video clip from the Russian MOD briefing shows an Iskander missile striking an unidentified Ukrainian target.

May 6th - Three Ukrainian S-300 batteries are destroyed by a rocket volley from a Russian BM-30 Smerch MLRS.

May 7th - A short video shows a Russian Serna-class landing boat destroyed by a Bayraktar UAV near Snake Island.

May 7th - Photos show two destroyed Ukrainian Osa AA systems in a repair plant in Kharkov. [1] [2]

May 7th - Dead body NSFL A video shows two bloodied and dead Ukrainian soldiers inside of a car.

May 7th - A pontoon crossing put up by the AFU near Seversky Donetsk is destroyed by the Russian VKS.

May 7th - A Ukrainian BTR is destroyed near Izum while another BTR-3 is captured.

May 7th - A Ukrainian T-64BVM tank is captured by forces of the Russian Coalition.

May 7th - Several photos show destroyed Ukrainian armored vehicles near Krasny Liman. [1] [2] [3]

May 7th - Multiple Russian missiles strike targets in Odessa, creating large pillars of smoke.

May 7th - A destroyed Ukrainian Kossak-2 armored car is photographed in Mariupol.

May 7th - Images of several destroyed Ukrainian MLRS platforms emerge. [1] [2] [3]

May 8th - Dead body NSFL More photos emerge, showing dead Ukrainian soldiers in the Donbass region following battles and bombardments. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]

May 8th - Dead body NSFL A Russian combat group films a video showing dead Ukrainian soldiers in their defensive positions following a battle, Kharkov region.

May 8th - Grande Pettine hotel, Odessa, is destroyed by Russian cruise missiles. The hotel is alleged to have housed foreign mercenaries, who were in the process of being sent to the front lines.

May 8th - More photographs show dead Ukrainian soldiers following a battle. [1] [2] [3] [4]

May 8th - A short video shows one destroyed, and one damaged/captured Ukrainian armored car.

May 8th - A group of English-speaking mercenaries evacuate a wounded comrade.

May 8th - Dead body NSFL Disturbing footage shows the unburied bodies of Ukrainian servicemen rotting.

May 8th - Footage shows a manned Ukrainian trench being destroyed by shelling.

May 8th - [Another video emerges showing a Russian warship firing Kalibr cruise missiles.(] On the same day, another video emerges showing an Iskander-K being fired from Izum region.

May 9th - On Victory Day, a museum showing captured Ukrainian tanks and armored vehicles is shown. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]

May 9th - A Ukrainian hotel in Odessa, where foreign mercenaries were allegedly located and gathered before being sent to the front lines, is destroyed by a Russian missile strike.

May 9th - Several photographs show a BTR-3 and a BTR-80 APC, as well as a Serna a Kossack armored car captured from the Ukrainian army. [1] [2] [3]

May 9th - Two separate videos show Ukrainian manned trenches shelled and destroyed by the militia of the DPR. [1] [2]

May 9th - Combat footage shows a Ka-52 helicopter attacking and destroying Ukrainian positions using a Vihr guided missile.

May 9th - A Ukrainian soldier in Nemyriv, Vinnitsa region films the aftermath of the total destruction of his barracks by several Russian missiles.

May 9th - Dead body NSFL Multiple photos show dead Ukrainian soldiers after a battle. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

May 10th - A Russian T-90M tank is destroyed by direct fire from another nearby tank, possibly to avoid capture of a vehicle that has broken down.

May 10th - A Ukrainian KrAZ transport truck is destroyed by an ATGM strike. In a separate instance, a car (allegedly carrying military commanders) is also destroyed by an ATGM strike.

May 10th - A platoon-sized group of territorial defense forces film a video in which they refuse to partake in further fighting, accusing their government of providing inadequate arms, training, and being sent to fight far from their home regions in western Ukraine.

May 10th - Manned Ukrainian trenches are spotted and shelled by Donbass militia forces.

May 10th - Death light NSFL Videos show snipers shooting Ukrainian soldiers.[1] [2] [3]

May 10th - Dead body NSFL Multiple photos show dead Ukrainian soldiers following fighting with the forces of the Russian Coalition. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

May 10th - Following an ATGM strike on a manned Ukrainian defensive position, two half-naked men run out of their trench.

May 11th - A group of Ukrainian soldiers inadvertently film an Iskander ballistic missile strike on their positions, reportedly in Kharkov region.

May 11th - A video shows a Ukrainian pontoon bridge being destroyed by a Russian missile attack.

May 11th - A group of territorial defense forces surrender to the Donbass militias. Upon being questioned, all soldiers state that they were supposed to be stationed at checkpoints in western Ukraine, and that none of them wanted or were supposed to fight in Donbass.

May 11th - A Ukrainian T-64BV tank is destroyed and photographed with Russian volunteers.

May 11th - A video shows several destroyed Ukrainian vehicles, including a Kossak-2, a BTR-4E, and an MT-LB.

May 11th - Several KIA Ukrainian soldiers are filmed in Izum region.

May 11th - Dead body NSFL Photographs of multiple KIA Ukrainian soldiers are posted online. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

May 12th - Several Ukrainian soldiers are photographed surrendering. [1] [2]

May 12th - In the Dnepopetrovsk region of Ukraine, railroads are destroyed by charges planted by saboteurs.

May 12th - A Ukrainian MLRS disguised as a civilian truck lobs missiles over the horizon. The missiles being fired by the truck are reportedly Brimstone guided missiles, which were previously donated by the UK.

May 12th - A video released by the Luhansk Peoples Republic militia shows what is claimed to be a Ukrainian tank being destroyed by an artillery strike.

May 12th - Images emerge showing 73 destroyed vehicles, including 38 BMPs/BMDs, 4 BTRs, and 6 T-72 tanks. These vehicles are claimed to be Russian, and have been destroyed during a river crossing attempt near Belogorovka. Other sources suggest that not all vehicles belong to the Russian military, but that some belong to Ukraine and Donetsk/Lugansk militias, and that these vehicles have been destroyed over the course of several river crossing attempts.

May 12th - Several Ukrainian soldiers surrender and are captured by Russian forces near Izum.

May 12th - Death light NSFL A short video shows a Ukrainian soldier being shot by a sniper.

May 12th - Light NSFL Drone footage shows a Ukrainian fighter in Azovstal being killed (possibly just heavily wounded) by artillery shrapnel, as what is claimed to be a secret tunnel is discovered and destroyed.

May 12th - A Ukrainian BTR-80 is destroyed by a direct hit from a 152-mm artillery shell.

May 13th - Dead body NSFL Photos showing KIA Ukrainian servicemen are released. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

May 13th - Several Kalibr missiles are launched by a Russian corvette in the Black Sea.

May 13th - An M777A2 artillery piece is captured by forces of the Russian Coalition in Donbass.

May 13th - A video shows a destroyed Ukrainian BTR.

May 13th - Footage of Russian snipers eliminating Ukrainian soldiers at night-time. [1] [2]

May 13th - Footage claims to show a Ukrainian S-300 battery being destroyed by a Russian missile attack.

May 13th - A video shows Ukrainian trenches being cleared out by Russian servicemen in close quarters combat.

May 14th - A photo showing outdated weaponry of pre-WWII designs is claimed to have been captured from Ukrainian territorial defense forces by the Russian army near Kharkov.

May 14th - Dead body NSFL A number of pictures and videos showing dead Ukrainian soldiers are posted, with several allegedly being from Popasnaya and Krasny Liman. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

May 14th - Combat footage shows as a Ukrainian pontoon bridge is destroyed following a battle near the river of Seversky Donets.

May 14th - A Ukrainian soldier films destroyed trenches following a Russian bombardment, and mentions various destroyed equipment.

May 14th - A number of TB-2 Bayraktar drones are destroyed by a missile attack on an airfield near Odessa.

May 15th - Light NSFL [Russian sources release videos showing dead AFU servicemen and

May 15th - Several bridges between Rubizhniy and Severodonetsk are destroyed by the AFU in an attempt to stall the Russian advance in the area.western weapons following the failed attacks on Snake Island.](

May 15th - A Ukrainian T-64 tank is destroyed near Izum. [1] [2]

May 15th - Several videos showing Ukrainian fighters being shot by snipers are released. [1] [2]

May 15th - Drone footage shows a considerable number of Ukrainian soldiers abandoning their positions and attempting to flee during an assault. Some of these are liquidated by artillery and mortar shelling during the retreat.

May 15th - Drone footage shows the destruction of a Ukrainian pickup truck near Avdeevka.

May 15th - A destroyed Ukrainian T-64 is photographed near Zagaltsy, Kiev Oblast. The tank was almost certainly destroyed at a much earlier date.

May 15th - Dead body NSFL Multiple photos and videos showing KIA Ukrainian servicemen are circulated online. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

May 15th - A large number of Ukrainian tanks and armored vehicles are destroyed during a failed counterattack near Huliaipole, Zaporozhiye Oblast. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 26 tanks and 12 BMPs are claimed to have been destroyed by the Russian side, along with over 100 Ukrainian soldiers KIA. Other sources also claim several BTRs and MLRS destroyed. [6]

May 16th - A video shows a Ukrainian soldier being eliminated by a sniper.

May 16th - A video shows Ukrainian forces attempting to retreat amid a Russian shelling. The Ukrainians attempt to retreat in a civilian car, which was evidently driven to the front lines alongside many other civilian cars seen in the video. [1] Several other videos show Ukrainian soldiers using civilian cars for military purposes. [2] [3]

May 16th - Death light NSFL Drone footage shows various manned Ukrainian positions being shelled by artillery and mortars from the Donbass militias near Zolote and Avdeevka. [1] [2] [3]

May 16th - Ukrainian T-80 tanks, destroyed and buried under rubble from a previous point in time, are photographed in Mariupol.

May 17th - A training center of Ukrainian forces in Chernigov is struck by Russian cruise missiles.

May 17th - Photos surface claiming to show destroyed Polish T-72M1 tanks which were donated to Ukraine. [1] [2] [3]

May 17th - A video filmed by Ukrainian soldiers shows a Russian aircraft dropping munitions on a Ukrainian defensive position. According to the soldiers in the video, the airstrike lands at the Ukrainian positions.

May 17th - A video claims to show several Ukrainian tanks destroyed by fire from a Russian tank. The video shows three hits on the Russian tank, all of which were survived without considerable damage.

May 17th - KIA Ukrainian soldiers in Kharkov region are filmed being loaded onto a truck and transferred to the local morgue by Russian servicemen.

May 18th - Dead body light NSFL A video filmed by a thermal camera shows shelling on Ukrainian positions, followed by aftermath footage showing KIA Ukrainian servicemen.

May 18th - A video filmed from a drone shows manned Ukrainian positions being shelled and destroyed.

May 18th - Dead body NSFL Gruesome photos showing KIA Ukrainian soldiers are posted online. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

May 18th - Two separate videos show a column carrying US-manufactured M777 howitzers being tracked by drones and destroyed. The first few howitzers are destroyed by a loitering munition, after which a massed artillery strike destroys several more in a forest.

May 18th - The remains of a destroyed Ukrainian tank and one of its crew are photographed. [1] [2] [3]

May 18th - Videos shows several Ukrainian soldiers, captured and frightened by Russian soldiers on two separate instances. [1] [2]

May 19th - Aerial combat footage shows two Ukrainian T-64s being subjected to an artillery barrage. One of the tanks is disabled by a direct hit, though at least some of the crew manages to survive.

May 19th - An Iskander missile is filmed striking what is claimed to be a command post of the Ukrainian territorial defense forces.

May 19th - Six Ukrainian soldiers of the territorial defense forces are filmed after being captured. The soldiers complain of being given no training, water, or food, and of being forced into the war with the threat of being put in prison for 10-15 years for avoiding the draft. The soldiers claim to have surrendered without a fight.

May 19th - Dead body NSFL Destroyed Ukrainian defensive positions and dead soldiers of the AFU are filmed near the town of Liman. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

May 19th - A Russian MT-LB 6MB is either destroyed or abandoned in Ukraine.

May 19th - A Ukrainian Humvee and truck are filmed after being destroyed in battle.

May 19th - Several photographs show the remains of a heavily damaged, abandoned Ukrainian T-64BV tank. [1] [2] [3] [4]

May 20th - A railway junction near the town of Malin, Zhytomir region, is destroyed by a missile strike.

