default range cut does not overwrite other production cuts (when not set)

Issue #209 resolved
Jochem Snuverink created an issue

From email conversation with @nevay.

If one sets

option, defaultRangeCut  = 10*um;

I had expected that all production cuts are set to this value. Unfortunately this is not the case, the others always take precedent (even if not explicitly set), from BDSModularPhysicsList::SetCuts() :


G4double prodCutPhotons   = globals->ProdCutPhotons();
G4double prodCutElectrons = globals->ProdCutElectrons();
G4double prodCutPositrons = globals->ProdCutPositrons();
G4double prodCutProtons   = globals->ProdCutProtons();

SetCutValue(prodCutPhotons,  "gamma");
SetCutValue(prodCutProtons,  "proton");

Response from @nevay:

If we could detect whether these were set or not, we could set them individually and therefore the default would pervade.

I think setting only the default should apply to the others and we need to change the logic in We should also update the manual to be explicit about the behaviour.

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