Conflict with GDML material having the same name as a BDSIM one

Issue #347 resolved
Laurie Nevay created an issue

Reported by Luke. If a loaded GDML material name is the same as a BDSIM one, then the next time a BDSIM one is used, it will apparently conflict with the BDSIM predefined one and the program will exit.

Comments (1)

  1. Laurie Nevay reporter

    Fix Issue #347. Reimplement duplicate material name checks to better identify a variety of scenarios with and without preprocessing of material names when loading GDML. Uset sets for quick and simpler syntax searching. Better print out of aliases. Fix bug where we would complain about a bdsim predefined material only after loading a gdml file with a material with the same name.

    → <<cset aa7ee6899772>>

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