May 20th - A missile strike is filmed in Kharkov, striking a claimed SBU/AFU command center in a building which used to be called "the House of Culture".

May 20th - An airstrike is filmed on a building, which is claimed to be a command center of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

May 20th - Dead body NSFL A number of KIA Ukrainian soldiers, allegedly killed by a BMD, are filmed in an open field.

May 20th - Desna Training Center near Chernigov; a large training facility of the AFU, is struck and destroyed by a Russian missile attack.

May 20th - Photos show a destroyed BTR-80, which is claimed to be Ukrainian. [1] [2] A Javelin missile launcher is located near the destroyed BTR.

May 20th - A Ukrainian BMP, which was destroyed during a strike, is filmed by a Ukrainian soldier.

May 20th - A Ukrainian BRMD armored vehicle is captured by Russian soldiers.

May 21st - Dead body NSFL Several photographs claim to show captured Ukrainian positions near the town of Liman. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

May 21st - Night-time thermal footage shows an artillery barrage landing directly on Ukrainian soldiers.

May 21st - Several AFU servicemen are captured and photographed, along with their IDs. [1] [2] [3] [4]

May 22nd - A Kozak-3 armored car of the AFU is destroyed. [1] In a separate instance, a BTR-4 APC is captured. [2]

May 22nd - A destroyed Ukrainian BMP-1 is photographed near Novotoshkivke.

May 22nd - Dead body NSFL KIA Ukrainian soldiers are photographed near Donetsk [1] [2] [3] and near Novoselovka [4] [5] [[6])(] [7]

May 22nd - Senior AFU lieutenant Yuri Zakopets surrenders to the Lugansk People's Republic Militia, and records a video proclaiming his surrender . [1] [2]

May 22nd - A bridge connecting the nearby cities of Severodonetsk and Lisichansk across the Seversky Donets river is destroyed, reportedly by 240mm Tyulpan mortars.

May 22nd - Thermal footage shows at least two AFU soldiers being targeted and hit by artillery.

May 22nd - A manned AFU trench is shelled by mortar, with shells landing next to a Ukrainian soldier.

May 22nd - Death NSFL A video shows an AFU soldier accidentally shooting himself in the head due to a misfire from an automatic assault rifle.

May 22nd - Dead body NSFL Several unburied KIA Ukrainian servicemen are filmed by soldiers from the Russian/LDNR side.

May 23rd - A destroyed Ukrainian T-64 tank is photographed near Kharkov. [1] [2]

May 23rd - Dead body NSFL Several Ukrainian servicemen are killed in a destroyed outpost near Zaporozhiye.

May 23rd - Aerial footage shows an AFU tank being destroyed by direct fire, possibly from another tank.

May 24th - Thermal footage claims to show a Ukrainian ammunition depot being detonated.

May 24th - A BTR-4 is captured and painted by Russian/LDNR forces.

May 24th - A number of destroyed Ukrainian armored cars and trucks are photographed in Popasnaya, which had been captured by Russian soldiers several days prior. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] On a separate incident, a destroyed Ukrainian GaZ-66 is photographed in a destroyed building in Severodonetsk [8], and several Kozak-3 armored cars in Rubizhniye. [9] [10]

March 24th - A Ukrainian Varta armored car is captured and test-driven by Russian soldiers.

May 24th - A series of clips claims to show Russian attack helicopters firing upon Ukrainian vehicles and outposts.

May 24th - The remains of a TB-2 Bayraktar UAV, which had presumably been destroyed around May 9th during the clashes over Snake Island, are photographed after being extracted by Romanian workers from the sea. [1] [2]

May 25th - More photographs emerge, showing destroyed Ukrainian armored vehicles (including BMPs and tanks) in Popasnaya. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

May 25th - Several destroyed Ukrainian trucks are photographed near Slovyansk. [1] [2] [3] [4]

May 25th - A Motor-Sich factory near Zaporozhiye, responsible for the construction of engines for Turkish UAVs, is targeted and struck by Russian missiles. [1] [2] [3]

May 25th - Dozens of filled bodybags are photographed in Azovstal, Mariupol, following the Ukrainian surrender.

May 25th - Footage shows as a Russian Kub loitering munition strikes a squadron of Ukrainian soldiers and detonates.

May 26th - Dead body NSFL Several images show dead Ukrainian soldiers, who were allegedly tied up and executed by their comrades for wanting to surrender. [1] [2] [3] [4]

May 26th - Combat footage shows Russian soldiers clearing out a Ukrainian trench with precise artillery strikes and an infantry assault.

May 26th - Dead body NSFL Images of Ukrainian soldiers, evidently killed a long time ago and left unburied near Azovstal, are published.]

May 26th - Dead body NSFL Dead Ukrainian soldiers are photographed near Krasny Liman. [1] [2] [3]

May 26th - The remains of an Akatsiya SPA platform are photographed after ammo cook-off. The platform is alleged to have belonged to Ukraine.

May 27th - Aerial footage published by pro-Russian sources claims to show a Ukrainian command post, ammunition storage facility, and communications post destroyed by artillery strikes.

May 27th - Three KIA Ukrainian soldiers are filmed near Kharkov. The bodies are said to have been abandoned by the Ukrainian side.

May 27th - An image shows the side of a Ukrainian T-64BV tank, after allegedly being taken out by direct fire from a Russian T-72B3 tank.

May 28th - Aerial footage is published showing a Krasnopol guided artillery round striking near a Ukrainian squad.

May 28th - Sortie footage, published by the Russian Ministry of Defense, shows a Ka-52 helicopter destroying two Ukrainian tanks and an outpost.

May 28th - A destroyed Ukrainian BTR-80 is filmed near Krasny Liman.

May 28th - Drone footage shows artillery destroying a Ukrainian vehicle column during a Ukrainian counteroffensive, forcing surviving vehicles to retreat.

May 28th - An image shows a destroyed Ukrainian T-80BV tank at Azovstal, Mariupol. The tank is claimed to have been destroyed at an earlier date by an Inokhodets UAV.

May 28th - Photographs show a destroyed Ukrainian Bushmaster armored car, which was donated by Australia. [1] [2] [3]

May 28th - A series of photographs show captured Ukrainian armored vehicles, which include a tank and several armored cars. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

May 29th - Dead body NSFL Images claiming to show dead Ukrainian servicemen and destroyed Ukrainian equipment following a failed Ukrainian counterattack near Kherson are published online. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

May 29th - A Russian missile strike destroys a Ukrainian barracks near Dnepopetrovsk.

May 29th - Drone footage claims to show Ukrainian FH-70 howitzers, manufactured and supplied to Ukraine by Italy, destroyed in an artillery bombardment. [1] [2]

May 29th - A Ukrainian T-64B1 tank is photographed after being captured by the Russian/Donbass side.

June 1st - Three destroyed Ukrainian armored vehicles and a car are filmed from a UAV on the Kherson-Nikolaev front, following a failed Ukrainian counteroffensive.

June 1st - A Ukrainian BMP-1 [1], a BTR-70 [2], and a BTR-D-25 [3] are captured from the Ukrainian army.

June 1st - A number of destroyed Ukrainian vehicles, which all appear to be unarmored civilian cars and trucks, are photographed near Lisichansk. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

June 1st - Drone footage, allegedly taken on the Kherson-Nikolaev front, shows the destruction of a vehicle column by artillery strikes.

June 1st - Dead body NSFL At least six KIA Ukrainian soldiers are photographed on the Nikolaev front, following the capture of an outpost. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

June 1st - Dead body NSFL Two dead Ukrainian soldiers are filmed by a Russian reconnaissance team in a civilian car, followed by the Russian soldiers finding a Javelin missile inside the baggage trunk of the car.

June 1st - A thermal camera films at least twenty Ukrainian soldiers being hit by a powerful high explosive.

June 2nd - A destroyed Ukrainian MT-LB-23-2 is photographed in Severodonetsk.

June 2nd - Two Ukrainian soldiers attempting to cross a river using a canoe are shot at and presumably killed.

June 3rd - Dead body NSFL At least 5 KIA Ukrainian soldiers are filmed on the Izum front. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

June 3rd - A Ukrainian BM-21 Grad MLRS is destroyed, filmed by a UAV. [1] [2] [3]

June 4th - At least 14 KIA Ukrainian soldiers are photographed following fighting. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]

June 4th - Ukrainian 1120-ton landing ship Yuri Olefirenko is reportedly destroyed after being shelled by artillery. [1] [2]

June 5th - The Russian Ministry of Defense releases footage of a missile striking the Darnitsa car repair plant in Kiev. The missile used is believed by some to be the new Kh-59M2. [1] At least four missiles are reported to have struck the factory in total. [2]

June 5th - Aerial combat footage shows what are reported to be Ukrainian trenches being cleared out in close quarters combat, within a treeline.

June 5th - Dead body warning Three Ukrainian servicemen, who are claimed to be from the nationalist Kraken battalion of the Azov organization, are KIA following a clash with Russian soldiers. [1] [2] [3]

June 5th - Dead body warning At least 5 KIA Ukrainian soldiers are photographed following a battle, along with the documents of several. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

June 5th - At least 14 Ukrainian soldiers are filmed after being captured.

June 6th - A Ukrainian MiG-29 is shot down after being mistaken for a Russian aircraft. [1] [2] [3]

June 6th - A BMP being used by the AFU is destroyed by a tank, as the event is filmed from the air.

June 6th - At least 5 KIA Ukrainian soldiers, and several Javelin RPGs are filmed following an attack on Ukrainian defensive positions.

June 6th - The headquarters of the 115th brigade of the AFU is destroyed by Russian missile strikes. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

June 6th - Three KIA Ukrainian soldiers are photographed in a village.

June 6th - Close-quarters combat footage in an open area is filmed from the air, in which 2 Ukrainian soldiers are wounded and 1 killed with no Russian losses.

June 6th - Aerial footage shows a Ukrainian Gvozdika SPAA destroyed by a Krasnopol guided artillery round.

June 7th - At least four Ukrainian POWs are shown after being captured.

June 7th - An abandoned and damaged Belgian Ukrainian YPR-765 APC is photographed in Ukraine.

June 7th - An M109 SPAA, sent by Norway to Ukraine, is destroyed in an MLRS strike.

June 7th - A Ukrainian TMM-3M1 bridge-laying vehicle is destroyed.

June 7th - Dead body warning decomposed bodies of several Ukrainian soldiers are photographed in Azovstal. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

June 8th - Ukrainian soldiers show the Ukrainian barracks in Artyemovsk (Bahmut) destroyed after a series of missile strikes.

June 8th - A Russian missile attack destroys three buildings of a factory in Kiev, which local residents claim to be a train wagon repair plant.

June 8th - Destroyed Ukrainian armored and civilian cars litter the approach to Severodonetsk.

June 8th - A compilation of Mi-35 footage shows at least 2, likely 4 armored vehicles destroyed in a series of attacks.

June 8th - Six Ukrainian soldiers are struck by a powerful explosive in Severodonetsk, and are almost certainly all KIA.

June 9th - Dead body warning A T-64BV is captured by Russian forces. One of the images shows a KIA Ukrainian tank driver. [1] [2] [3]

June 9th - Dead body warning A KIA Ukrainian soldier is filmed after presumably succumbing to injuries and being abandoned by comrades.

June 9th - Dead body warning Photos and passport of a KIA Ukrainian soldier. [1] [2]

June 9th - A T-72M1 tank sent by the Czech Republic to Ukraine is captured. [1] [2] [3] In a separate instance, another photo of a different captured T-72M1 is also captured. [4]

June 9th - Aerial footage shows a destroyed 2S7 "Pion" SPAA, which is claimed to be Ukrainian.

June 9th - A T-64BV tank is destroyed. [1] [2]

June 10th - Thermal footage shows 9 surrendered AFU soldiers being escorted by two men of the DPR militia.

June 10th - Infrared footage shows Russian artillery shelling a squad of around 8 Ukrainian soldiers, Zaporozhiye front.](

June 10th - Ukrainian corvette Vinnitsa is sunk. [1] According to Ukrainian sources, this was done by the AFU for unspecified reasons. [2]

June 11th - Aerial footage shows at least 5 Ukrainian soldiers hit by artillery after crossing the Ingulets river. The Ukrainian unit involved is reported to be the 18th marine battalion of 35th brigade.

June 11th - Aerial footage claims to show Russian transport vehicles being shelled by Ukrainian artillery, within what appears to be a Russian military base.

