rectangular elliptical beampipe has overlaps in bends

Issue #95 resolved
Jochem Snuverink created an issue

The "rectellipse" beampipe geometry has overlaps in the angled bend after a drift. E.g. the test 6_beampipe_rectellipse:

Checking overlaps for volume d1_vacuum_pv ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume d1_beampipe_pv ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume sb1_1_of_4_vacuum_pv ... 
-------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW -------
*** G4Exception : GeomVol1002
      issued by : G4PVPlacement::CheckOverlaps()
Overlap with mother volume !
          Overlap is detected for volume sb1_1_of_4_vacuum_pv
          with its mother volume sb1_1_of_4_container_lv
          at mother local point (0.447233,-8.02121,37.5046), overlapping by at least: 5.5907 um 
NOTE: Reached maximum fixed number -1- of overlaps reports for this volume !
*** This is just a warning message. ***
-------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW -------

Checking overlaps for volume sb1_1_of_4_beampipe_pv ... 
-------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW -------
*** G4Exception : GeomVol1002
      issued by : G4PVPlacement::CheckOverlaps()
Overlap with mother volume !
          Overlap is detected for volume sb1_1_of_4_beampipe_pv
          with its mother volume sb1_1_of_4_container_lv
          at mother local point (19.3363,-7.08828,-37.7407), overlapping by at least: 241.716 um 
NOTE: Reached maximum fixed number -1- of overlaps reports for this volume !
*** This is just a warning message. ***
-------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW -------

Comments (3)

  1. Laurie Nevay

    Confirmed. There was a bug in the construction of the container solid in the case of angled faces for rectellipse beam pipe geometry. This has been fixed with commit #b535e5a.

    The G4Box used to create the intersection of the ellipse and rectangle for the container volume wasn't long enough resulting in the container having a part angled, part flat face. The contents therefore protruded out of it.

    Screen Shot 2015-10-21 at 13.25.28.png

  2. Laurie Nevay

    fix issue #95 - overlap in rect ellipse beam pipe geometry - container intersection solid (flat face solid before angled cut) was too short resulting in half of container face not having proper angle and the contents therefore protuding outside the container.

    → <<cset b535e5a6ff9f>>

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