Add option to delete game file(s) when deleting games

Issue #101 resolved
Jason Carr repo owner created an issue

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Comments (29)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    I would LOVE to have this as an option, I constantly have to open the games folder and delete the rom separately.

  2. Jo Taylor

    Very important, every time I've gone through sorting games, I've punched the table due to this feature being currently missing :) please guys add this!!

  3. Brad Cheyne

    Of course, with a game deleted, go to Tools and use the option "Clean Up Images". You don't need to delete metadata, and video is the only thing left over but that will be included and probably changed to "Clean Up Media". You can manually delete the video in the Video folder if need be though.

  4. William Jones

    Yeah getting rid of all of the data when deleting games keeps things tidy. The best example as to why you'd want to delete games is because of duplicate games.

    For example, I own Donkey Kong on about 10 different consoles. However, the arcade version is the best so I deleted all of my other versions, because I won't ever play them and I don't like looking at duplicate games when I look through the Donkey Kong series list or 2D Platformers list. This is just one example of hundreds of games that I have duplicates of that I've had to manually delete all metadata for.

  5. Erin Haleen

    It's great that it gets rid of images but I think were talking about the actual ROM files (or .exe and game data), right?

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    Yeah, I meant the original roms; old metadata can at least be removed by running cleanup.

  7. Brad Cheyne

    Old images can be removed from that process, but not video or music. An update for that is needed and Jason does know about that.

  8. Brad Cheyne

    I think the intention with that is for it to be rolled up in to Tools -> Clean Up Images and change it to "Clean Up Media".

  9. DJQuad

    Oh for sure. Keep in mind there are lots migrating from HyperSpin that have used HyperSync to sync all media. For example for Commodore 64 I have 1937 games out of 8312, yet I have 5GB of media because of HyperSync.

  10. Former user Account Deleted

    I would love a 'delete file when deleting from database' feature. It would certainly save an incredible amount of time instead of doing it all manually.

  11. dark

    The issue is really bad from so many aspects. Try to import duplicates with different names, and you end up with a ton of data in the application. Try to delete duplicate from the UI, and you have to do a second pass in the folder where the roms are, to delete the physical rom. At last, you have to delete the rest of the metadata that are in the application folder.

    I like the way that iTunes does: you delete from library, and it ask you if you want to delete also the physical file. When you do so, the metadata, album art, and all related info are deleted from the XML file for the library, and at the same time, if you delete the physical file, you have no more trace of the file in the application at all.

    If you have a huge collection of roms; this is essential IMO. Can you please implement this "soon-ish"? At tme moment I am forced to handle my rom collection on an old macbook using Open Emu; exactly because that frontend is able to delete the file itself when you remove it from the library. I like more Launchbox, so I hope that I can abandon Open Emu forever, and just have one set of roms to deal with.

  12. Brad Cheyne

    The best way to handle a collection would still not necessarily be a front end. Windows Search is faster, but ultimately No-Intro sets as a base are also a smarter idea. This is still an essential feature, but it's no way ideal for managing a large collection at all.

  13. dark

    I understand that a frontend is not the ideal way to manage a collection; although iTunes is a frontend, and it is used to manage large music and video collections.

    Here, all that is asked is to keep track of the file location on disk, and when the game is deleted by the frontend UI, the rom is also deleted, like every other metadata and related media (manual, music, images and so on). Keep the roms that a person play the most, on a dedicated cabinet, is the main usage of Launchbox? I believe not.

    The ideal would be to have the feature in Launchbox; then if people wants to use the application as main tool to handle roms, at least they have a way to do simple deletion of clones and duplicates. Many do not have time to go through thousands of files, check them one by one and such. It is much easier to dump the roms in a frontend; try the rom and if you don't want it, delete it directly from there.

  14. Erin Haleen

    I'd like to agree with what dark is saying. If it took the same approach that iTunes does then that would be amazing.

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