June 12th - Dead body warning At least 4 Ukrainian soldiers are killed in a firefight with the Russian "O" army grouping. [1] [2] [3]

June 13th - Dead body warning Two more Ukrainian soldiers are filmed by one of their comrades after allegedly being killed by artillery strikes.

June 13th - Dead body warning Footage filmed in a captured Ukrainian position shows at least two KIA Ukrainian soldiers along with a destroyed truck.

June 13th - Dead body warning At least two incinerated Ukrainian soldiers are photographed alongside a Ukrainian armored vehicle. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

June 13th - Footage shows at least two Ukrainian armored vehicles being destroyed by helicopter-launched guided missiles. [1] [2]

June 13th - Dead body warning A single picture shows at least 8 KIA Ukrainian soldiers, who were reported as artillerymen participating in the shelling of Donetsk city. [1]

June 14th - A video shows two T-64 tanks, which are claimed as Ukrainian, burning along a highway at night.

June 14th - A video shows a Berest MLRS destroyed by a missile attack.

June 15th - At least 4 KIA Ukrainian soldiers are photographed following a battle with Russian forces. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

June 15th - A Mamba APC of the Kraken Battalion of the Azov Brigade, supplied to Ukraine by Estonia, is captured by Russian forces. [1] [2] [3] In a separate instance, a Cossack-2 APC is destroyed. [4] [5] [6] [7]

June 16th - Dead body warning Three KIA Ukrainian soldiers are filmed following a battle.

June 16th - Russian cruise missiles strike the Kristall factory in Dnepopetrovsk. [1] [2] It is alleged that military equipment was placed inside the industrial complex.

June 16th - A video shows as a Russian helicopter, believed to be a Mi-35, is destroyed by Ukrainian man-portable air defenses in Donetsk oblast.

June 16th - A Russian Su-25 ground attack aircraft crashes on takeoff after hitting a powerline. The pilot survives the aircraft's destruction.

June 16th - A video shows the destruction of a Ukrainian tank by what appears to be a guided missile (judging by projectile's velocity).

June 16th - The 1800-ton tugboat of the Russian navy, the Vasiliy Beh, is destroyed by anti-ship missiles which are stated by Ukraine t be harpoon missiles. This results in 10 Russian navy servicemen being MIA (likely KIA) and 23 wounded.

June 17th - At least 5 AFU soldiers are filmed surrendering in Ukraine.

June 17th - Dead body warning At least 3 KIA Ukrainian marines from the 1st AFU brigade are photographed. [1] [2] [3]

June 17th - At least 8 surrendered Ukrainian soldiers are filmed on top of a Russian BTR.

June 17th - At least 13 Ukrainian soldiers are hit by an ATGM, which is fired by Russian forces.

June 18th - Drone footage shows as two Ukrainian tanks and one BMP are spotted and destroyed, presumably by artillery.

June 18th - At least 9 KIA Ukrainian soldiers are photographed following a battle near Krasny Liman, which presumably happened at an earlier date. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

June 18th - A Kalibr cruise missile strikes a munitions depot near Dnepopetrovsk.

June 18th - Several cruise missiles are fired and strike unspecified targets throughout Ukraine. [1] [2] [3]

Attacks on Civilians and War Crime Allegations

February 24th - A report emerges claiming that over 15 thousand people have died over eight years of shelling in the Donbass.

March 1st - Video shows the aftermath of an artillery barrage in the center of Donetsk. [2]

March 1st - Local residents in a village near Kharkov complain that Ukrainian forces are shooting their village from Grads from the city center.

March 1st - Multiple artillery strikes are reported on civilian targets in the Donbass.

March 1st - A Russian missile strikes a T.V. tower in Kiev, damaging its equipment but without destroying the tower itself in an attempt to cause minimum civilian casualties. Russia warned of the attack 3 hours in advance. Despite this, reports and video evidence suggests that up to 5 civilians were killed.

March 2nd - Ukrainian forces launch an artillery barrage against the towns of Gorlovka and Golmovskiy while retreating from their positions.

March 2nd - A group of Ukrainian soldiers (about the size of a platoon) takes cover inside of a school gymnasium.

March 2nd - Official Ukrainian twitter account claims that the Russian army has shelled cities and civilian infrastructure, and threatens that no prisoners will be taken.

March 2nd - During a briefing, the Russian Ministry of Defense claims that the Azov Battalion has rigged the factory of Azov Stal in Mariupol with explosives, without informing the workers at Azov Stal. Allegedly, these explosives will detonate in the event that the defense of the city fails, killing the workers at the factory. The Russian Ministry of Defense also claims that a group of Indian students has been taken hostage by the Azov Battalion, and are used as hostages. Nationalist battalions are also cited as using "jihad-mobiles" - vehicles rigged with explosives, which are sent on suicide attacks against Russian forces. Figures regarding Russian casualties are also cited as 498 dead and 1597 wounded.

March 2nd- A French journalist discusses on live TV how the Ukrainian army has been shelling the Donbass republics for many years. The journalist cites that the European Union has "seemingly noticed the issue just now", when the conflict has, in fact, been going on for many years.

March 3rd - A war correspondent in Volnovakha, Donetsk Oblast, shows the remains of Ukrainian armor in the village. According to the war correspondent, Ukrainian soldiers were using the village as a "meat shield" and were storing ammunition inside civilian buildings.

March 3rd - According to reports, several Chinese citizens attempting to cross into Russia were attacked and shot by nationalist Ukrainian battalions. Two people are said to be heavily wounded.

March 3rd - Photos appear to show several tanks destroyed and an NLAW operator killed by the DNR forces.

March 3rd - An eerie video emerges online, showing a dead family who were killed by nationalist forces when attempting to flee Mariupol. The cameraman and a nearby woman then come under fire as the video cuts off.

March 3rd - Civilian buildings are destroyed during fighting in Mariupol.

March 4th - Russian National Guard forces uncover several large explosives rigged in a factory in Melitopol. These explosives were reportedly uncovered under a cistern filled with flammable material.

March 4th - An artillery shell hits a residential building in Irpen, Kiev Oblast.

March 5th - A video made by the PMC Forward Observations Group shows a bus shot by bullets (14 seconds into the video)

March 5th - A man, possibly being punished for looting, is tied and beaten to death by Ukrainian territorial defense forces.

March 5th - Around 10:00 AM, Azov Battalion fighters destroy a residential building, trapping approximately 200 civilians under rubble. This happens amid a declared truce that was supposed to take effect exactly at 10:00 AM, the purpose of which was to allow civilians to leave their homes. Furthermore, it is revealed that this ceasefire was requested by the Ukrainian nationalist side under the pretense of allowing civilians to leave, although not a single civilian was ultimately allowed to leave and that the ceasefire was instead used by the soldiers to relocate and build fortifications.

March 5th - Ukrainian soldiers film themselves hiding in a residential building as they guide friendly artillery fire from what appears to be a children's room.

March 5th - The Ukrainian Rada announces the killing of Denis Kireev, who participated in peace talks with Russia up until this time. Unconfirmed reports state that Kireev was suspected of betraying the country, and that he was killed by the SBU (Ukrainian Secret Services).

March 6th - According to the poster, this video shows the aftermath of the Ukrainian army shelling civilian homes in the Donbass upon being forced to retreat by the advancing militias.

March 6th - A member of the Ukrainian territorial defense forces is detained in the city of Kherson, and accused of plotting to detonate a bomb during a rally and blame Russian forces for the casualties. Kherson was captured by the Russian Armed Forces four days prior to this incident.

March 6th - Images of a damaged residential buildings are said to be the result of shelling from the Ukrainian army in Khramatorsk, Donetsk oblast.

March 7th - During a Russian MOD press-briefing, it is reported that in the previous day, Ukrainian nationalists have counter-attacked LDNR soldiers while hiding behind civilians, leading to 4 deaths and 5 wounded among 150 civilians.

March 7th - A huge explosion marks the destruction of a Ukrainian weapons depot near Kharkov.

March 7th - A video shows rocket artillery firing a barrage from somewhere near the top floor of a residential building in Kiev oblast.

March 7th - A Russian hacker group called "KillNet" publishes a video of a conversation within a Ukrainian nationalist battalion, in which the commander orders his subordinates to prevent the evacuation of civilians from Mariupol.

March 8th - The Russian Ministry of Defense announces that the authorities in Kiev are actively blocking the creation of any humanitarian corridors, censoring the information of the existence of such corridors from civilians, and actively preventing civilians from leaving cities near the front lines. It is cited that out of more than 10 proposed humanitarian corridors throughout Ukraine, the authorities in Kiev have permitted only one, which through Sumy into Poland.

March 8th(?) - A video of a destroyed Urkainian tank shows that it has fake ERA.

March 8th - An image shows heavily damaged buildings in a central street of Kharkov.

March 9th - A short video shows a group of Ukrainian soldiers fortified in a kindergarten, presumably in the city of Odessa.

March 10th - A video shows a woman demanding Ukrainian soldiers remove their artillery from school premises, so that counterbattery fire does not affect the school and does not harm those inside.

March 11th - Drone footage shows as Ukrainian soldiers prevent nearly all civilian cars from fleeing a near-combat zone via a humanitarian corridor, and allow only a few select vehicles to pass.

March 13th - During heavy fighting in Mariupol, several residential buildings are hit by shells.

March 13th - A Ukrainian fighter is held prisoner by LDNR forces. During an interrogation/interview, he states that he worked as a machine-gunner, and that prior to Russia's intervention, his task was to eliminate individuals on sight - without confirming whether they were military targets. The man states that he may have killed about 10 civilians in this manner.

March 14th - Footage taken from a low-flying drone shows the extent of the damage inflicted on many buildings in the city of Mariupol.

March 14th - On Monday morning, a Ukrainian Tochka-U ballistic missile strikes a residential area in the center of the city of Donetsk, killing over 20 people and injuring others. According to reports, the missile was shot down but still inflicted widespread damage because of the use of cluster munitions. Later on this day, the Russian Ministry of Defense releases a briefing in which they promise to actively destroy any Ukrainian industrial facilities capable of building or repairing weapons, and calls for the workers of these facilities to evactuate immediately. According to the press briefing, this is an intentional attack on civilians far away from any military target, and an attack of this nature carries the direct approval of, at the very least, regional Ukrainian military command - indicating that this is an intentional attack by the ruling Ukrainian regime on civilians. Footage of the effects of the attack can be found here: [1] [2]

March 15th - A Ukrainian TV host openly calls for the extermination of Russian children and the genocide of ethnic Russians, citing the ideologies and ideas of senior officials of the German Nazi Party from WWII.

March 16th - A man films a video of a burning home in Luhansk Oblast, cursing Zelensky for the bombardment of a small home far away from any military target.

March 19th - A missile destroys several Ukrainian houses and dachas, which are reportedly far from any combat area.

March 21st - A large missile attack striking and destroying a civilian mall is reported by western propaganda as a war crime - in particular, the Daily Mail writes an article claiming the attack is a "near-desperate attempt to swing the war in (Russia's) favour" The facts that Ukrainian rocket artillery was filmed deploying in said mall after firing volleys of munitions, and that detonations occurred after the missile strike (ammunition cooking off), as well as the fact that the attack clearly happened at night (a time during which few civilians can be expected to be outside their homes) are all completely ignored by western propaganda.

March 22nd - A pro-Russian blogger and Latvian citizen Kirill Fedorov was arrested by Latvian authorities upon trying to leave the country to move to Russia. Kirill Fedorov runs a popular Russian-language YouTube channel История Оружия (History of Weaponry). After speaking up in support for the de-Nazification operation in Ukraine, Latvian authorities charged Kirill with violating the Latvian criminal code articles 74 (justification of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity) and article 78 (instigating racial and ethnic hatred) - despite the fact that nothing remotely resembling either of the two was even touched upon in any of Kirill's YouTube videos. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has stated that this is yet more evidence of the fact that freedom of speech, access to information, and human rights mean nothing to Latvia.

March 26th - A video emerges of Ukrainian fighters abusing Russian POWs, who are stripped of clothing and bound in the rear of a pickup truck. It is worth noting that the video is posted with the flag of the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion. On the same day, another video showing a similar event surfaces (possibly showing the same men).

