Muon tests failing on Linux with Geant4 10.1 and 10.2

Issue #130 resolved
Jochem Snuverink created an issue

The muon tests muon_e- and muon_e+ are segfaulting on Linux with Geant4 10.1 and 10.2 (on mac and 10.0 they run). See, e.g. The physics list is:

physicsList="em em_extra hadronic_elastic QGSP_BERT muon";

and the stacktrace:

#0  0x00007ffff393d220 in G4VBiasingOperator::ExitingBiasing(G4Track const*, G4BiasingProcessInterface const*) ()
   from /homelocal/accsoft/build/geant4.10.01.p02-install/lib/
#1  0x00007ffff3941853 in G4BiasingProcessInterface::PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength(G4Track const&, double, G4ForceCondition*) ()
   from /homelocal/accsoft/build/geant4.10.01.p02-install/lib/
#2  0x00007ffff4f5fac1 in G4SteppingManager::DefinePhysicalStepLength() ()
   from /homelocal/accsoft/build/geant4.10.01.p02-install/lib/
#3  0x00007ffff4f5dbdf in G4SteppingManager::Stepping() ()
   from /homelocal/accsoft/build/geant4.10.01.p02-install/lib/
#4  0x00007ffff4f6882c in G4TrackingManager::ProcessOneTrack(G4Track*) ()
   from /homelocal/accsoft/build/geant4.10.01.p02-install/lib/
#5  0x00007ffff519fbda in G4EventManager::DoProcessing(G4Event*) ()
   from /homelocal/accsoft/build/geant4.10.01.p02-install/lib/
#6  0x00007ffff5433ed7 in G4RunManager::ProcessOneEvent(int) ()
   from /homelocal/accsoft/build/geant4.10.01.p02-install/lib/
#7  0x00000000004e3ec2 in BDSRunManager::ProcessOneEvent(int) ()
#8  0x00007ffff5432553 in G4RunManager::DoEventLoop(int, char const*, int) ()
   from /homelocal/accsoft/build/geant4.10.01.p02-install/lib/
#9  0x00000000004e37fb in BDSRunManager::DoEventLoop(int, char const*, int) ()
#10 0x00007ffff543234e in G4RunManager::BeamOn(int, char const*, int) ()
   from /homelocal/accsoft/build/geant4.10.01.p02-install/lib/
#11 0x000000000047a6c8 in main ()

Comments (6)

  1. Jochem Snuverink reporter

    definitely happens with physics list "muon". Improved traceback on 10.2.0

    #0  G4VBiasingOperator::ExitingBiasing(G4Track const*, G4BiasingProcessInterface const*) ()
        at /afs/
    #1  0x00007fffeff5cc43 in G4BiasingProcessInterface::PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength(G4Track const&, double, G4ForceCondition*) ()
        at /afs/
    #2  0x00007ffff1c47d21 in G4SteppingManager::DefinePhysicalStepLength() ()
        at /afs/
    #3  0x00007ffff1c45f9f in G4SteppingManager::Stepping() ()
        at /afs/
    #4  0x00007ffff1c5102c in G4TrackingManager::ProcessOneTrack(G4Track*) ()
        at /afs/
    #5  0x00007ffff1e85bea in G4EventManager::DoProcessing(G4Event*) ()
        at /afs/
    #6  0x00007ffff2110b97 in G4RunManager::ProcessOneEvent(int) ()
        at /afs/
    #7  0x0000000000715e2a in BDSRunManager::ProcessOneEvent(int) ()
        at /afs/
    #8  0x00007ffff210f283 in G4RunManager::DoEventLoop(int, char const*, int) ()
        at /afs/
    #9  0x0000000000715bbe in BDSRunManager::DoEventLoop(int, char const*, int) ()
        at /afs/
    #10 0x00007ffff210f07e in G4RunManager::BeamOn(int, char const*, int) ()
        at /afs/
    #11 0x0000000000715a5a in BDSRunManager::BeamOn(int, char const*, int) ()
        at /afs/
    #12 0x00000000006c5025 in main ()
        at /afs/
  2. Jochem Snuverink reporter

    This happens for the process G4Cerenkov. Not all relevant particles were defined in ConstructParticle(). These are added now.

    I have the feeling that MuonPhysics needs to be reviewed at some point.

  3. Jochem Snuverink reporter

    The previous commit was not working, possibly I had fooled myself by adding the optical process which also fixed the tests. Two other commits were needed f815254 and 12af12b. The former for an uninitialised value on hadronic_elastic and the latter to switch on Scintillation for muons when Cerenkov is on.

  4. Jochem Snuverink reporter

    fixed by commit 1623aa4 : switching on Cerenkov radiation and scintillation also for elec/positrons when on for muons; prevents the crash in 10.1

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