Changes not saving on exit

Issue #1908 resolved
Dave Nelson created an issue

6.12, Win 10, all the time

New instance of LB. When in my custom field view on the sidebar, I make a single bulk edit to some items and navigate away to "refresh", or "save changes" in case that's needed. I shut down the app properly. Upon starting it again, the changes have not saved and I try it again to a different small batch of bulk edits, same thing every time. In case it's due to editing games that don't need to be changed, I tried that too, same result.

Comments (10)

  1. Dave Nelson reporter

    Just reinstalled, same problem. LB currently unusable for my purposes, waiting for 7.0.

  2. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi bikeking8, sounds like we may have an issue with making cross-platform bulk edits? Does that sound right?

  3. Dave Nelson reporter

    No, just Bulk Edit in general. I just tried saving a genre change to only 3 games on the same platform, waiting 20 seconds, exiting and restarting; still didn't save changes made. Things I've tried include bulk edits of the same games under different "views" in the sidebar, clicking around the sidebar in case LB required other actions done to save changes, changing LB to run as administrator and finally reinstalling. LB has always been installed in C:\Users*user*\ .

  4. Dave Nelson reporter

    Tried again, now not saving even single edits. How long does it take for LB to save changes to the XML?

  5. Jason Carr repo owner

    It should happen very quickly and LaunchBox shouldn't exit without finishing the task (though window may be hidden). A lot has been fixed in the latest betas; I'd appreciate if you could download the latest beta and let me know if you're still seeing these issues.

  6. Dave Nelson reporter

    Updated to the latest beta (12?) this morning, seems to have cleared up the saving problem and the multiple selection problem.

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