March 26th - Multiple witnesses from Mariupol claim that Ukrainian army soldiers and Azov fighters are forcing people out of their apartments, which are then used as firing positions [2]. Multiple residents of the city claim that they were bottled up in the basements of residential buildings, even as their apartments were destroyed during the fighting above. No food or water was given to the residents for days on end, while they were being kept as de-facto hostages.

March 27th - NSFL Warning - A horrific video emerges showing Ukrainian soldiers torturing Russian POWs by beating them, putting bags over their heads, and shooting them in the legs while they are tied up - then waiting for them to bleed out while continuing to beat them.

March 28th - Ukrainian soldiers fire BM-21 Grad missiles at a residential area in Donetsk city - an area which is faraway from front lines and cannot physically house any targets that can be hit by unguided missiles. It is reported that at least two civilians have been injured as a result. Unconfirmed reports also suggest at least one fatality.

March 28th - Expanding bullets are confiscated from the captured fortifications of Azov Battalion fighters. These weapons are illegal according to the Geneva convention, because they expand when entering the body and cause a disproportionately large wound which is alost always fatal. The rounds shown in the video are of the 7.62x51mm caliber.

March 27th - Crowdfunded journalist Patrick Lancaster exposes as a war crime of the Azov fighters - in School №25, Mariupol, a mutilated and dead woman is found with a swastika painted on her body in blood. The city of Mariupol is in a state of catastrophe, as nearly all buildings are destroyed and dead civilians are left in the streets.

March 29th - Buildings in the city of Donetsk are heavily damaged after bombardment from Ukrainian BM-27 Uragan rocket artillery.

March 30th - Civilians holed up in Birthing Home №2 in Mariupol state that Azov Battalion forces are periodically shelling the birthing home, and that the humanitarian situation is catastrophic amid the fighting.

April 1st - The residents of Mariupol tell war correspondents that Azov fighters were holed up in a kindergarten during the fighting, and that children were kept hostage as living shields.

April 4th - Dead body NSFL - More footage emerges of Russian POWs after being shot by Ukrainian soldiers, even as their hands were tied. In one particularly disturbing video, a Ukrainian fighter desecrates the body of a dead Russian soldier by repeatedly stabbing the soldier in the face with a combat knife.

April 7th - A foreign mercnary, fighting for the Ukrainian army, [confirms in an interview that the Ukrainian forces have a policy of executing Russian POWs.[(

April 8th - Ukrainian forces launch a Tochka-U missile at a train station in the city of Kramatorsk, while blaming Russia for this action. It is reported that over 50 civilians have died as a result of this attack. Ukrainian sources have initially blamed Russia for this attack - however, Russia does not use Tochka-U missiles. Furthermore, it was immediately proven, based on where the tail segment ad the warhead of the missile struck that the attack came from Ukrainian-held territory from the west of the city. On April 9th, the serial number of the missile is discovered to be Ш91579, which is a Ukrainian serial number. This serial number is close to the serial numbers of two other Ukrainian Tochka-Us, which were used in Alchevsk, Luhansk Oblast on February 2nd, 2015 and in Logvinovo, Donetsk Oblast on February 13th, 2015. [1] [2] [3]

April 9th - Dead Body NSFL Images circle the internet which claim to show the remains of a Russian soldier, chained to an anti-tank hedgehog, after being tortured and burned alive. [1] [2]

April 10th - A video shows a woman screaming at a Ukrainian soldier, who is digging and placing land mines on private property in a residential area. The woman screams at the soldier that there are children in the area, implying that they might get blown up by Ukrainian land mines.

April 10th - A Ukrainian ATGM crew films themselves destroying some sort of ambulance or aid vehicle. The white color of the vehicle is not typical for military vehicles, and one of the soldiers notes that the vehicle is marked with a cross.

April 10th - Dead body NSFL A Ukrainian M997A3 Humvee military ambulance is destroyed, and the driver of the vehicle is killed.

April 10th - Dead body NSFL A video appears to show LNR forces dumping Ukrainian military KIA amid a garbage pile.

April 14th - Ukrainian helicopters bombard a Russian village 10 km from the Russia-Ukrainian border, damaging upwards of 100 homes and seriously injuring several civilians. On the same day, Ukrainian mortars shell civilian homes in Belgorod Oblast in another village close to the Russia-Ukrainian border. Neither location is anywhere near any Russian military positions. Additionally, an area in the city of Belgorod is set on fire following more bombardment. All three bombardments come one day after the Russian Ministry of Defense spokesperson Igor Konashenkov that if Russian territory is attacked by Ukrainian forces, the Russian military will retaliate by taking out the decision-making centers of Ukraine.

April 14th - Ukrainian forces shell a border crossing at the Russia-Ukraine border, targeting civilian cars attempting to leave Ukraine. Unconfirmed reports suggest that some civilians died in this shelling.

April 15th - German war correspondent Anna Lipp reports seeing dead people, whose hands were tied behind their backs as they were executed by Ukrainian fighters.

April 17th - Numerous dead bodies are filmed by Russian forces near Ilyich factory, Mariupol. The Russians claim that the civilians were intentionally gunned down by Azov and Ukrainian fighters, who were in the steel plant. [2] In Patrick Lancaster's report on this subject, local residents confirm that the Azov fighters are responsible for the massacre.

April 17th - A dead, handcuffed mercenary from the middle east is found in a garbage dump in Mariupol, allegedly after being executed for wanting to surrender.

May 3rd - A video is published on the internet showing the booby-trapped dead body of a man without legs. The body has clear signs of torture, and is rigged with an anti-tank mine. Multiple Javelin anti-tank missiles are also captured in the same location near Kherson.

May 5th - Photos emerge claiming to show signs of torture applied to the Kononovich Brothers. [1] [2] The Kononovich Brothers are activists who were arrested by the Ukrainian SBU in early March.

May 5th - A Ukrainian fighter records a video claiming that there are too many Russian POWs and that Ukrainian soldiers won't take any more, and will just kill them instead so that they don't plead innocence in the Hague. The Ukrainian fighter also says that Russia must be destroyed as a nation in order for Ukrainians to live.

May 5th - Ukrainian anti-establishment blogger and politician Anatoly Shariy is detained in Spain at the behest of the Ukrainian SBU.

May 5th - A Ukrainian POW makes a statement alleging that his commanding officer had shot and killed a distressed woman, as he was serving her food.

May 10th - In Donetsk city, rockets from a Ukrainian BM-27 Uragan MLRS land, killing one man. [1] [2] [3]

May 10th - 19 year old Alexander Dubyago in Riga, Latvia carries a Russian flag to the monument of Soviet liberators, after which he is detained and arrested by Latvian authorities and charged with justification of genocide and crimes against humanity, causing another international scandal between Latvia and Russia following the arrest and imprisonment of blogger Kirill Fedorov.

May 11th - The Russian village of Sokholi (population ~600), located near the Russian-Ukrainian border, is shelled by the Ukrainian military leading to at least 1 death and 6 injuries among civilians. [1] [2]

May 14th - Ukrainian ultra-right organization Right Sector posts a video, bragging of a 14 year-old teenager fighting on their side.

May 17th - The Russian village of Bezymeno (population ~800) in Belgorod region, bordering Ukraine, is shelled by the Ukrainian military. Reports state of one wounded civilian and of several damaged buildings. [1] [2] [3] [4]

May 18th - A Ukrainian soldier records a video bragging about several opposition party members from Ukraine, perceived as being pro-Russian, are killed without a trial or investigation - and threatens that the same will happen to anyone in Ukraine who is not anti-Russian. [1] [2]

May 26th - A video shows a teenager in army uniform, armed with a weapon, claiming to be fighting for the Ukrainian territorial defense.

May 26th - Dead body NSFL More footage shows KIA Ukrainian soldiers, many of whom are in body bags

May 27th - Dead body NSFL Ukrainian soldiers film a video showing dead Russian prisoners, who have clearly been tortured and mutilated in a barn.

May 28th - Death NSFL A Ukrainian soldier films himself killing an unarmed civilian, whose hands are bound. The Ukrainian soldier repeatedly stabs the man in the head and face with a combat knife, after accusing him of having connections to Russia.

June 12th - On the Russian national holiday "Russia Day", a terrorist attack takes place at the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Melitopol, Zaporozhiye region, wounding two civilians. [1] [2] [3]

June 13th - June ?? - The AFU begins daily artillery bombardment of the city of Donetsk, with hundreds of artillery shells and rockets being fired at civilian infrastructure within the city every day. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] On June 14th, German news outlet Tagesschau falsely claimed that the shelling was being inflicted by Russian soldiers. [9] On June 20th, an apparent HIMARS missile struck a residential building in Donetsk. [10]

June 27th - Ukrainian and pro-western sources claim that a Russian missile strike hit a shopping center in the city of Kremenchuk, at a time when over 1,000 civilians were located inside the building. [1] [2] [3] Photographs taken at the location show numerous suspicious things that contradict this claim, including: a lack of cars in the shop's parking lot, a lack of women or children in the area, a presence of armed men in military uniforms and protective vests, and the windows of cars near the mall all being perfectly intact. [4] [5] [6] The Russian Ministry of Defence's statement on this event claims that Russian missiles struck a nearby railroad link and a nearby factory, where ammunition was stored and cooked off - after which a fire spread to the nearby empty shopping center. [7]

July 2nd - Footage filmed by Ukrainian fighters appears on the internet, showing the Ukrainian fighters shooting a Russian POW in the legs as the POW is tied up and brutalized.

July 3rd - At 3 AM, Ukrainian forces launch a massive artillery barrage against the Russian cities of Belgorod, Kursk, the formerly-Ukrainian city of Melitopol, as well as population centers within the LPR and DPR. [1] It is announced that at least 5 people are killed and 11 wounded in Belgorod, while over 65 private homes and 28 apartment buildings are destroyed or damaged. [2] [3] Tochka-U missiles with cluster munition warheads, and Tu-143 UAVs are also used in the bombardment alongside BM-27 Uragan rockets. [4]

This section documents the sentiments and demonstrations of regular people and non-state actors around the world to the operation taking place in Ukraine. Events like protests, flash-mobs, attacks against ethnic Russians, and polling data are recorded in this section.

February 28th - Official polling data in the Russian Federation shows 68% of the population supporting the military operation in Ukraine, compared to 22% voicing sentiments against it.

February 28th - In Arkhangel Oblast, residents show their support for the operation in Ukraine.

February 28th - The IOC recommends banning Russian and Belorussian athletes from international sporting events, further alluding to the fact that the IOC's unproven doping allegations and previous bannings of Russia were politically motivated.

March 1st - Russia is banned from FIFA, tennis competitions, hockey competitions, the International Skating Union and many other western-controlled sporting organizations due to the conflict in Ukraine. Belarus has also been banned from many previously identified organizations.

March 2nd - An electronic billboard in Tyumen, Russia shows support for the operation in Ukraine.

March 2nd - A crowd gathers in support of Russia's operation in Beirut, Lebanon. [2]

March 2nd - A banner showing support for Ukraine in the Canadian Embassy in Beijing is spray-painted with the words "Fuck NATO".

March 2nd - A small crowd gathers in Chernogoriye, Russia to show support for the operation in Ukraine.

March 2nd - A poster in Baghdad, Iraq shows support for Russia.

March 2nd - Montenegran Serbs gather to show support for Russia and the Russian operation in Ukraine.

March 3rd - A crowd gathers in Novosibirsk to show support for the operation.

March 3rd - A Russian-speaking woman in Germany films the aftermath of vandalism against her store.

March 3rd - Russians in Germany report receiving hateful letters in their mailboxes. The letter presented reads: "Get out of Germany and go help your Putin destroy your country without violence. You are Russians, not Germans, and whatever you're doing here integration with Russians doesn't work, except for in GULAG archipelago. Pack your bags and f#ck off to Moscow."

March 3rd - Cars in Sevastopol, Crimea wave Russian flags to show support for the military operation in Ukraine.

March 2nd/3rd - Buildings in Russia light up with the letter Z to show support for the operation in Ukraine.

March 3rd - A Russian car is vandalized in Germany.

March 3rd - Polish company CD Projekt Red makes a statement in which they support Ukraine's government, announce that their games will not be sold in Russia or Belarus, and sound off a Nazi collaborationist slogan from WWII.

March 3rd - International Cat Federation bans Russian cats from competitions due to the war in Ukraine.

March 4th - A crowd gathers in Tbilisi, Georgia to show support for Ukraine.

March 4th - A large crowd gathers in Belgrade, Serbia to show support for Russia. The rally is being reported as having tens of thousands of people.

