ZoomView is no longer usable since 3.12

Issue #7 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi. Since Qgis 3.12, ZoomView is no longer usable because the right click which allows to move the view conflicts with a new functionality of Qgis which allows to copy coordinates. Can you do what is necessary so that it is still possible to use your essential tool.

Comments (4)

  1. Andreas Janz repo owner

    I see, this happens, when using the “Pan Map” tool.

    @Benjamin Jakimow , I remember that you told me about the new context menus for map views. Is there a signal or similar, so that I can get notified about the right-mouse click? Any suggestions are welcome.

  2. Andreas Janz repo owner

    I can’t resolve the problem. It seams that QGIS is not forwarding the RightMouseClicked event in case of the PanTool and the different ZoomTools.

    I also tried to connect to the QgsMapCanvas::contextMenuAboutToShow, but that signal also is not triggered (testet with QGIS 3.16.0).

    For other tools it seams to work fine, e.g. the IdentifyFeaturesTool also shows a context menu on right mouse click, and the ZoomView extent is updated correctly.

    To make the PanTool somehow work again, I will update the ZoomView extent on mouse left click.

    For all other map tools, the right mouse button seams to work fine, even if a context menu was shown.

    BTW - if you have a mouse with a wheel, you didn’t need the PanTool and the ZoomTools at all, you can just hold the wheel pressed to pan, and scroll up and down for zoom in and out.

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