slow load, very slow on switching games

Issue #1234 new
Mike created an issue

6.3 Windows 10 all the time

Every time I load the app it takes a good 2 mins to get going and Then when Im in the switching between take 30sec to a min to load. I really want to switch to this from hyperspin but needs this speed/lag fixed,

Comments (18)

  1. Kirsten Marie

    Hi Mike! How many games do you have in your collection and what are your PC specs? It is not typical for it to take so long.

  2. Mike reporter

    I have 26196 in games. My pc specs are a Asus 990fx with a fx8350 cpu oc to 4.5mhz. I have a gforce 970 and 32 gigs of memory. I have one 250gig ssd to boot the pc and then 4 4tb hds with my games, media and roms. I have maybe 8 systems setup and when i select on it wait give screen shift and then comes up.

  3. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Mike, that sounds odd, considering your specs. Can you email me your LaunchBox.xml file to Thanks; I'll run some tests and see what I can figure out.

  4. Jason Carr repo owner

    Thanks, Mike. I got the XML and loaded it up and I'm seeing it take about 15 seconds to load up LaunchBox on launch and then less than 2 seconds when switching between platforms. So it looks like there's something strange going on on your machine that we should try and troubleshoot. Any chance you're using a network drive or anything like that?

  5. Mike reporter

    No network drive launchbox is on one drive and my roms on another. I am running windows 10 could that be blocking something?

  6. Jegeroel

    Hi Mike, i've had a similar (same?) problem as you for a while. After a fresh reboot of my computer Launchbox (and associated emulators) starts fast. After a while, BigBox will suddenly take something like 2 minutes to start (while normal Launchbox is still launching at normal speed).

    Most emulators will pause/freeze at startup and take 41 seconds (yep, i took the time :)) before they continue. Out of the 9-10 emulators i use, i'd say half of them are affected by this, each taking precisely 41 seconds to start up. As these usually starts instantly, i'm guessing it's some common/shared windows library that is the problem. This might not be a LaunchBox (or more specifically, BigBox) related problem, but i can't recall having seen it happen after a computer reboot when i only launch the emulators and don't use LaunchBox.

    When i get home i'll try updating/fixing the .NET installation to see if that could be causing it, as it's not unlikely the emulators (and also certain other software) affected is built on .NET.

    LaunchBox 6.7, Windows 10 Pro (ver. 1607)

    @mikea213 : If you reboot your computer, will it temporarily fix the problem for you?

  7. Mike reporter

    Rebooting does seemed to speed up after the last update. But didnt get a chance to test it out (damn health problems take charge,of my life)

  8. Chris Gilbert

    Along with splitting the XML into platform-specific XMLs, have you considered allowing the user to then select which platform(s) they load when booting Launchbox? This would be in a similar way to Gamebase, in that you don't have all platforms in memory at the same time. Switching platforms whilst Launchbox is active would be a lot slower, but it may help with navigating through a single platform?

  9. Carl Paulino

    Yeah, BB takes forever to launch on my computer as well, i5 2500k cpu, 8GB ram (6GB free), nvidia gtx 1070 video, everything (except i moved LB image cache folder) Launchbox is running off of usb 3.0 drive plugged into usb 3.0 port, win 10 x64 latest updates. OS on fast SSD drive. Regular Launchbox takes longer than I would like also, but not nearly as long as BB. Regular LB also takes longer than I'd like switching platforms. I have no security software at all running, not even the built in Win10 stuff as I disabled it. I've always found .NET apps to launch extremely slowly on many different computers I've had over the years.

  10. Jegeroel

    Carl: by forever, do you mean 15-20 sec, or 2 minutes? The problem Mike has with BB taking 2 mins. to load and emulators taking 30 secs for starting a game seems like a very specific thing. I'm experiencing the same thing as he. Difference for me is that it can work properly (BB launching in a few seconds, emulators instantly) for some hours before this happens. A reboot will fix it again temporarily for me.

    The thing is that not all programs are affected by this. Some games, emulators and programs continues to launch at normal speed, while retroarch, mame, steam big picture and more has that 30-40 sec startup time. I haven't been able to figure out the common denominator for the apps that's affected by this, but i'm thinking it's not related to .NET (as LaunchBox continues to boot quickly), but rather when a program is accessing some graphics API call or function.

    Not sure if this is a BigBox related issue, but i haven't been able to trigger this issue yet when i only launch the emulators/games by themselves (as in, not through BB) after a reboot.

  11. Carl Paulino

    Jegerol: mine takes 30 seconds to load to a usable wheel. I think I have seen random cases where an emulator didn't quick off like normal, but I can't say for sure or for how long.

  12. Jason Carr repo owner

    Thanks guys. This particular issue is obviously some kind of conflict where something in particular is making LaunchBox/Big Box very slow. I tried Mike's XML and it loaded up relatively quickly on my machines so it seems there's some kind of a configuration issue that is causing it. Of course it's extremely hard for me to figure out because I don't have access to the computers that are having the problem. I'm sort of stuck on this one.

    If any of you are willing to do a screen sharing session or something of that nature, let me know. It's still going to be very difficult to solve, but that might bring us a step forward.

  13. Carl Paulino

    Sure, I can give you control of my desktop with free Teamviewer. Just download and run it. I can send you the login info when you want to do it.

  14. Carl Paulino

    Should probably note that LB also takes quit a bit of time to exit as well when closing. The LB gui interface closes quickly, but the launchbox.exe process remains for quite a while before it finishes and exits. So launching BB from LB obviously hits you with a double whammie wait as LB has to close down and then the wait for BB to start up.

  15. Jason Carr repo owner

    Sounds good Carl. Email me at and we can arrange a time. :)

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