March 5th - In Kherson, Ukraine - a city of 250,000 people - about 200 protestors gather to demand the withdrawal of Russian forces.

March 5th - Hugo Boss, a company infamous for producing uniforms for Nazi Germany during WWII, withdraws its stores from Russia and publishes a statement in support of Ukraine.

March 5th - Remington (ammunition manufacturing company based in the US) promises to send 1 million rounds of ammunition to Ukraine.

March 5th - A small crowd gathers in Berlin, Germany to protest against anti-Russian discrimination.

March 6th - In Bulgaria, Soviet monuments and monuments to Russian soldiers are vandalized with anti-Russian and pro-Ukrainian symbols. [2]

March 6th - In Greece, a large crowd gathers to protest against NATO and burns NATO flags.

March 6th - In Almaty, Kazakhstan, a crowd gathers to voice support for Ukraine.

March 6th - An image surfaces of a note placed outside a restaraunt, telling Russian citizens to flagellate themselves by apologizing for the crimes of Putin and Lukashenko and stating that they are mass-murderers, and to feel ashamed before ordering food.

March 7th - In Dublin, Ireland, a man intentionally rams a truck through the gate of Russia's embassy. He claims to be "an average working class man."

March 7th - In the city of Melitopol (controlled by Russian forces) a relatively small anti-Russian and pro-Ukrainian rally takes place.

March 7th - A small gathering in Ethiopia sees Russian and Ethiopian flags waved in support of the Russian operation.

March 7th - A group of cossacks in Sydney, Australia organize a rally in support of Russia.

March 9th - In Chernogorsk, Russia - a rally is held to show support for the operation in Ukraine.

March 9th - More rallies take place in Syria, to show support for the Russian operation in Ukraine. [1] [2]

March 11th - Several videos appear on the internet in which men wielding automatic rifles, apparently in western Africa, express their readiness to fight for Russia against Ukraine, and call the Ukrainians 'European puppets'. [1] [2]

March 12th - More rallies take place in Syria to show support for the Russian operation, with reports claiming large rallies in Homs, Aleppo, and Damascus.

March 13th - In the Greek city of Thessaloniki, a rally is organized to show support for the Russian operation in Ukraine.

March 13th - In the Ukrainian city of Kherson (controlled by Russia), a considerable rally is held in which a large Ukrainian flag is displayed.

March 13th - In Belgrade, Serbia, another rally takes place to show support for the Russian operation in Ukraine. Various pro-Russian flags and emblems are waved from a convoy of cars. [1] [2] [3]

March 13th - In Dresden, Germany a rally is held to show support of the Russian operation by some local residents.

March 14th - Many Syrian fighters (veterans of the Syrian Civil War) express their readiness and desire to fight on Russia's side against Ukrainian nationalists in the Ukraine conflict.

March 19th - A large rally takes place in the Armenian capital of Yerevan to show support for the Russian military operation in Ukraine.

March 19th - A rally takes place in Bulgaria, showing support for the Russian military operation in Ukraine and calling for Bulgaria to leave NATO.

March 19th - In Tel Aviv, a Russian diplomat car is vandalized with the words "fascist" being spray-painted.

March 20th - In the Ukrainian city of Kherson (controlled by Russian forces) another pro-Ukrainian and anti-Russian rally takes place.

March 22nd - In Serbia, another rally is staged with a massive flag of the letter Z.

March 24th - On the anniversary of the start of the bombings of Belgrade by NATO forces, Serbians rally to condemn and express anger towards NATO while showing support for Russia amid its operation in Ukraine.

March 25th - In the town of Netanya, Israel - a pro-Russian rally is held by local residents. Slogans such as "for a world without fascism" are displayed.

March 26th - In Austria, a pro-Ukrainian rally takes place under the slogan "whoever doesn't jump is a Moskal"

March 26th - Amid a pro-Ukrainian rally in Prague, Czech Republic - the Russian embassy is vandalized with buckets of red paint.

March 27th - In the town of Kahovka, Kherson Oblast (controlled by Russian forces) a fairly small pro-Ukraine rally takes place.

March 27th - It is reported that pro-Russian rallies take place in several German cities, particularly by the Russian population. It is reported that there are several thousand participants. [2]

March 27th - A Tochka-U missile is shot down over the town of Khartisk, DNR oblast. [video]

March 29th - In Kyrgyzstan, a rally to support Russia is held amid Russia's military operation.

April 1st - A rally is held in Greece to show support for Russia amid Russia's special operation. Reportedly, this rally also called against western intervention in the conflict.

April 2nd(?) - The people of Cyprus hold a rally to support Russia amid the special operation in Ukraine.

April 3rd - A large rally is held in Moscow to support the special operation. [2] Additionally, other rallies are held in the Russian territories of Yamal and Tyumen.

April 3rd - Dead body NSFL - A video filmed by Donbass militia soldiers shows the remains of a Ukrainian position after heavy fighting.

April 3rd - A Russian drone guides artillery shells to hit a Ukrainian tank and cause an ammunition cook-off.

April 3rd - The British National Gallery renames artist Edgar Dages' drawing "Russian Dancers" to "Ukrainian Dancers".

April 6th - A rally takes place in Athens, Greece against Greece's involvement in the war and against the rise in cost of living.

April 6th - A rally takes place in Hungary against weapons shipments to Ukraine.

April 6th - Anti-NATO demonstrations take place in Athens, Greece.

April 6th - Residents of Berlin lie on the ground and pretend to be dead, with Ukrainian flags covering their bodies in response to the Ukrainian and western allegations of the Bucha Massacre.

April 8th - Armenian farmers organize a rally expressing support for the Russian operation in Ukraine.

April 8th - The residents of Yerevan protest against American biolaboratories in Ukraine. [1] [2] [3]

April 9th - In the capital of Cyprus, Limassol, a large rally in support of Russia takes place. [1] [2]

April 9th - In the capital of Mongolia, Ulan-Bator, a rally showing support for Russia's special operation in Ukraine takes place. [2]

April 10th - Greek police attempt to disperse a rally against sending arms shipments to Ukraine. [2]

April 10th - The Russian anthem is sung in the center of Rome, Italy.

April 10th - Hundreds of people rally to support Russia and wave Russian flags in Frankfurt, Germany.

April 10th - A small pro-Russian rally takes place in Noaya Kahovka, Kherson Oblast. This is the first pro-Russian rally in Ukraine since the start of the war.

April 12th - A rally is held in New Delhi, India to support Russia amid the Special Operation in Ukraine. Slogans such as "India and Russia are brothers" and "long live Russia-India friendship" are displayed. [2]

April 15th - Another pro-Russian rally takes place in Belgrade, Serbia.

April 16th - A pro-Russian car rally takes place in Lebanon.

April 26th - A pro-Ukrainian and anti-fascist rally meet in Milan, Italy.]

April 30th - A pro-Russian rally supporting the military operation in Ukraine takes place in Minsk, Belarus. This is the first such rally to take place since February 24th. [1] [2] [3]

May 1st - An anti-Putin rally takes place in London, UK.

May 8th - In Spain, a pro-Russian march and rally takes place with participants carrying Soviet and Russian flags, in honor of upcoming Victory in Europe Day.

May 9th - Women in western Ukraine rally and complain about their husbands and sons being sent to the front lines with little training, ammunition, or supplies.

May 9th - In Warsaw, Poland, a Russian ambassador is attacked by a mob and splashed with red paint upon trying to way a wreath to the tomb of the unknown soldier.

May 12th - In Gdansk, Poland, the monument to Soviet liberators is desecrated. Several stars are removed by vandals.

June 15th - Anti-Russian stickers with messages such as "planes with Russians must go down!" are photographed on commercial airliners from Lufthansa, Turkish Airlines, and other major airlines. [1] [2]

Late May - Early June - A Lithuanian crowd-funding movement raises 5.9 million Euros to buy a single TB-2 Bayraktar drone for the Ukrainian military. The Turkish drone manufacturer instead tells the crowdfunders to spend the money on humanitarian causes in Ukraine, and instead delivers the drone to the Lithuanian Ministry of Defense for free. It is expected that the Lithuanian Ministry of Defense will deliver the drone to Ukraine nonetheless.


The Ukrainian conflict has seen a lot of propaganda and outright fakes being created, in an attempt to strengthen the morale of one side and to demoralize the other. This section contains a collection of some of these fakes. Please note, that the term "fake" is not being used lightly - only claims, photos, and videos which can easily be proven false beyond a reasonable doubt will be documented here.

Please note that many more fakes are covered and exposed on the website

International Reactions

This section documents the political ramifications and reactions of foreign governments to the conflict in Ukraine. Sanctions declarations, weapons deliveries, military action, political statements are recoreded in this section.

February 26th - The US and EU announce that they will disconnect Russia from SWIFT, as well as place sanctions on Russia’s central bank. Only banks which are used to transfer payments for oil and gas will not be targeted. Additionally, Russia's foreign currency reserves are frozen by US, EU, British, and Canadian financial institutions, the total worth of which is approximately 340 billion USD.

February 28th – Ukrainian president Zelensky signs a decree requesting that Ukraine be urgently accepted as a member of the European Union.

March 1st - Poland, Slovakia, and Bulgaria donate 70 combat aircraft, including MiG-29s and Su-25s to Ukraine. The aircraft are reportedly allowed to use Polish airfields while executing combat missions.

March 1st - Japan sanctions Russian president Putin, foreign minister Lavrov, and minister of defense Shoigu.

March 1st - The Netherlands ships ATGMs and Stinger AA missiles to Ukraine.

March 3rd - Latvia promises to send 90 drones to Ukraine.

March 3rd - Russian Ministry of Defense press-briefing cites that western countries are sending mercenaries and private armies to Ukraine, which in turn are attacking Russian forces. Said mercenaries are armed with western equipment such as Stinger MANPAD missiles, Javelin ATGMs, and NLAWs, which require significant training to use. American PMCs are cited as already being in Ukraine, and the French Foreign Legion is cited as preparing to send ethnic Ukrainian fighters to Ukraine. Great Britain, the Netherlands, Denmark, Latvia, Poland, and Crotia are cited as having legally permitted their citizens to participate in the Ukrainian war.

June 19th - Lithuania declares a de-facto blockade of Russia's Kaliningrad region by prohibiting sanctions-related materials from travelling between Kaliningrad and the rest of Russia by rail. The sanctions-related materials make up approximately 50% of all transit. [1] [2]


February 25th - A heavy Ukrainian armored car rams a civilian vehicle on the road, presumably in Kiev.

February 26th - In Kherson Oblast, a Ukrainian dam which has been blocking water to the Crimean Peninsula since 2014 is destroyed, allowing fresh water to flow to Crimea.

February 26th - Kiev announces a curfew from 17:00 to 8:00 Anyone caught outside during this curfew will, according to the statements of Kiev's mayor, be considered Russian saboteurs.

February 26th - A Ukrainian BUK missile impacts a large residential building in Kiev, presumably after its guidance system failed.

February 26th - A Strela-10 (13 ton AA car) moving around Kiev runs over a civilian car. The driver is injured, but remains alive and is recovered from the wreckage by locals.

February 26th - 18,000 firearms are handed out to civilians in Kiev over a single day. No documents or identification are required to be issued weaponry.

February 26th - A video appears to show Ukrainian armed militia shooting Ukrainian soldiers in an intense firefight in Kiev. A heavily wounded soldier is executed by the militia, and a civilian car is run over by a military vehicle.

February 26th - After president Zelensky issues a statement proclaiming the 82 defenders of Zmeinniy island martyrs and issued medals to every soldier post-humously, footage emerged showing all the soldiers in Russian custody.

February 27th - Ukrainian authorities release convicts from prisons throughout the country, arming them with automatic weapons.

February 27th – Following the Ukrainian authorities’ decision to hand out automatic weapons to all civilians, armed men in military uniform are filmed shooting and robbing a civilian car, and viciously beating its driver in broad daylight (Zhytomir).

February 27th - In Kiev, a man is filmed being detained and shot by vigilantees for being outside during daytime curfew.

February 27th - UNIAN (official Ukrainian media) calls for its citizens to prepare molotov cocktails to throw onto advancing Russian armor.

February 28th - Hackers from Anonymous hack over 300 Russian websites as a response to the Ukrainian conflict.

February 28th - Ukrainian fighters make a show of greasing bullets in pig fat claiming that they will be used against Chechen fighters from Russia.

March 1st - Hackers from KillNet hack the website of Anonymous as a response to the DDoS attacks of the latter.

March 1st - Armed marauders are spotted on CCTV camera in a Ukrainian city.

March 1st - A local man films Ukrainian military personnel claiming his car under the pretense that the transport is needed for the military to reach the battlefield.

March 1st - Ukrainian militia kill an Israeli citizen attempting to evacuate to Moldova. Reportedly, the man was mistaken for a Chechen fighter during a stop at an improvised checkpoint.

March 1st - Ukrainian president Zelensky welcomes foreign fighters and announces that visa-restrictions will be removed for any foreigners wanting to fight for Ukraine. According to Zelensky, 16,000 foreign fighters are heading to Ukraine.

March 2nd - A group claiming to be an underground organization from Kiev publishes a video in which they call others to arm themselves, prepare for the signal, and to lead an armed resistance against the Ukrainian army when it is given. The organization claims to have sleeper cells all throughout Ukraine, and expresses their dissatisfaction with anti-Russian language laws and culture laws passed by the Ukrainian authorities. The speaker states *"our Russian brothers have come to help us and free us from the scum, but they can't because those f....s are covering themselves with meatshields, with women and children, and it's time for us (to take action)."

March 3rd - It is reported that the mayor of Kremmenoy, Lugansk Oblast is kidnapped and killed by nationalist forces after trying to establish a humanitarian corridor for the city.

March 3rd - A YouTube commercial calls Russians to overthrow their government citing the conflict in Ukraine.

March 3rd - A Moldovan woman records a video complaining that Ukrainian refugees have verbally attacked her for speaking Russian. In a separate video, a man claiming to be from Moldova states that about 30% of Ukrainian refugees are well-behaved, and that Moldova is honored to help them in dire times, whereas about 70% are not well-behaved, and take offense at Moldovans speaking in Russian. A third video shows a Ukrainian flag painted over a monument in Moldova.

March 3rd - A massive fire is filmed in Buch, Kiev Oblast.

March 3rd - Russian media interviews a Ukrainian Su-25 pilot whose jet was shot down over Kherson Oblast.

March 3rd - Russian hackers have taken down 755 Ukrainian websites, including all websites of the Ukrainian government.

March 4th - Senegal's Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemns the Ukrainian government for trying to recruit its citizens to fight against Russia.

March 4th - A man claiming to be a colonel of the Ukrainian army films himself in front of a large Soviet banner, calling for the people of Ukraine to depose the Ukrainian government.

March 4th - A US senator calls for "somebody in Russia to assassinate Putin" and makes a reference to one of the attempts to assassinate Adolf Hitler during WWII.

March 4th - Head of the Ukrainian Security Council threatens to kill opposition party leaders unless they join the frontlines on the outskirts of Kiev.

March 4th - The Ukrainian Defense Minister claims that victory for Ukraine is imminent. [2]

March 4th - A video emerges of police armed with automatic rifles allowing oligarchs to escape the country while holding back regular citizens.

March 5th - Facebook makes an overtly racist commercial in which the citizens of Anglo countries (US, UK, Canada) are described using positive words and Russians is described in exclusively negative terms.

March 5th - A video emerges showing a large mall in Mariupol destroyed by looters.

March 5th - A Ukrainian military academy near Odessa is destroyed, allegedly by two cruise missiles. The facility was reportedly empty or almost empty at the time of the attack.

March 5th - Coursera sends out emails informing their customers from Russia that they will no longer be able to participate in any online courses.

March 5th - Reddit bans all Russian media, as well as any websites with .ru in their domain name.

March 5th - Somewhere in Western Ukraine, armed marauders threaten and rob several civilian cars at gunpoint.

March 5th - British schools send emails telling students to wear yellow and blue in support of Ukraine, and sound off fascist collaborationist slogans from WWII.

March 5th - An organization calling itself the Peoples' Liberation Movement publishes a video in which Ukraine's ruling government is condemned as fascists, who are completely controlled by Anglo-Saxon countries. The author of the video calls the Russians brothers who have come to help overthrow the corrupt elites, and calls for people around Ukraine to prepare to take action against their government when the appropriate signal is given via public communication.

March 6th - It is announced that traces of hasty disposal of biological weapons research have been detected in the US-funded biological research laboratories near Kharkov and Poltava. Emergency orders issued by Ukrainian authorities are presented as evidence of this fact. It is claimed that weapons such as Anthrax and Plague were among those being developed. The next day, a map of biological weapons research facility in Ukraine is published by the Russian MOD.

March 6th - Denis Pushilin (head of the Donetsk People's Republic) announces that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are under NATO control and that they had plans to attack the Donbass and Crimea on March 8, 2022.

March 6th - A group claiming to represent the Odessa Underground releases a video in which they promise to avenge the Odessa Massacre of 2014, and to wage guerilla warfare against the Ukrainian authorities until the Ukrainian government is removed from power. The men call for Ukrainian soldiers to join their side to cleanse the hero-city (Odessa) from fascists, and calls Ukrainian army servicemen to join them

March 7th - Ukraine announces that 20000 people from 52 countries have volunteered to fight on Ukraine's side against Russia in the war. [1] [2]

March 7th - Sources from the Russian Ministry of Defense indicate that Ukraine is preparing to detonate one of its own nuclear reactors in a false flag operation. Allegedly, the SBU and Azov battalion are involved in this operation and are preparing to detonate an experimental reactor for this purpose.

March 7th - A Ukrainian soldier burns his army passport and tells Zelensky to f!#k off in a video, after being ordered to stop a Russian tank advance and not being given anti-tank weapons.

March 7th - An armored Russian train is filmed in Zaporozhskaya Oblast, Ukraine.

March 7th - A group of international students protest against being used as cannon fodder and meat shields by nationalist Ukrainian fighters. The students chant "let us go home".

March 8th - Ukrainian president Zelensky signs a decree ordering all Ukrainian peacekeepers from around the world to immediately return to Ukraine along with their equipment.

March 9th - In Odessa, an incident of armed road-rage sees a man threaten to use an automatic rifle against another driver.

March 9th - A scandal erupts after German private clinic Iatros publishes a statement, saying that it refuses to treat any Russian or Belorussian citizens, even in emergencies.

March 9th - A Ukrainian milita group detains several Ukrainian soldiers after several of the militia group's members are killed. The ensuing video then shows Ukrainian soldiers being forced to denounce Zelensky and say that they love Putin.

March 9th - The Russian Ministry of Defense claims to uncover detailed plans, according to which the Ukrainian Armed Forces and militias were supposed to attack the Donbass in early March 2022. Photos of the documents in question are published: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

March 10th - US press secretary Jane Psaki announces that western sanctions have "basically crushed Russia's economy", echoing the famous words of former US president Obama from 2015: "Russia's economy is in tatters".

March 11th - A large Nazi flag is projected in a Kiev mall, Bandera Street.

March 11th - Russia opens a criminal procedure after Meta allows for posts on Instagram and Facebook to call for death against Russians over the conflict in Ukraine. This occurs as Meta also allows praise of the internationally recognized neo-Nazi militia known as the "Azov Battalion.

March 11th - Russian airborne forces are filmed in Kiev Oblast from a UAV.

March 11th - The US White House organizes a briefing with top Tik-Tok influencers to "brief" the latter about the conflict in Ukraine, and asking Tik-Tok influencers to then generate support for Ukraine and against Russia through their followers. Two days later, Ukrainian president Zelensky thanks Meta for their policies during this conflict.

March 13th - A group of Ukrainian fighters claiming to be from Kharkov record a short video, in which the flags of several far-right Ukrainian militias are displayed as the fighters chant Nazi slogans.

March 13th - The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs publishes an advertisement, enticing Germans to contact Ukrainian recruiters and fight in the Ukrainian conflict against Russia.

March 14th - Ukrainian territorial defense forces near the city of Dnieper publish a video announcing their loyalty to the Azov Battalion.

March 14th - In the city of Kiev, a factory belonging to the globally reknowned aircraft construction bureau Antonov is on fire for unspecified reasons.

March 14th - Petr Getsko, chairman of the Rusyn in Transcarpathia, records a statement discussing the need to establish an independent, pro-Russian state in western Ukraine. In the statement it is said that Transcarpathia must become the Carpathian Rus.

March 15th - US Lt. Gen Ben Hodges makes the claim that Russia is about 10 days away from exhausting its supplies of ammunition and manpower, at which point the assault will stop.

March 15th - The US Associated Press notes that many western volunteers arriving to Ukraine are nothing but a ragtag collection of individuals, many of whom are left vulnerable as they wait to recieve weapons and ammunition.

March 15th - Russia announces personal sanctions against 13 representatives of the US political elite, including US president Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Vice President Kamala Harris. This is announced several weeks after the United States announced similar sanctions against representatives of the Russian political elite, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, Secretary of Defense Sergei Shoigu, and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

March 15th - Russia launches a formal procedure to permanently leave the Council of Europe. This comes after all Russian representatives are suspended from the Council of Europe.

March 16th - The American PMC Private Observations Group writes a post, in which they effectively whine about their soldiers being killed after volunteering to fight as mercenaries in a war against the Russian military. The post promises: "These fucking animals will answer for every life with a thousand of their lives."

March 16th - A man claiming to be a US volunteer fighting for Ukraine records a video, in which he says that Ukraine is a trap - volunteers coming to fight on the side of the Ukrainian government are being sent to fight the Russian military and the LDNR militaries without any equipment, and are beaten and theatened to be shot if they refuse to fight a professional military without weapons. The man claims that Ukrainians are counting British, Canadians, and American dead as Ukrainian KIAs, and that fleeing the country is nearly impossible as the Ukrainian border patrol cuts up passports of those attempting to leave if they are identified as possibly belonging to a military or mercenary force.

March 17th - During a speech, US president Biden calls Russian president Putin a "murderous dictator" and a "pure thug".

March 18th - In Kiev Oblast, the Russian military takes over Ukrainian FM and broadcasts a radio message claiming that Ukrainian soldiers are completely surrounded, and that they may leave the battlefield unharmed via humanitarian corridors after leaving their weapons behind.

March 19th - A resident of Riga, Latvia records a video discussing violent crimes being perpetrated by Ukrainian refugee men. According to the video's author, there have been a number of cases of violent assaults, including one in which a woman was pepper-sprayed for speaking Russian, and one in which a 70 year-old man was physically attacked for speaking Russian to the refugees after the refugees failed to understand Latvian.

March 20th - A massive trucker column is seen in Spain, protesting high fuel costs after the implementation of anti-Russian sanctions.

March 20th - Iranian students recount their experience trying to flee Ukraine - one student states that foreigners were left without food, water, or other supplies in the cold for six days, while Ukrainians were left unharassed. Border guards would beat people, especially black people. Several black people died at the border, including from hypothermia.

March 20th - Ukraine uses the war as an excuse to permanently ban 11 opposition parties, as well as to unite all media channels into a single channel called "United News". Centrist and left-of-centre parties such as the Socialist Party of Ukraine and Nashi are among those banned for alleged links to Russia. No moves to ban right-leaning parties with links to Neo-Nazis, such as Svoboda, are seen.

March 21st - A Ukrainian ammonium plant is damaged, causing a leak of ammonia gas which is reported to be potentially dangerous to around 2.5 kilometers.

March 21st - In the city of Mariupol, Russian war correspondents come under heavy mortar fire from the Azov Battalion, with at least one correspondent being injured. A local resident claims that the shelling is the most intense they have seen in five days, and that the press were likely the target of the attack.

March 21st - During an interview, an Azerbaijani mercenary fighting for the post-Maidan Ukrainian government calls Armenians "worse than animals" on live T.V.

March 22nd - After firing off a volley of unguided rockets, a Ka-52 helicopter maneuvers to avoid a Stinger missile.

March 22nd - Ukrainian media outlet Obozrevatel writes an article claiming that "the occupants have enough ammunition and food for three days, a fuel deficit is emerging" (for Russia)

March 23rd - In the city of Mariupol, a 97-year old WW2 veteran Anna Ivanovna is freed from being a hostage of the Azov Battalion after 23 days of fighting. Anna Ivanovna endured the first 6 days of fighting without food or water, and was eventually evacuated on a wheelchair due to a broken limbAnna Ivanovna was taken prisoner by Nazi forces in 1942, and states that this is the second time she was taken captive by Nazis.

March 23rd - Russia announces that it will only accept rubles (instead of dollars) as payment for natural gas delivered to unfriendly countries.

March 23rd - Russian hacker group Killnet takes down the website of Latvia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs in response to the arrest of Kirill Fedorov.

March 24th - Two drunk men belonging to the Ukrainian Territorial Defense harass a man in front of his wife for not having been conscripted.

March 24th - Ukrainian media personality Dmitry Gordon states "I genuinely wish the Russian people to perish in chaos, poverty, in cold and hunger" One week earlier, Dmitry Gordon made a statement on live TV, saying that Joe Biden is a leader of a great nation who should use the US' vast military budget to destroy Russia's "garbage dump" of a military and nuke Russia.

March 24th - Ukrainian president Zelensky publishes a statement asking NATO to deliver 1% of the tanks and aircraft of the military alliance to Ukraine. This comes as Russian military sources claim the destruction of 1558 of Ukraine's tanks and armored vehicles since February 24th - indicating a possible shortage of such vehicles in Ukraine's arsenal.

March 24th - A squad of American mercenaries film themselves fighting near the outskits of Kiev. One video shows what the mercenaries claim is a destroyed Russian tank.

March 24th - Russian military enlistment offices announce that volunteers may now officially enlist to participate in the military operation in Ukraine. It is reported that only men with military experience are accepted, most of whom are 30-40 years old.

March 25th - During a daily briefing, the Russian Ministry of Defense announces the military losses of its armed forces: 1351 KIA and 3825 wounded.

March 26th - Turkish sailors film what appears to be a Ukrainian naval mine, drifting in the Bosphorous Strait. Naval passage through the Bosphorous Strait is closed afterwards. More mines are spotted and defused by the Turkish navy near Bulgaria in the following days.

March 26th - Soldiers from the breakaway formerly-Georgian republic of South Ossetia move to assist Russia in the military operation in Ukraine. [2]

March 26th - Lithuana harasses Russian trains moving from Kaliningrad to Moscow by blasting propaganda over loudspeaders and placing dozens of propaganda posters (pertaining to the war in Ukraine) as the trainS pass through Lithuanian territory.

March 26th - A video shows anti-tank mines are carelessly unloaded (dumped) from a truck by Ukrainian soldiers.

March 26th - When speaking in Warsaw, Poland - US President Joe Biden says that Russian president Putin cannot remain in power. This comes just 6 days after Joe Biden previously stated that the US is not seeking regime change in Russia.

March 27th - In Gostomel Airport near Kiev, a Russian war correspondent films a short video proving that Russian forces control the facility, contrary to Ukrainian media's claims.

March 27th - A roadsign in Lithuania says: MINSK: 187 KM (OCCUPIED BY KREMLIN)

March 27th - A French mercenary in Ukraine gleefully talks about being "ready to Rambo".

March 27th - A Ukrainian blogger is forced to his knees and forcibly shaven, humiliated after saying that there are too many Ukrainian flags in his city.

March 27th - A captured Ukrainian soldier who is high on drugs laughs and gleefully talks about not being beaten by his Russian captors.

March 27th - Ukrainian "witches" burn a scarecrow of Putin in an occult ritual.

March 27th - In the city of Mariupol, a stash of drugs, including Methadone (created by German scientists during WWII) is discovered in one of the apartments used by Azov fighters as a holdout. The video author comments that it is "no wonder the Azov fighters were fighting so hard and not surrendering".

March 28th - A multi-kilometer line of refugees in cars flee the heavily contested city of Mariupol.

March 29th - A strange image emerges from Kharkov, showing a man dressed in a WWII Nazi uniform being detained in Kharkov.

March 29th - The remains of a Ukrainian Tochka-U are filmed in Mariupol.

March 29th - Russian-Ukrainian peace negotiations take place in Turkey. In these talks, Ukraine proposes to abandon the pursuit of NATO membership and recognize the Donbass republics, as well as Russia's sovereignty over Crimea - and will sign a legally binding agreement promising to not pursue the development of nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons and to refrain from hosting foreign military infrastructure - in exchange for receiving various western states as security guarantors. According to these proposals, the ruling Ukrainian government would remain in power. When announcing the outcome of the peace negotiations, the Russian delegation stutters, appears shaken, and is visibly uncomfortable as it "asks" the Ukrainian side to abide by the Geneva Convention and refrain from future war crimes and tortures of Russian POWs. This, along with the conciliatory appearance of the talks, results in an outrage among the Russian public and among some representatives of the political class, most notably president of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov.

March 31st - A Ukrainian blogger who makes a short video pointing out that the Ruble will soon be a new currency in Ukraine is afterwards found by Ukrainian authorities and forced to apologize, as well as redact his claims amid tears.

March 31st - The Times article (British publication) written with the help of war correspondent Catherine Philip tries to justify the Azov Battalion by implying that they are not nazis and that they are actually fighting the "real" nazis, which are clearly implied to be the Russian and pro-Russian forces.

March 31st - R-448M Auriga sattelite communications devices are placed on the ground by Russian soldiers in Kiev Oblast, suggesting that at least some military operations in the area will continue.

April 1st - A short video showcases a "Banderamobile" - a pickup truck with a machine gun welded to the rear - fielded by Ukrainian mercenaries.

April 2nd - Greek anti-NATO activists throw red paint on NATO vehicles moving towards the border with Ukraine.

April 2nd - Videos of a German children's journal glorifying NATO and demonizing Russia are filmed and exposed. [1] [2] [3]

April 2nd - Wikipedia article on the Battle of Kiev calls the operation a Ukrainian military victory.

April 3rd - A video shows a Ukrainian bridge rigged with aviation bombs.

April 3rd - An interesting video emerges in which a Ukrainian soldier spots civilians without blue bands and asks if he should shoot them, only to be answered with "what the f4ck do you think?!"

April 3rd - Boris Filatov, the mayor of the Ukrainian city of Dnepro, writes a post calling for ethnic Russians to be killed all around the world.

April 3rd - Russian military personnel confiscate various obsolete weapons (some from WWII), including an anti-tank weapon, from a Ukrainian citizen.

April 5th - The Czech Republic is the first western country to send heavy fighting equipment to Ukraine, sending several T-72M1s and BMP-1s by train.

April 5th - Following the previous shootdown of Ukrainian helicopters attempting to evacuate fighters from the Azovstal steelworks in Mariupol, the Russian MOD announces that two more Mi-8 helicopters are shot down by man-portable air defences near Mariupol.

April 5th - A Ukrainian fighter of the Aidar Battalion (reknowned neo-nazi battalion) is is interrogated by Russian soldiers. During the interrogation, the fighter testifies that the battalion was trained by Lithuanian military personnel, and repeats the military salute of the Aidar battalion - showing its eerie similarity to the Nazi German salute from WWII.

April 6th - A commander of the mercenary organization Georgian Legion openly states on air that they execute Russian POWs and that they will not take any prisoners.

April 6th - During an interview with a Ukrainian soldier in the Donbass, the soldier states that Russian aviation is the most terrifying thing for the soldiers on the frontlines.

April 6th - The mayor of the Russian city of Belgorod explains that the digging of anti-tank trenches near the city is a precautionary measure.

April 6th - The Pope holds up a Ukrainian flag marked with the iron cross of the Ukrainian military.

April 6th - A video of Ukrainian soldiers moving by bicycle appears on the internet, suggesting a lack of vehicles and fuel. On the same day, a photograph is posted showing a Ukrainian soldier on a motorcycle.

April 6th - Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky gives a speech to the UN demanding Russia's removal from the UN Security Council.

April 7th - A short video filmed by Ukrainian soldiers shows their low morale. One of the soldiers says on camera: "we're fucked".

April 7th - A photo shows a man in Ukraine duct-taped to a lamp post.

April 8th - Ukrainian soldiers film themselves taking cover in a school.

April 8th - Slovakia sends S-300 batteries to Ukraine. [2]. Two days later, Russian sources report the destruction of this battery.

April 8th - During airtime, US news outlet NBC openly and proudly admits to spreading fake news and spinning narratives which are untrue.

April 9th - A Ukrainian train is sighted carrying towed artillery, which, judging by the faded paint coloration, appears to be very aged equipment taken out of storage.

April 9th - A Ukrainian civilian ship called "Apache" attempts to evacuate the fighters trapped in Mariupol. After being repeatedly warned by Russian coastal guard to divert course, the ship is fired upon, after which it is confiscated by the Russian military and agrees to follow the directions of the Russian Coast Guard.

April 9th - A child wearing a Ukrainian flag cape signs about killing Russians in the center of Berlin, Germany.

April 10th - An ISIS-style propaganda video is published in Ukraine, showing a Ukrainian woman in traditional clothing slicing the throat of (an actor who pretends to be) a Russian soldier.

April 11th - An order is given from Ukrainian president Zelensky for Ukrainian forces to invade Russian territory and attack targets within Russia. Belgorod Oblast is cited as the primary area in which Ukrainian forces will attempt to invade.

April 11th - During an interview, a French journalist recounts his experience in Ukraine, during which he reveals that American personnel control the foreign legion fighting in Ukraine. According to the journalist, the American fighter was very rude and hostile towards the journalists, and said "I am in charge here, not the Ukrainians, but me."

April 11th - Eduard Basurin, spokesperson of the DNR militia, reveals in a press conference that around 90,000 to 100,000 Ukrainian forces are massed in the Donbass along an area which is 200 km wide and "stretches all the way to the center of Ukraine."

April 12th - Poland sends Soviet-era military equipment to Ukraine, including T-72M tanks of which it announces the plans to send 100 units to Ukraine. [2]

April 13th - A photograph shows a Ukrainian soldier firing a DShK machine gun, which is welded to the roof of a pickup truck. Another photo shows Ukrainian soldiers in a civilian car, along with a Maxim machine gun, a DP-27 machine gun (both from WWII), an AK-74, and an RPG-7.

April 13th - CNN writes an article glorifying the use of child soldiers by Ukraine.

April 13th - Joe Biden calls Russian actions in Ukraine a "genocide", only one week after stating that there is no genocide in Ukraine when being questioned by a journalist. Other members of the US State Department, including Victoria Nuland, also back this claim.

April 14th - The Ukrainian Rada recognizes the Russian war in Ukraine as a genocide.

April 14th - The Russian Pacific Fleet and the Russian Baltic Fleet carry out naval exercises, in which Kalibr cruise missiles are used against dummy targets. [1] [2]

April 14th - Two separate videos show old men aged over 60 and young teenagers aged under 18 conscripted in the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

April 15th - Russian war correspondent Alexander Sladkov shows forensic evidence which indicates the OSCE's involvement in the Ukraine War, by using high-powered cameras and communications devices to guide Ukrainian artillery to strike Russian forces.

April 15th - Russia uses Tu-22M3 bombers to bomb the Ukrainian garrison at Azovstal. This is confirmed by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

April 16th - Russian forces discover large stockpiles of Soviet-era anti-personnel mines in secured Ilyich factory, Mariupol. Ukraine previously claimed to have destroyed its stockpiles of anti-personnel mines.

April 16th - An enormous crater is filmed by Ukrainian forces caused by some explosion, likely by an Iskander missile.

April 16th - A Russian-language page of the UK-based Bellingcat organization shows an article trying to whitewash Stepan Bandera, who collaborated with Nazis and organized ethnic cleansings during WWII.

April 16th - A Russian war correspondent shows enormous stockpiles of munitions in the basement of a captured building in Mariupol. The stockpile contains Soviet and foreign weapons, and according to the soldier being interviewed, it is enough for a company to keep fighting for around 2 months.

April 18th - Ukrainian soldiers film themselves in a civilian bus, apparently moving to the front lines.

April 19th - The Rozovsk region of Zaporozhiye Oblast, Ukraine votes to temporarily join the Donetsk Peoples' Republic.

April 20th - Ukrainian ATGM operators film themselves setting up an ambush position in a graveyard.

April 20th - Gore light NSFL Blogger Vladimir Kuleshov is shot dead outside his apartment in Kherson, Ukraine after being suspected of pro-Russian views. [2]

April 21st - A video on the internet shows a Ukrainian civilian arguing with a soldier as the soldier complains about the lack of functioning equipment and lack of coherent orders. The soldier notes that many of his unit's machine guns do not work properly.

April 22nd - It is announced that a large number of Ethiopian volunteers have inquired about volunteering to fight in Ukraine on Russia's behalf. Despite this, the Russian embassy in Ethiopia does not enlist foreign nationals. [2]

April 23rd - A woman is glued to a tree by Ukrainian paramilitaries in Odessa.

April 23rd - Large train convoys carrying fuel leave Moldova for Ukraine. A video of one such convoy can be found phere](

April 25th - Vitaly Kim, governor of the Ukrainian Nikolaev oblast, announces in an interview that pro-Russian Ukrainian citizens need to be assassinated.

April 29th - NSFL Warning A disturbing video shows a Ukrainian civilian extracting human remains from a destroyed armored vehicle, cooking them, and eating them. The Ukrainian civilian appears to believe that the destroyed tank is a Russian armored vehicle, and brags about eating the remains of a dead Russian soldier.

April 29th - An alleged looter is left tied to a tree in the city of Nikolaev.

April 30th - Another video shows a Ukrainian alleged looter taped to a post and publicly humiliated.

May 1st - In Transcarpathia, tension mounts as women protest their sons and husbands being sent to war.

May 2nd - US media outlet Associated Press praises and films members of the Ukrainian SBU for rounding up pro-Russian Ukrainians in territories held by the Kiev authorities. In the video, SBU members accuse citizens of having pro-Russian memes on their cellphones. [1] [2]

May 3rd - A collection of second-rate firearms, including hunting rifles is allegedly seized from captured territorial defense forces in Kharkov oblast.

May 6th - Two Georgian mercenaries fighting in Ukraine film themselves, as a mortar shell explodes and injures one of the mercenaries.

May 6th - In Kharkov, Ukrainian civilians beat a tied up POW from the Luhansk Peoples Republic militia, calling him "Luhansk scum". Ukraine formally considers Luhansk to be a part of its territory at this time.

May 6th - Gore NSFL A somewhat disturbing short video shows an Azov fighter bleeding, with soaked bandages and a hand that is dangling uselessly, hyperventilating in a building of the Azovstal complex without proper medical aid.

May 7th - A video shows a Ukrainian soldier screaming at civilians and shooting at the ground beneath them to intimidate people.

May 8/9th - New photos and videos emerge showing civilians duct-taped to lamp posts in Ukraine, after allegations of looting. Some of these civilians show signs of beating and are verbally abused and threatened. [1] [2] [3]

May 9th - A photo shared by Volodymyr Zelensky on social media honoring victory day inadvertently shows a Ukrainian soldier wearing an SS Totenkopf insignia.

May 10th - Photos of Ukrainian soldiers on electric bikes, allegedly due to a fuel shortage. [1] [2]

March 11th - A civilian in Ukraine is duct-taped to a lamp post, his head is dunked in black paint by vigilantees over allegations of looting. A separate instance of this is also recorded in another area.

March 11th - A Russian T-72 tank keeps moving after being struck by an NLAW anti-tank missile.

May 12th - Several drunk Ukrainian refugees beat a Polish man to death in Warsaw, Poland [1] [2]

May 13th - European Parliament member and leader of Russian-Latvian Union Tatyana Zhdanok, as well as anti-Nazi Committee activist Alexey Sharipov are arrested by police in Riga for protesting the removal of a WWII memorial. [1] [2] [3]

May 15th - Several dozen soldiers of the 115th AFU brigade record an appeal, in which they complain of abandoning positions, being forced to retreat from April 19th to May 3rd, and complain about the lack of any secondary defensive positions. On May 24th, soldiers of the 115th brigade are filmed in detention center #6, presumably in Kirovograd, where they are charged with desertion as their family members record a public appeal to Zelensky to free the soldiers. On May 31st the soldiers of this brigade record a video, complaining of the conditions in which they are being detained in Artemovsk, Donetsk Oblast. The video shows squalor, dirty and cramped cells, along with an accusation that the soldiers are being subjected to starvation by their commanders. [2]

May 16th - During a missile attack on Lvov on the night between May 15th and May 16th, a Ukrainian anti-air missile is filmed malfuctioning and almost killing a cameraman on the ground.

May 16th - American citizen Joseph Ward is claimed to be one of the American mercenaries trapped and KIA in Azovstal. Joseph Ward's passport is shown on camera.

May 16th - Ukrainian soldiers film themselves dancing in a Ukrainian school which is being used as a defensive position.

May 17th - A Ukrainian Tochka-U missile lands in Soledar, Luhansk region (controlled by Ukrainian forces).

May 18th - Aerial combat footage shows a Russian tank withstanding a hit to the side from an RPG, and returning fire. [1] [2] [3]

May 21st - A Russian warship in the Black Sea is filmed firing a Kalibr cruise missile.

May 22nd - A photo is posted on the internet, of a grave which reads "here lies an unknown soldier of the AFU...treat your enemy as you would want them to treat you. Rest in Peace. 11.05.2022"

May 22nd - A US army instructor is filmed by a Ukrainian citizen in Krivoy Rog.

May 23rd - A Russian warship in the Black Sea fires a salvo of four Kalibr cruise missiles.

May 23rd - Ukrainian territorial defense fighters record an appeal to Ukrainian authorities, complaining of low morale and poor logistical support - notably, only being given basic firearms to fight against a professional military.

May 24th - Ukrainian soldiers of the 28th AFU Brigade, 13th Battalion record a public appeal, complaining of poor logistical support, low troop morale, and insurmountable tasks being set before them by their commanders.

May 25th - A Ukrainian soldier located near Kharkov records a complaint, in which he is very irate at the fact that "tik-tok troops" who published a video claiming to have reached the Russian border and then fled during the resulting counterattack, are getting attention and recognition - as defenders in their rear (who are holding back the Russian counterattack in the face of heavy artillery and aerial bombardment) get no recognition.

May 25th - Several dozen Ukrainian territorial defense servicemen record their public refusal to fight, complaining of having their weapons taken from them and threatened with prosecution for desertion, as the soldiers say that they "do not want to be cannon fodder".

May 25th - A salvo of Kalibr cruise missiles is fired by a Russian warship in the Black Sea. Later that day, an Iskander ballistic missile is fired.

May 25th - Battlefield footage shows Ukrainian soldiers retreating, allegedly from Krasny Liman, on a BTR-80. The Ukrainian soldiers can be seen hurriedly stopping, and then gathering their comrades before driving away.

May 26th - Kalibr-K missiles are fired at targets in Ukraine.

May 27th - An image shows a Maxim gun welded to a pickup truck in Ukraine.

May 27th - Footage shows a Russian T-72B3 tank surviving a direct hit from an anti-tank missile, as one of the crew bails out.

May 27th - A Ukrainian soldier records a short video, complaining of a Maxim machine gun in his unit's trench.

May 27th - A short video shows Ukrainian soldiers moving on a cart, which is drawn by a miniature engine.

May 29th - Members of the Ukrainian 30th Mechanized Brigade, 3rd battalion, 9th company record a video, complaining of the dire situation on the front lines and the lack of equipment. It is stated that many of their comrades are killed or wounded, and that they have no clear task or mission.

May 29th - A Ukrainian unit, seemingly platoon-sized, records a video complaining of the dire situation on the front lines, stating that they have no equipment and were issued only a few grenades and bottles of water among them.

May 30th - A Ukrainian soldier records a video of half of his platoon being issued assault rifles, whereas the other half are issued shovels.

May 30th - A Ukrainian soldier, wielding an assault rifle, is photographed in the open trunk of an old, moving Soviet-era civilian car.

May 30th - A Ukrainian tank crewman recounts how he was abandoned by his comrades following the destruction of their tank, as he is treated for significant injuries by Russian combat medics. The video also shows the destruction of the tank in question and the crew fleeing the tank, which is filmed by a UAV.

May 31st - A foreign, English-speaking journalist films the moment that a Russian shell hits his position, and injures one of the nearby soldiers.

May 31st - The lead constructor of the Ukrainian Antonov aircraft design bureau is arrested by the Ukrainian SBU over allegations of supporting the Russian military special operation, based off of content posted to the internet. [2]

June 1st - The 18th Ukrainian separate marine, now part of the 35th brigade of the AFU, records a video in which they state that the counteroffensive on the Kherson-Nikolaev front has been a total failure. The battalion has failed to capture any objectives, while suffering 80 casualties of dead and wounded soldiers over the course of 4 days. The battalion commander states that they are willing to continue the war, but only under a different political and military leadership, which is more considerate of the lives of their subordinates.

June 1st - Claimed representatives of the Odessa Underground Resistance record a video atop what appears to be a captured Ukrainian BTR. The men state that Zelensky plans to turn Odessa into a second Mariupol, vow to fight against the Zelensky government, and call upon other residents of Odessa to join them.

June 1st - A Russian navy ship fires at least 4 Kalibr cruise missiles from the Black Sea.

June 2nd - A Russian navy ship is filmed firing at least 6 Kalibr cruise missiles from the Black Sea.

June 3rd - Moldova cuts off energy imports from the breakaway region of Transnistria, choosing instead to import electric energy from Ukraine. [1] [2]

June 3rd - Russian soldiers capture a large Ukrainian military base, and film a large amount of humanitarian aid which had been hoarded inside the facility. Items such as food, children's clothing, baby strollers, and other items are discovered inside packages within the military facility.

June 4th - A contingent of foreign mercenaries are filmed by a war correspondent in the industrial area of Severodonetsk.

June 4th - A self-described Ukrainian nationalist group known as Karpatska Sich records a video complaining of the upcoming LGBT-pride parade in Warsaw, Poland, which is called "Kiev Pride".

June 4th - A Ukrainian soldier is treated for injuries by Russian servicemen following an ATGM strike on the Ukrainian position.

June 6th - An article published on The International Magazine of Events states that the Russian force in Ukraine is increasingly "a spent force", and that the fighting for Severodonetsk is part of a Russian media campaign meant to give the illusion that the Russian army is not the wreck that it is, while claiming that after the fall of Severodonetsk, Ukraine will still have the ability to counterattack and win the war.

June 6th - A Ukrainian soldier in Lisichansk films a video, in which he accuses the officer in front of him of hitting him three times, accusing him of cowardice, and being drunk. The soldier mentions that he had been defending Ukrainian positions in Donbass for two months despite the lack of military equipment.

June 6th - Georgian mercenaries film themselves in Severodonetsk.

June 6th - A man is wrapped to a lamp-post and publicly humiliated in Ukraine after being accused of looting.

June 6th - Photos surface, apparently showing various makeshift vehicle-mounted weapons being used by the AFU.

June 6th - Ukrainian footage shows a Stugna-P ATGM striking a Russian tank without apparent destruction.

June 7th - A bridge leading across the Seversky Donets river near Svyatogorsk Lavra is destroyed, allegedly by Ukrainian rear forces.

June 7th - A motorcycle-towed Maxim machine gun is filmed, apparently being used by the AFU.

June 8th - US General Stephen Twitty reports that 200,000 Ukrainian soldiers have "disappeared from sight" since the start of the war.

June 10th - An automatic S-60 57-mm autocannon is filmed being used by the AFU ground forces for direct fire.

June 10th - A Ukrainian official informs the BBC that Ukraine is losing 100-200 soldiers KIA per day in the war. [1] [2]

June 12th - A man in Ukraine is duct-taped to a post in an act of vigilantee justice, after allegedly trying to rob the home of a deceased Ukrainian soldier.

June 13th - Footage released by the Russian MOD shows four Kalibr cruise missiles being launched from a ship.

June 14th - Four kalibr cruise missiles are filmed during launch in footage released by the Russian MOD.

June 16th - A video shows Ukrainian forces using a rocket pod welded to a pickup truck as an improvised MLRS.

June 16th - When interviewed, A Ukrainian soldier states that all contract soldiers in his unit have been killed, leaving only poorly trained and underequipped conscripts. The soldier then complains about the lack of basic necessities such as drinking water, and states that their faith in the Ukrainian high command is non-existent.

June 19th - Russia claims to have eliminated over 50 Ukrainian generals and commanders during a meeting of the commanding staff in Dnepopetrovsk region. [1] [2] [3]

June 24th - A bill is proposed to the Ukrainian Rada which would permit the enlistment of handicapped men, given their consent. [1] [2] [3]

June 27th - Ukrainian official Irina Verechuk asks Russian authorities to confirm the identities of around 15,000 Ukrainian POWs, who are believed to be in Russian and DPR/LPR captivity. [1]

The Bucha Massacre
